Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Newest Addition

Meet Gracie! She's the newest addition to our family.
After trial and error with dogs, I've decided I'm just not a dog person. Think that's what growing up with cats will do to a girl.
Anyway, this sweet girl was bought on a whim and caused a little wave in the family as Steve is not a fan of cats....but he has a big heart for me and Tess and he said we could keep her.
She's been a doll. Loves to play and is a true lap cat. She'll talk back when you say her name or talk to her. And she'll even come looking for you when she needs some loves. We love her and are so happy to have her as part of our family :o)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Our anniversary was at the beginning of August. And I woke up to see my gift sitting on the kitchen counter, it was tickets to see The Dave Matthews Band. YAY!! I've loved them for years and have wanted to see them for so long! The only downer to all this was that Steve wasn't able to come with me, despite his best efforts to switch things around at work. So I took my wonderful friend Shaleen and we had a blast! Dave was AMAZING!! His new stuff is AMAZING! Loved every minute of it!

Our seats were great...even though the picture doesn't seem like it, haha. We weren't aloud to use cameras so all the pictures were taken with Shaleen's phone. This was the best one.

Shaleen and I havin' a good time!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Makes me laugh!

It's taken a while for Will to show his funny side. He's not been quick to laugh and talk, but now he's starting to open up and it's so fun to watch. Beckham is one of the few that can always get Will to laugh. It's fun to watch them play together already. It makes me laugh!

Daddy time

Will has been pretty grumpy lately and not much, besides me, makes him happy. However, we did figure out that he'll watch baseball. So, Sunday night was the first Red Sox/Yankees game and of course that's what we watched. Will sat with Steve through 5 innings! What a funny kid!

Thought this was a cute view. Will held onto Steve's arm the whole time

2 of my favorite guys!
(The sox lost this game, so Steve wasn't too you can see, haha!)

summer fun!

Over the 24th of the July (a Utah thing) we drove up to Bear Lake with our friends the Maxfields. It was so much fun! We had a prefect day....great weather, awesome company, yummy food and shakes, and good family time.

The kids love having Steve in the water with them

Beckham, Jake and Sydney

Miss Tess wasn't a fan of getting wet and sandy. So she hung out with me and Will on the towel

Bubs is Steve shadow, haha! Thought this was SO cute!

Will wasn't sure what to make of it all. But he was a good boy the whole day, so I couldn't ask for more!