Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This kid can sleep anywhere!! But only when she wants to. When it comes to bed time, she wants to party and watch cartoons all night. She is usually the last of the kids to fall asleep. When we go to turn the cartoons off and say it is time for bed, she'll always say, "can I please just watch for two more minutes..?" She got a new pair of glasses a couple of months ago and now they are no where to be found. We have turned the entire house upside down and still no sign of them. She is always on the go and keeps us busy. She is having a bit of a hard time understanding what summer break means and is always asking if she has school today. But, she is having fun having Tamzen and Olivia home all day with her for the summer.

Monday, June 21, 2010


In April my sister Betsy got married in Phoenix. We went down and spent the weekend with family and attended the wedding. Tamzen and Olivia were both flower girls. My mom made ALL of the dresses including Betsy's. She is so wonderfully talented. Tamzen and Olivia both did a good job with their flower girl duties and enjoyed being part of the wedding. While we were in Phoenix, we took a trip to the zoo. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a good time.

outside the zoo
Betsy and Dan, the bride and groom and Chris, the officiator

Flower girls...

Iken and I after the ceremony waiting for the wedding party to finish taking pictures with the photographers.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ike's new do

Iken's hair was getting pretty long and was in his eyes constantly so last month we decided it was time to give it a trim. I was sad when all was said and done. It makes him look so much older. He doesn't look like my little baby boy now. But, it is already starting to grow back.

-baby locks-

Such a Handsome boy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Triathalon Time

I'm a bit behind on updating the blog so I am attempting to play catch up here...
Tamzen participated in the triathalon at school last month. She did such a great job. She was in the top 20 this year. Way to go T!!

Locks of Love

Olivia cut 16 inches off of her beautiful blonde locks to donate to Locks of Love. She has wanted to do this for a very long time. Her mother, on the other hand was putting it off as long as she possibly could. I am sad to see her long hair gone but very proud of her for wanting to donate to such a good cause. A little girl somewhere will be extremely happy one day to have my little Olivia's beautiful hair. She really likes her new hair style and loves that she can brush it out herself. Sabra did a WoNdErFuL job. Thanks Sab!!

-her donation-


Thursday, April 15, 2010

30 !!!!

HaPpY bIrThDaY Steven!!!!
I Love You!! Hope you have a good day...

Proud Moment

Yesterday when Steven went to pick up Tamzen and Olivia from school, the Kindergarten classes were outside having recess. He watched Olivia. She was helping a special needs child who walks with the aid of a sort of walker with wheels. Olivia stayed right with her. She didn't play with any of her usual friends. She stayed with the girl. Playing with her, helping her, making sure that she didn't get stuck with her walker. She is such a sweet heart. I asked her this morning if someone had asked her to do that at recess and she said "No, I just wanted to." She has such a good heart. We LoVe you Olivia!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easily Entertained

Iken had an absolute ball playing in the drawers from a dresser that had it's contents dumped all over the middle of the living room while we put the new flooring in one of the bedrooms. He discovered that the drawer was empty and climbed right inside. He thought he was pretty darn cool. He played there, climbing in and out of the drawer, for quite a while. I was grateful that he was entertaining himself so we didn't have to worry about him being in the middle of our project.

...those beautiful blue eyes...
He loves the stinkin' camera. Cheeses it up whenever he sees it come out.
There's that cheesy smile again.
..this little face absolutely melts my heart..
I just love this little guy!!

New Floors!!!

I am SO happy to have new flooring in most of the house. It looks amazing. We now only have two rooms in the house with carpet in them. It was nice to see all of that carpet go. Steven put in a lot of long days and tons of hard work and he did an awesome job. Thanks Honey!! I love it and am so happy with it. It isn't quite completely finished just yet. Things have gotten a little crazy the last couple of weeks so we haven't been able to finish all the trim work yet but hopefully that will be done very soon. Steven is on to his next project which is helping my sister Shanna and her husband lay new wood flooring in their house too.

