Marriage is fun,marriage is great. Life is more fun, when you have a mate!
...brilliant, I know -- I want royalties every time you repeat it :)
So 2 years ago TODAY, Kristy and I got engaged. How fun! For those of you who didn't hear the story (or forgot), I took Kristy on a hike to Stewart Falls up by Sundance. Due to a rather unfortunate (but super funny) run-in with Kristy on my way to Wilson Diamonds with her roommate Megan (who was coming to give me advice), Kristy had strong suspicions about the hike...which obviously turned out to be justified! We got all the way up to the falls, tooled around for a bit, then were about to head back before I finally got the guts up to pop the question. I actually forgot to take the knee (which I quickly remedied) -- but as as you probably could have guessed, Kristy said 'yes' anyway. :)
Anyway, married life is so much fun. One of Kristy's engaged friends just stopped by tonight and we're so excited for her. Kristy and I actually just read an article tonight from the opinion page of the Washington Post about some of the benefits of not waiting so long to get married (see
here). We totally agreed with it, but were a saddened when we read some of the denuncatory comments. Obviously marriage isn't something that we jumped into lightly -- it's a big deal! -- but, in my experience, it's SO much more fulfilling than single life.