Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bolt and Tears

So you wouldn't normally think that a 3 year-old would get emotional during a Disney movie. Guess maybe my 3 year-old is the acception. Here's the story...
It was rainy today, so while Beckham was napping Tess and I watched "Bolt" for the first time. What a cute movie!! Love, loved it! Tess sat through the whole thing, which doesn't always happen with new shows. We had such a good time. But as the credits started to roll I had to get up and get some things for dinner started. A few moments later Tess walked into the kitchen crying. It was a true, sad, soft-hearted cry. I asked her what was wrong... "I just really miss my Mama and Papa and I really want a puppy!" was her sad, but sweet reply. So we hugged and I told her it would be ok, assuring her that Mama and Papa would come see her soon and that we could get a puppy when daddy was done with school. She took that answer well, but was still sad and repeated her story to Steve when he walked in the door from school. My poor little sweetheart!
I'm grateful to have a soft-hearted 3 year-old. Grateful that she values her family relationships and that she can understand the feeling and meaning of loving someone/something.
I love you my sweet Tessie girl!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun Times!

Here's a little video of the kids playing. It's finally been warm enough to use our sun-room and Beckham LOVES it out there! Beck is getting so big and doing so many new things. Tess, as you'll see, is hitting the "it's all about me" stage, but she's such a good girl and a great helper and friend. Hope you enjoy watching them as much as I do!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Racing Day!

Well I finally did it! I ran in my first 10K :o) It was a great run! It actually ended up being more than a 10K because for, whatever reason, the event people mapped it out wrong and didn't tell anyone til after the race. So we ended up running just over 7 miles. Still, I had a great experience and now know I can do it. Thanks Lacey, Michelle, Suzi and Kort for joining me in the fun pain, haha ;o) Can't wait for the next one!

Michelle, Lo, Kortni, Suzi, Lacey. This was after we all ran.

Almost to the finish line! Yahoo!

2 cute girls! Rachel and Tess playing after the race.

Becks, Lo, Lacey and Sadie. Just wanted to say thanks to Lacey for helping me train for this race and for being so encouraging. Thanks Lace, you're the best!!

A little too soon

So we've finally had some nice sunny days here in Erie. However, the sun gives false hope of warmth. But, none the less, the kids and I have been having a major case of cabin fever so we thought we'd venture out to the zoo. Not my best idea. It started out well because the first several exhibits are inside and the kids enjoyed the new Sand Cat and the Polar Bears. But then the cold hit us. It was bitter!! The longer we were out, the less I could feel my hands. Did not make the kids happy. Another shot to mom...the playground was closed. And for the was feeding time. Which you'd think would be fun, but not to my kids. Each time an animal would get feed, a recording of all kinds of animals getting excited would come on. TOTALLY freaked the kids out! So, in all, it was WAY too early for the zoo!

The only time the kids got adventurous and played. Love the musical tiles!

This is the face I was given EVERY time the animal recording came on for feeding time.
(but notice his cute hair :o)

Hair Cut

Becks got his first "big boy "hair cut....not just a buzz cut. He did so well! I was shocked! Steve and I were so excited to give him a "real" hair cut because since he had his helmet for so long, he never really had hair. It was a big deal, haha! Here are a few cute pictures from the big event!

The sucker was a life saver and a hair catcher, haha!
Love that he was happy enough to give me his "cheese" face :o)

Tessie wanted to get in on the photo op too.

Thought this was too cute not to add ;o)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Funny Wishes

So I thought this was funny enough to share...hope you agree ;o)

Today is my b-day and all week I've been receiving cards from friends and family and I just want to say thank you so much. It's nice to be remembered! I also received a card from my insurance company which I thought was weird but nice (I guess). It seems though that nothing these days can just be done just because. There's always a hidden agenda.
Here's how my card from the insurance read:
(Cute card with Gerber daisies on it)
Outside: It's Your Special Day!
Inside: So make sure to stop and smell the flowers! Happy Birthday!
Then in small print: Life can get hectic, but your health is important. Please make an appointment with your doctor for a Pap test. It could save your life.
If you need help with this, just call us at 800-..... (I didn't just bold that part. It was like that in the card!)

So happy birthday to me! LOL!!!