Living Room (and Cosmo..)


Thursday, March 25, 2010

In Memory of

Steven's Grandma passed away on Monday morning. She was 93 years old. It is a sad time that she is no longer with us but also a very happy time that she is happy and healthy and whole again and with her eternal companion once more. She was such a neat person and always had a smile on her face. How wonderful our knowledge of The Plan of Salvation is. It is a great comfort to know that we will once again see all of our loved ones that pass on before us.
We love you Grandma and you will be greatly missed !!
Myra S Tobler (October 31, 1916 - March 22, 2010)

Yes...we are here...

I know, I know... It has been a long time since my last post. Life just seems to eat up all of my time lately. We haven't really been doing anything exciting but let me just give you a little update on everyone.

Tamzen is so very excited to turn EIGHT and get baptized. Her birthday is next month so she will be baptized in May. She can't wait. We went to her cousin Emma's baptism earlier this month and she got a bit of a taste of what it was all about and I think that just made the excitement that much bigger for her. She is enjoying school and LOVES to read. She has worked very hard in the Accelerated Reader program this year and has read so many books. She is in a group of kids that will participate in a Chinese Jump Rope demonstration at Parent Night at school tonight. She has a field trip to Valley of Fire today that she has been looking forward to for a few weeks now. She is so excited about the fact that she is going to be gone ALL day from school for their field trip.

Olivia is loving school and is learning to read also. She loves to sound things out and figure out what they say. With the weather changing now, she loves to play outside and jump rope or ride her bike. The minute they get home from school, they are outside for as long as they can drag it out. They come in and eat dinner and right back out they go. It is nice that it stays light outside a little longer now so that they can enjoy the beautiful weather. Olivia had her first field trip last week to a local family's farm and she had a blast.

Harlee is herself as usual. She goes to preschool twice a week and absolutely loves it. She has an awesome teacher that she loves and she is learning so much. She knows her colors, is starting to learn the alphabett and tracing her name. She loves to be outside also. Olivia got a new bike for Christmas so Harlee got the hand-me-down bike. Steven put the training wheels back on it for Harlee and she loves that she can ride bikes with the big kids. She is a pro at it. She will have an appointment with her eye doctor next month to check on her eyes and how they are doing.

Iken is on the go at all times. He has been walking for about a month now and has pretty much mastered it. He is becoming a climber and is discovering that he can pretty much get what ever he wants. He has figured out how to get on the chair and up to the table and even how to climb up to almost on top of his high chair tray. He loves the fact that we have a doggy door cause he thinks that he can go outside when ever he wants. He gets really upset when he heads for the door only to find when he gets there that it is blocked so he can't use it as an escape. He now has five teeth and eats pretty much whatever he wants and is ALWAYS eating something. At his one year appointment he weighed in at a whopping 17 pounds. So, you would never know that he eats so much.

Steven has been working on a BIG home improvement project. YAY for tax return money!! We used some of ours this year to put new flooring in well, most of our house. We now only have two rooms in the house with carpet in them. We have put laminate wood flooring down in the kitchen, living room, den and hallway. It looks AMAZING and I LoVe it!!! I am so happy with it and so glad that the gross carpet is gone. I only have a few before pictures of the kitchen and didn't take any before pictures of the other spaces but I will post some after picutres in a few days. It has made such a huge difference in our house.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Only 5 more days...
Las Vegas * MGM Grand
GeOrGe StRaIt * ReBa McEnTiRe * LeEaNn WoMaCk

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas !!

Christmas was a whirl and now its done... we had a very good Christmas and the kids got lots of fun stuff. Including their super cute new church clothes. We had a great weekend spending lots of time with my family and my sisters that were in town. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas...!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I started this post a few days ago and wasn't able to get the pictures to download so I didn't finish it. Now, it is 6:00 in the morning and no one else in the house is awake yet. I don't want to and don't have time to mess with the camera and the pictures (the kids have to get up soon..) but I do want to get this post done. It will just be without pictures this time. I will post pictures to go along with it at another time.

