Monday, January 21, 2008

Life of a King!

For Christmas, Papa (my dad) made they boys a bunk bed. It is awesome and Austin loves it. When James gets older, he will get to use it too. But for now, Austin gets to choose, which of the two beds to sleep on. Life of a king!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I gotta get me one of those

I'm sitting and looking at pictures because I'm not sleepy. I came across this one and remembered how much fun it was. Riding a bike is pretty much as close to total freedom as I have felt in a long time.
I need a kickstart, and to hear the announcer in my head say "He's on fire!"
-Edit, 19Feb08:
So, in the interest of not sounding like a caged animal (which I am not) I have edited the above post to sound less lame.