Friday, May 30, 2008

Preschool Graduation

The Program

Why didn't my video load? Grrrr

Wyatt's Class

Best Friends - Wyatt, Ian & Carter

The Graduation Gift - "Gek" the gecko

(This is ALL JL's fault!) I still can't believe I got Wyatt a gecko for a pet. He's SOOOOOOOO excited.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Reason #(Big number here) we LOVE CR:
This year it was Moab. So. Much. Fun.


catching tadpoles...

sharing a lizard...




Wyatt and Cam


And no pics but we loved the late night campfire games: Signs, Psst, and Dippity Dippity Dip.:) Wouldn't rather spend my weekend with anyone other than y'all - Thanks Friends!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My lilacs deserve their own post

Monday, May 19, 2008

Neffs Canyon

We finally found a reason to like 1 o'clock church.

Who's in next Sunday morning?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Belay on/Party on

We did this too on Wyatt's actual Birthday day...

And this on Wyatt's Birthday Evening...

5 Years Ago Today...

I traded long, quiet relaxing weekend mornings, spontaneous getaways, a myriad of unpursued professional opportunities, most of my hobbies that I previously enjoyed, my sleep and my sanity for one beautiful but collicky, crying, screaming all night and all day, 1 month premature and not happy to be here - little Wyatt. It was the best trade I have ever made in my life.

I have never loved anything more than I have loved watching you grow into the full of excitement, smarty pants, creative, friendly little boy that you are today. You are my best blessing, Wyatt. Thank you for changing my life into a life that truly has meaning and joy that I never knew existed before you. Happy 5th Birthday. Here's how we celebrated...


I love our family party we throw every year in our backyard. We go all out to celebrate Wyatt. I made Cafe Rio Salads and hot wheels cupcakes and three flavors of homemade ice cream (it's our tradition).

FRIENDS PARTY @ Classic Fun Center

Wyatt wanted to invite even more friends (we had 12 come out of 15 that we invited) but I had to basically limit it to good friends that are boys his age. He would have invited every kid in his preschool class plus every kid 6 and under in Primary plus all the 9 year old scouts in my scout den plus all his cousins... Wyatt really could never have too many friends. They had a blast - bouncing, climbing and riding their scooters.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hikin' with our Friends

Great hike yesterday w/our friends.

Sidenote: We opened the fence between our two backyards and the kids play regularly between the two yards. Mi casa es su casa, amigos. The opening in the fence is the best thing that has ever happened to Wyatt.

Race for the Cure

This is the best event. Yesterday Mark, Annie & I ran it (5K) and Mom & Dad walked. We love to celebrate my mom in this way. I always pack tissues... too bad I can't seem to remember my camera! :)

Congratulations, Mom! 4 years and counting... I love you!