Friday, October 30, 2009

Picture Update

Here's my cute family on a ride at Waldemeer is Erie, PA. We went before we moved and it was such a good time!

Beckham and I on the Lazy River at Waldemeer. Beck had missed his nap, so once he fell asleep we went around that river like 3 times. Funny boy!

Tessa on her first day of preschool. She loves it!!

Beckham needed to be included on the school day pictures

This is me at 21 or 22 weeks, can't remember. Ignore my silly expression, haha

This is our new baby purchase. I LOVE it!! I'm so excited to use it for the new little one!

Alesha and I went to the Miley Cyrus (sp?) concert, haha!! Kinda silly that we went without any 8-14 year old girls, but it was a blast all the same, hahaha!!!!

Miley on stage. She actually went running off in the middle of this song because she had the stomach flu. So things were put on hold for a while, but she came out and finished the show really well.

Another pic of Miley. We were surprised she rode this bike all over the arena seeing as she was sick.
That's all I've got for now. Promise to be better at posting.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We're alive!!

So I'm such a SLACKER!! We've been in UT for almost 3 full months now and this is the first post, sorry.
I was waiting to add pictures, but I put them on our other computer and we're having MAJOR issues with it, so now I can't get to them. So, no pics for now. But, here's an update on life...

We're loving our new condo and the area. It's small, but that is great by me since it only takes an hour or two to clean the whole thing. The kids are sharing a room for the first time. It didn't start out well, but now they sleep through the cries or yells of the's great.
Steve is loving his rotations. He's almost done with his second one, so 4 more to go. Things are going faster than I had thought they would. He's also working part-time at Harmon's grocery store pharmacy...which means he's gone 40 hours for rotations and 10-15 hours for work a week. It's been hard not seeing him as often as we're used to, but he does a great job at making to most of his time when he is home. I'm very grateful for all that he's doing to help further our family and build who he is as a person.
I'm trudging along. I'm 25 weeks and, trust me, I'm counting. For the most part things have been good since about 22 weeks. No major morning sickness or issues. Just getting bigger and kinda hating it. Counting every pound, which I shouldn't, but I can't help it. Though I'm happy to report that I've only gained 12 pounds this whole pregnancy, so far. The baby is healthy and kickin' just like it should be. We still don't know what it is, but I'm banking on a boy. Have a gut feeling...though Steve is positive it's a girl. Guess we'll find out in Feb. Our name selection is not going as easy as I'd hoped. Here are our names....tell me what you think...
Boy Names: Cooper, Griffin, Thatcher. My top pick is Griffin. Steve is stuck on Cooper.
Girl Names: Savannah, Sawyer, Tate. Tate is my top pick, but Savannah is close behind. Steve's not 100% on any of them, haha, but likes both my choices.
Names are so hard! I feel like I owe it to the child to be really careful about this.

Some things we've done since getting to UT....
Hang with family a TON. I have to say that I love being by family again, but it does have it's pros and cons. I miss just being our own little unit sometimes, not worrying about where to be, for which side of the family, who's family thing takes more presidence and so on.
Steve and I have made it to the temple 3 times since being back. Which beats our record or going once the whole 2 years we were in Erie. It's been really nice to have that back in our lives and to have so many temples so close.
Tess has started preschool and dance. She LOVES preschool!! She's actually decided not to do dance anymore because, in her words..."they make me do silly things and I don't like that." So no more dance, but that's ok. With the baby coming it'll be nice to not have so many places to be each week.
Beck is out of control!! He's turned into such a big boy. Starting to talk a lot more, LOVES to play with his cousins and uncles. He's a true boy at heart. He's also found that Jace, my friend Brook's little boy, is his new bestie! They are so cute together and Beckham just adores him. He's not really caught onto the fact that another baby is coming. He tries to look in my bellybutton to see the baby and has even offered the baby his pacifier, through my bellybutton. I think it'll be a shock to him when a real baby is actually here. He's such a mama's boy.
Our puppy Wally is alive and doing well. We finally had him "fixed" which worked wonders on his energy level and his ability to listen. He still needs some training, but has been a good dog none the less.
In all, we're all happy and doing well. Life is good and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, beautiful children and a wonderful group of family and friends that are always there for us.
I promise to post pictures soon. To all those in Erie...we miss you lots!!