What happens when you have two kids???? You don't have time to blog:) I know I am way behind even before I had two kids but life has been a little crazy! Anyways, I want to be better at blogging for journal purposes so I guess I am going to start trying today:)!
Hayden was born March 18 at 9:56 and weighed 7lbs 1 ounce and was 19 inches long.
Labor story: I got induced on the 1h at
1:00 am- got to the hospital
2:00-5:00 am- I was given cidotec (sp) started having a few contractions at 5 I got checked at was at a 3 so I got to have pitocin.
5:00-7:00 am- just hung out:)
7:30 am- got my epidural and started pitocin
8:00 am- got my water broke
9:00 am- got checked was at a 5
9:30 am- told Steve he better go get a nurse because I needed to push and sure enough I was at a ten and the baby was there!
9:50 am- Dr. Sanders finally got there:) and 3 pushes later Hayden was born at 9:56 am!
Haydens delivery went so much smoother and was SO much faster then Hestons I loved it! Hayden started having some struggles breathing so they took him to the nursery and I didn't get to see him for 6 hours. It was awful at first I just figured everything was okay until the nurse came to tell me he had an IV and oxygen. When I finally got to see him it was so sad. I tested postive for Group B Strep so they were worried that he had an infection so they started his first dose of antibiotics and we had to stay in the hospital for an extra day. The sad part was he didn't even get to be in the room with me because he was all hooked up to the machines. So I would just go to the nursery to feed him and then when I needed to hold him (which may have been all day Friday:)! The results came back and it wasn't and infection but they still finished his doses of antibiotics and we got to leave Saturday afternoon. To add to the crazy few days Steve got the stomach flu the first night after I had him so my mom took Heston to St. George so he wasn't exposed and I spent the days and nights in the hospital by myself! Which at first I thought it was going to be horrible but it ended up being just fine! I got some rest and probably annoyed my nurses to death! Bytheway Meg it was so fun getting to have you twice! Thanks for everything! So now it has been two and a half weeks and we are lovely Hayden he is so fun and life couldn't be better! (More pictures to come!)