Lots has happened since the last post. We have been busy every minute.
**Tamzen and Olivia started school last month. Olivia is in Kindergarten and Tamzen started 2nd grade. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. There were no tears shed by Miss Olivia as I dropped her off at her new classroom. She gave me a kiss and a hug, we said good-bye and off she went. I was so proud of her. Tamzen ditched us for her classroom as we headed toward Olivia's. She didn't care that she wouldn't get walked to her classroom. She was so ready for school to get back in session. She was bored with summer about 2 hours after school got out!!
**Harlee started preschool at the first of this month. It is still a little new for her and she gets nervous before class sometimes but she enjoys it and I hope it is good for her. She has an amazing teacher that takes her right in and gets her involved in things so she can forget that she is a little scared. I hope Janeece doesn't want to gag her and lock her in a closet some where by the time the class is over. She can be quite the handful most of the time.
**Iken is CrAwLiNg every where. And, standing up to EvErYtHiNg!! I have already had to drop his bed to the lowest level because he insists on standing up in it. He learned how to sit himself up and crawl in a matter of about 2 weeks and the pulling himself up thing has been going on for a little over a week. His sisters are learning that things like books and homework can't be left on the floor or they will be eaten. Everything goes in his mouth. He still doesn't have any teeth yet but I am sure they are on their way...
**The chickens are finally producing EgGs!!! They have been laying for probably about three weeks now. Right now we are getting about 2 eggs a day. It is nice to think that I won't have to buy eggs from the store any more. Well, at least not quite as many.
**I have been doing a lot of baking and cooking of new things lately. Being self reliant is becoming a passion of mine. I have learned how to make jam and I am slowly figuring out the process of making bread. We bought some wheat flour last week. On Sunday we had whole wheat waffles and then I also made some wheat bread. We have made quite a few batches of both peach and strawberry jam. My mom just gave me a bunch of peaches on Sunday so there are a couple more batches coming. I have enjoyed learning and trying new things and hopefully this desire stays with me so that I can learn more.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bread in a Bag...

The girls have been driving us absolutely NuTsO lately!! They are bored and tired of summer..we are ready for school to start. I was looking around online today in search of something to entertain them. I came across a recipe for making bread in a ziploc bag. It looked simple enough so I printed it out and we gave it a try tonight. It was great. The kids had a good time mixing everything and kneading the bread. It was super simple and turned out wonderful. There is nothing like the smell of fresh bread baking in your house. We did two bags so Both Tamzen and Olivia had a loaf they were working on. They got quite a kick out of fact that they got bread dough out of the few ingredients that we put in their bags. A big hit for sure. Great for kids. Give it a try.

Bread in a Bag

3 cups all-purpose flour, divided
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 (.25 ounce) package of rapid rise yeast, or 1 Tablespoon
1 cup warm water
3 tablespoons non-fat dry milk
3 tablespoons oil
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

In a large re-sealable bag, combine 1 cup flour, sugar, yeast and warm water. Squeeze most of the air out of the bag and seal. Squish with your hands until well blended. Set aside to rest for 10 minutes at room temperature, or until bubbles appear.

In a separate bowl, stir together 1 cup of flour, dry milk, oil and salt. Pour into the re-sealable bag. Squeeze out most of the air and seal. Squish until well blended. Add the last cup of flour to the bag and continue mixing in the same manner until well blended.

Remove the dough from the bag and place on a floured surface. Knead for 5-8 minutes. Form into a small loaf and place in a greased 8x4 inch loaf pan. Cover with a towel and allow to rise for about 30 minutes or until your finger leaves and impression when you poke the top of the loaf gently.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake the bread for 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden brown.

Makes 1 loaf

My little bread makers kneading their dough.
the dough
ready for the oven
The finished product. Oh my...it smelled wonderful. The girls all had a piece with butter and jam and it looked like heaven. I of course am (dieting) so didn't have any for myself but I am positive that it was delicious!!