Monday, November 14, 2011

New Product Announcement

BOISE, Idaho, Nov 11, 2011 -- Stewart Inc. today announced the development of a new addition to their existing family of products. In addition to their current models AC, JR, and BL, Stewart Inc. is announcing a new model to be available in May, 2012.

“Based on the success of our previous products we think now is a great time to grow the success of the Stewart Family with a new model,” said CameronStewart, Chairman and CEO of Stewart Inc. “We broke new ground when we introduced our AC model in 2004, and our JR and BL models continue to be popular designs with our partners. We look forward to extending those successes with our new model.”

 “We’re still quite early in the development process and thus aren’t ready to announce specific features for this new model, which we are developing under the code-name ‘Project X’for now,” said Suzanne Stewart, CFO and Executive Vice President of New Product Development. “We're currently only in the early prototyping phases but we are confident that Project X will be a resounding success and just as well received as the previous three models.”

Release of the Project X platform is projected for mid-May, 2012.


Stewart Inc. was founded in 2000 as a joint venture between Stewart Systems and Baker Securities. For more information about the Stewart Inc. family of products, see the company's website at

In accordance with the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, some statements in this news release look forward in time, and involve risks and uncertainties that may affect the company’s actual results of operations.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just a little DIY flooring

Like all projects, this one was very simple in our minds and become a little more involved the further we got into it.  It is nearing completion now, and we love it.  Cam has done an awesome job.  My brother was also much help with the demolition of the old kitchen floor.  My dad provided some much needed tools (like the table saw!)


So this is kinda the before.  Light beige carpet.  Well worn.  10 years old.


I pulled up most of the carpet, pad and tack strips.  The grey stuff on the subfloor, yeah, that’s piles of dirt.  Ick.  From the last 10 years.  So gross.

2010-12-31 floor 001

2010-12-31 floor 002

This was part of my removal crew.  They pulled a lot of the staples out in the family room.  They stuck with it for a long time too.


So once we took up the carpet, we discovered that the builder put down particle board under all the vinyl.  Leaving us with uneven subfloor.  So, the particle board had to go.  Too bad it was glued and stapled excessively.  Above is Cam, kicking the small nail prier to try to get underneath some of the flooring.  We used really advanced techniques.

2011-01-01 floor 004

The inspectors where on site, a lot.2011-01-08 floor 002

This little inspector wanted to be everywhere, but we tried to fence him out.



2011-01-08 floor 001

I took the kids Saturday, all day to my parents so Cam and my brother could work.  This is what we came home too.  No floor in the kitchen. And lots of dust everywhere.

2011-01-08 floor 003

My back patio was the dumpsite for the old floor. (Vinyl, particle board and tons and tons of long staples.)  Note the sliding door is open at 9pm at night.  Yeah, the house was 55 degrees when I came home too.

2011-01-12 floor 001

Collateral damage—My brother knocked a hole in the wall.  Guess we’ll fix it.

2011-01-10 002

The kids kinda liked having the furniture every where.  This chair, facing the wall, was the favorite place to sit. (Fridge on left, stove on right, half blocking the hall way.)


2011-01-12 floor 003

Benjamin’s highchair was in the spot where the fridge usually goes.  It was great, till he started smearing his lunch on the wall next to him.

2011-01-09 floor 001

Ohhhhh, half way there.



2011-01-12 floor 005

My garage.  I can’t park in it.  It’s full.

2011-01-12 floor 007

30 some empty boxes of flooring, saw dust, scrap pieces.

2011-01-12 floor 006

The saw table. 

2011-01-12 floor 008

Carpet pad, old entertainment center and rolls of old carpet behind it.




2011-01-12 floor 009

The living room (still needs a rug and some redecorating). 

2011-01-13 floor 001

Kitchen (yea!!! Stove is back!!!)


Kids doing a happy dance in the family room

So glad a lot of it is finished.  Now just to get the new moldings up.  Hmmm.  Great work Cam!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin

We made it 10 years! Happy aluminum anniversary to us! I love you deeper each day.

Spouse:  someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single.  ~Author Unknown

Thank you Cam, for standing by me, through thick and thin.  I imagine there is more adventure to come.  I love you!

