Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Man!

For the graduation BBQ the boys had shirts that said "My dad is the MAN!"
It's true, he is the man! We are so proud of his great graduation. The biggest bummer is that he missed gradation with honors (Cum laude) by just a tiny bit. He graduated with a 3.49 and needed a 3.5. Oh well! Great job anyhow.


A new frontier

So, it's mostly official. Cam is going to work for Cypress Semiconductors here is Boise. He actually has the paperwork in his hand. So as long as he can sign it and return it to the company, we're in. Whew! I can say that having that taken care of really reduces the stress around here. Now for a new adventure. We need a place to move to. A house would be best. Although we did see a nice single wide trailer that had been updated by adding stucco to the outside. Interesting. Maybe we could do something like that. Just a slight mix of trash and class. That might fit us just right. We are starting to dive into this house stuff and it is more complicated than I thought (complicated = stress). We are meeting with a realtor and a financier today, so we shall see what kind of news they have. I'm sure we will keep you all posted. (Hey, so far we have done pretty well.)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gnu's news

So, today is my last day of academic work at BSU as an undergrad. I'm pretty stoked! I normally wouldn't be writing this while I should be studying for a final, but I'm waiting for a 300 page document to print and it's taking a while. Don't worry, I put four pages per sheet, so it's really only 75 pages. I am somewhat environmentally conscious at least.

-By the way, I got an offer at Cypress. I think I'm going to take it, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to extricate myself from the Micron situation gracefully. I'm sure I'll think of something, and then I'll go tromping out gracefully like a herd of elephants.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I do update, I really do....

This is Austin. Suzanne asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I'm Spiderman, mom!" I don't know where he picked that up...

A favorite pastime, reading with the boys.

So, contrary to Suzanne's belief, I am posting something on our blog. Nevermind the fact that my Xanga has sat untouched for the past 18 months, I am perfectly capable of contributing to this on occasion.
At any rate, we had some funny pics to post, so I get to do it since Suzanne's wrist is hurting. That's my real excuse for posting. So there.
For an update on us... I'm graduating on Saturday. Hooray! One or the other of us has been in school since we got married. It will be a nice change I think to not have to worry about homework and papers and studying for a while and just be able to spend time together.
On that note, I need to get some sleep as I have a job interview at Cypress tomorrow morning.
Hi all.
So we have done it. We now have a blog. (thanks to some Engstrom inspiration) We (meaning I) will try to at least post pictures on here so you can all see our crazy kids. Maybe we will even put an actual post on here too. Who knows.