Monday, November 23, 2009

Beck is 2!!

I really can't believe my little Beckham is already 2! He went from being such a small, funny looking baby, to a super happy, super cute little man. We're so blessed to have him as part of our family! Love you bubba!!

Right after he was born, November 19th, 2007

His first x-mas

He thought it was great that everyone was singing to him. Had that silly grin on his face the whole time, haha

He was very good at blowing out his candle.

Loved his ice cream!!

Beck was given several wonderful gifts, but his most favorite was this flash light. If only we could all be so pleased with something so simple!

Family Happenings

This month was a busy month for the Mero family (Laura's family). My 2nd youngest brother, Brigham (aka, Uncle B), returned from his mission in Tacoma, Washington. Then 2 days, my younger brother Cameron was married, to such a sweetie of a girl, in the Salt Lake temple. It was a busy week with all of the family stuff, but so fun to have everyone together for such wonderful moments.

Tessa ran up to give B the first hug....think it made my mom a little upset, hahaha!!

Cam and his cute, new wife Rachel

The whole family outside the temple

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life Lessons

So a couple weeks a go I notice a little black kitten had been hit by a car just towards the entrance of our condo complex. It made me sad because the kitty was so little. As I returned from getting Tess from preschool I thought I'd stop and move the kitty from out of the middle of the road because it made me sick to see it keep getting hit. When I stopped to move it, I noticed another little kitten by the edge of the street and couldn't help but bring it home. We cleaned the kitty up, had her checked out to make sure she was healthy and had a fun time playing with her....she was super friendly and loved the kids....not the dog so much though. However, if any of you know my husband well you'd know of his deep dislike towards cats. I called him to plead my case and Tessa's in wanting to keep the kitty, but, of course, didn't win. We ended up giving the kitty to my sister-in-law and she kept it until she was able to find it a permanent home. The life lessons learned by Tess that day are things we still talk about.... We talked about why the first little kitty was hit by the car and where the kitty now lived since it was dead. We talked about people not taking care of their pets and how we can make sure to take care of things that belong to us. And once Steve gave the "no go" on keeping the kitty we talked about loss and how sometimes we have to give up things that we love.

This is Tessa before getting the news she couldn't keep the kitty. She even named the kitten Daphine, haha....she's quite the Scooby-Doo lover so that's where the name came from.

Beck also loved the kitty. He liked that she was small enough for even him to carry around.

This was Tessa after getting the news that she couldn't keep the kitten. She cried and hugged the kitty like this for almost 20 min. and then all the way to meeting up with my sis-in-law. She now talks about how brave she was to give Daphine away and that she has a safe home now where she can't get hit by a car, haha. She also says that when she gets bigger and daddy doesn't live with her, she's gonna get her own kitty.

I love how willing to learn Tessa is and how much she understands. She's such a smart little girl with such a big heart! Love her, love her!!


Here are some pictures from out fall adventures. The weather was weirdly warm this fall, so it was fun to get out and enjoy the nice days. Enjoy the pictures!

Took the kids to Gardner Village to see the Witches. Tessa LOVED them, but Beckham wouldn't get out of the stroller, haha!

The kids at the petting farm in Gardner Village.

We also had a family date to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. It was such a blast!!

Steve and Beckham riding the cow train
Me and the kids on the hay ride

The kids in their Halloween costumes. Tess was a flower and Beck a pirate. I made Tessa's...if you couldn't tell, haha. The picture of Beck is the only one I have because he hated having to put the costume on. They had a lot of fun though!