2010-03-01 0042010-03-02 0112010-03-05 010

Hey, lets go back to Hawaii!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A visit with Santa’s Helper

The library hosted a visit with Santa (although at our house, we know that this is truly Santa’s helper, not the REAL Santa).  Cam was busy, so it was just me and my 3 boys.  We got there early because I really didn’t want to be waiting in line with 4000 of my closest friends and their hyper kids.  Luckily, we were the 3rd family in line.  Yippee. 

James had no problem visiting with the jolly helper. (For Christmas he wants a Nerf gun).

2010-12-11 001

Austin (who is about as tall as Santa) informed Santa that he would like a two sided light saber. (Hmmm.)

2010-12-11 002

Benjamin was at first captivated by the candy canes.  Then he looked up, into the hairy white face of a stranger…

2010-12-11 003

Benjamin was no longer a happy little guy.  Doesn’t seem to phase Austin and James at all.

2010-12-11 005

I kinda like this last picture. 

The pot calling the kettle black

I know.  I know.

I look at friend’s/family blogs and think “ I wish they would update this.  It hasn’t been updated for 2 months.”  Oh yeah.  My last entry was in September.  Hmmm.

Friday, September 10, 2010

James is 4!!

James is a happy, helpful boy. Right now he loves super heros, star wars, policemen, firemen. He likes to color and do his workbook. He is very imaginative and like to create "art". He loves jumping on the trampoline, playing baseball, riding his bike and going to the park. James loves to be around others, especially Austin. James is a great helper with Benjamin and can always make Benjamin laugh.
He has a big heart and sensitive feelings but is a rough and tumble kind of boy. We love you James sooooo much and are so lucky to have you in our family.
Look at how much he has grown!!!
James at about 4 weeks.

James at 1.
James at 2.
James at 3.
And now, at 4!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Benjamin!

Time flies.  I can’t believe my baby boy is one.  020


Benjamin has been such a sweet addition to our family.  He is loving and crazy, seems to fit in just right.  He can be patient and quiet but if the conditions require, he has no problem in “speaking up”.

We love you Benjamin!  This past year has been so much fun, we look forward to spending forever with you!

2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 002

2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 003

2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 005

2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 008  

His brothers were just as excited as he was, maybe even more.  I guess because they know what birthdays are all about!


2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 010


2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 0112010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 013

He had no problem knowing what to do with the cupcake.  I guess you don’t get to be his size by picking at your food.

2010-07-16 Benjamin's 1st bday 016

I know. I know.

I know I am very behind on blogging.  I’m going to catch up the summer the best I can.  We have been busy.  Doing what?  I dunno.  Just summer stuff.  Seems like I have at least 10 things that I could be doing at most any waking moment.  Unfortunately blogging gets pushed to the bottom of the list.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Some randomness of pictures

2010-06-30 002

Benjamin might be our biggest boy yet.  In the above picture he isn’t even one yet, and well, he seems to be a gigantic baby.  Especially while sitting on his brother’s lap.

2010-07-08 001

2010-07-08 007

They all love the play tent but  Benjamin LOVES the play tent.  When I have to take him out, he cries so hard.  He just wants to be one of the big boys!

2010-05-26 004  2010-06-01 001

Ben spends a lot of time looking outside to see what his brothers are doing. 


2010-04-11 0042010-04-11 005

I do love these crazy boys!

Oh, what do you do in the summertime?


We don’t have a “real” pool but the kids get good use out of our little wading pool.  I put Benjamin in there and he was pretty sure he was one of the big boys.  He loved it!

2010-06-28 010

2010-06-28 015

2010-06-28 018 2010-06-28 020

Benjamin got a little daring and starting reaching to the grass, he almost went out on his head!


2010-07-07 002

Austin and James spend a lot of time under the shade of the tree, digging in the sand/dirt.  Benjamin would love to be out there too, but he can’t be trusted.  He likes to eat leaves and taste rocks.


2010-05-29 003

This summer, we decided that we needed something fun for our backyard.  Trampoline won.  And of course, blue and orange.  So far we have all had fun jumping.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there won’t be any trips to the ER.

2010-04-19 002

And of course picnics.  This one just happens to be a pancake picnic, but we like all sorts of picnics.

Before the summer is over, we hope to do more things like more swimming, camping, biking, etc.  We’ll see how much we can fit in!