Sunday, April 20, 2008

Play Time!

Tessa and Beckham were playing the other day and it was too cute not to share. But when I turned the camera on to video, Tess thought she needed to see what was going on. So no video of Tess but Beck puts on a pretty cute show by himself!

Great Visit!

My grandparents, Pat and Steve Arntson (my mom's parents) came for a visit this past weekend. It was wonderful to have them! Tess warmed up quickly and Beckham was happy to have more faces and people to look at and play with. We're so glad they came to visit and can't wait to see them again in June. Love you guys?!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Flat Head

Since day one, Beckham has always favored laying his head to the left (if your looking at him). This has just recently caused some issues for him (more so me). I've been noticing more and more that the back, right side of his cute head is becoming flat. Now, most babies get a flat spot on the back of their head because they are always laying down. But, like I mentioned, Becks is only flat on the back right portion of his head. So, after talking myself in and out of how concerned I should be I took him to the doctor. She noticed right away the difference between the two sides of his head and the fact that no matter his position...laying flat, being held or on his tummy, he always favored looking to his right. I was SO worried that she was going to tell me he needed a helmet. But she said that he is most likely going to need physical therapy because the muscles in his neck on the one side are not fully developed, as he has only favored looking and laying one direction. So my little man starts his therapy evaluations next week. We have two appts. set up for Wed. and Fri. where someone will come to our house and play with Beckham and evaluate his movement and what not. Then when we get back from UT we'll start weekly physical therapy sessions (in our home) until his little neck is doing what it should. The hope is that by fixing his neck the flat spot on his head will fix itself. My fingers are crossed! I'll keep you all posted.

Just some pictures that show his cute little head

Monday, April 7, 2008


So, I guess I should have posted that the kids and I are coming to UT because I'm getting all kinds of questions and responses to my little count-down. So yes, I will be in UT April 22- May 3. Just the kids and I are coming as Steve does not have a break right now.
Anyway, I'm super excited. Can't wait to be with family and have my mom in front of me to talk to....I probably call her every day, haha. And see those of you that are free and can hang out.
So, see you in a couple weeks!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Say Cheese!

So Miss Tess LOVES to have mom take her picture. She'll grab the camera and say "cheese" meaning, take my picture. She pulls the funniest faces and hasn't quite found a good medium between a smile and a "cheese" face. It's pretty cute either way though!

She wanted Beckham to say cheese too and as you can see he was not having it, haha. But she loves him :o)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day at the Zoo!

We FINALLY got a nice day and we decided to take advantage of it! We went to the Zoo with a group of friends and had a great time. Not all the animals were out, but we saw enough to make the kids happy. I think we were all just excited to see the sun! Enjoy the pictures!

So Sleepy

Poor little Beck hasn't been feeling well, again. I could tell that he was getting tired the other night so I started our, play, diaper change, bed. We got through eat and play and when I went to change his diaper I realized there were none downstairs, so I left him on the couch and ran up to get a diaper. When I came back this is what I found. Poor guy just couldn't wait. My little man was so sleepy.

Silly One

This is just typical Tessie. Makes me laugh every time cause she always has to dance with her eyes closed...not sure why. She's a silly one!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute Husband

Ok, so our desk top computer has been out of commission for a while and now that it's working I've discovered all my pictures all over again. I came across a file that had pictures in it from when Steve and I dated as well as our wedding. Made me fall in love all over again. What a cutie I have for eternity and how thankful I am that he had the guts to come out to Boston. He's everything to me! Just thought I'd share some fun pictures from the past. Enjoy!

This was taken the day we got engaged. (the maxfields took this pic...thanks guys!)
Steve's first game at Fenway :o)

Our first photo as an engaged couple!
Got married Aug 7th, 2004 in the Mt. Timp. Temple
Isn't he so handsome?!