Friday, February 1, 2013


We have some fun projects that we're starting any day now, so I'll be posting some before and afters soon :) I had the genius idea that painting chunky stripes in our downstairs bathroom would be fun and easy. Ha! Not so much. I'm still in the taping stage of the project, so soon, my friends, soon...

Here are a few more of the projects that are needing to be complete by May. Help keep me honest ;) I'll make more posts as we complete them.

  1. Paint Brody's room, make his headboard, and finish decorating his room
  2. Paint our bathroom 
  3. Paint the kids' bathroom
  4. Add the flowers (made from paper hanging fans) onto Olivia and Evelyn's walls and finish decorating their room
  5. Add crown molding to the entire first floor
  6. Design and landscape the backyard
  7. Make roman shades for the small windows downstairs
  8. Frame out downstairs bathroom mirror
I also need to find some incredible (yet not super expensive) bedding to fit our extra large European king bed. The mattress is so deep that normal king bedding is too small and since California king beds are narrower and longer than European kings, CalKing bedding won't work either. So sad. If anyone has any recommendations or ideas, please let me know!!!! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm back at it, folks.... (knock on wood/fingers crossed/don't hold your breath)

It's embarrassing how long it's been since I've blogged. I got a little behind and then the thought of catching up was completely overwhelming. So, now, it's literally been over 8 months. Like I said, embarrassing.

I've decided to start fresh. No catching up. No hours of sitting in front of the computer posting 10,000 pictures and writing a novel to recap the last 8 months. Instead, I'll summarize. If I can even remember what's transpired over the last 267 days. Because let's be honest, I can barely remember what I wore yesterday let alone what we did last July. I'll try my best, but only for the sake of my posterity (who better give a dang about what we did in 2012) :)

May: We went to Disneyland with some of Steven's cousins, who happen to be some of our best friends. The kids loved it and so did we! I also turned 27. One year closer to death. Yes, I'm a little dramatic. Not a shocker to anyone who knows me well.
June: We bought a house in West Roseville. It was a new build, so we had 5 months until it was complete. We decided to save some money and move in with Steve's parent's until October. The kids and I also drove out to Colorado and spent three weeks with my family. It was a great trip! I think we should do it every year, but maybe we'll stay 2 weeks instead ;)
July: Brody turned ONE!! The year flew by and I couldn't believe that he was already a year old. We spent his actual birthday on a business trip in Fresno with Daddy. The weekend after we had a very small family swim party and BBQ. Everything was perfect and we all had a blast!
August and September: I honestly can't remember either month. Probably because I was newly pregnant and pretty miserable. Haha! We did go visit some friends in Crescent City, CA. We love and miss the Davis' family so much!
October: Olivia turned 3 on October 5th! She loves her birthday :) We spend a few days in SoCal with Steve's family at Disneyland and at the beach. We had a great time! Steve also turned 28! We were able to sneak away and have lunch together at Disneyland :)
November: We closed on our house and got the keys on November 2nd! We moved in and still aren't completely settled. My walls are still pretty bare. I'm so indecisive. I don't know what I want to hang or where I want to hang it. We also spend Thanksgiving together as a family of four in our new home. Best idea we ever had. It was perfect.
December: We found out that baby #3 is a girl! We are so happy to welcome another little princess into our family :) We spent Christmas with my family in Colorado. It was our first time flying together with both kids. They did surprisingly well :) We got snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas day! We all LOVED having a White Christmas! We also loved being with my family and getting spoiled! My mom is a huge Christmas fanatic and didn't hold back! We're surprised we made it home with all of our Christmas gifts! Haha!! We also spent our 4th wedding anniversary in Colorado and gorged ourselves at The Melting Pot. Delicious.
 January 2013: Liv is now a Sunbeam and couldn't be more excited!! She is the sweetest little thing and is pretty obedient and reverent during sharing time. Brody is transitioning into Nursery and is actually doing pretty well :) Steve and I both got new callings in our new ward. Steve is the Webelos leader and is loving serving in scouts. He never did scouts when he was younger, so it's fun for him to get involved with the program. I'm excited to go to the Pinewood Derby this year!! It should be fun! I was called as the Secretary in Primary, so I'm just trying to figure it all out seeing as I haven't been in primary (or served in primary-not even as a sub) since I was 11 way back in 1997. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 

That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be :) Here's to hoping I continue to blog on a consistent basis........

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Busy, busy, busy....

Between a trip down south to attend my Grandpa's funeral and my sister in law's wedding, these last few weeks have been filled with emotional highs and lows.

It was great being able to spend time with my family in LA and reflect on the wonderful memories we shared with my incredible grandpa. We looked through hundred of pictures they had in albums of my brothers and me. Fishing trips, camping trips, going to the zoo, swimming, pony rides, bike rides, birthday parties, Easter egg hunts with my grandma dressed as the Easter bunny, Christmas Eve with my grandpa dressed as Santa, sleepovers, square dancing(not kidding on this one...haha), baseball games, painting, Sea World, Disneyland, trips to the beach, soooooo many pictures.... so many memories.... so many reasons to feel happy that I was blessed with the most incredible grandparents who have ever existed. I miss him everyday, but I am glad that he was able to see me become a mom and see his beautiful great-grandbabies. They are lucky to have had him in their life too :) Even if it was only for a little while.

One the other side of the emotional spectrum, my beautiful sister in law, Lauren, got married last Saturday!!! Holla! Girl is on her honeymoon as we speak :) Can't wait to see her and hear (some) details ;) Lauren was gorgeous, the ceremony was gorgeous, the reception was gorgeous, everything about the day was spectacular. Can't wait to see pictures from the photographer because I was an airhead and forgot the card for my camera :( <-- In case you didn't see that sad face, it's a SUPER sad face. Bummed I didn't get any pics of the big day.

Since Saturday, the kids and I have been trying to get back on track and enjoy the sunshine. Here are a few pics of my cute kiddos playing at the park. Love their sweet face and everything about them. They're pretty dang perfect. 

 One last thing..... BIG changes are coming to the Clegg family in the near future. Stay tuned for another announcement soon...maybe. 

And, no, I am not pregnant :) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


In 38 days we are heading to DISNEYLAND, people! The crazies in our house can hardly contain their excitement…. queue Liv’s crazy face, dance, squeal, shake, etc. etc. etc.

I am fortunate enough to have married into an awesome family with incredible people, so we’re going with a couple of Steve’s cousins and their families. All in all there will be 6 adults and 8 kids spending a week at the happiest place on earth :)

I will definitely post pics when we return, but until then, the countdown begins……

I made this little Disney countdown for Liv. She’s already crossed one off :) Love her.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Here is a sweet video of my precious little angels. I can’t believe they’re growing up so fast.

Brody and Liv enjoying spring in California :)