Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Magic Mountain

Magic Mountain is awesome.  The lines are never long.  The kids love it! I love it! Good times gaurenteed!

In January...

We picnicked.
We rode bikes.
We went to the park.

We played twister for the first time!
We played knights and princesses with friends.
We listened to the Frozen soundtrack. A lot!!!
We shot are bows and arrows.


We played with our toys.
We celebrated the 100th day of school.
We napped.

Popsicle Party

This little thing had never had a popsicle before.  That's sad and wrong.  So we got her a popsicle then passed them out to all the neighbor kids.  An impromptu popsicle party!  It was fun and messy and everything a popsicle party should be. 

Get Up, We're Late

Luke's school starts at 7:45. That means we have to be out the door by 7:30 to get him there on time. I think my kids are the slowest get ready-ers in the whole wide world. It's ridiculous how long it takes them. I must say "hurry up" at least 100 times each morning. We have to park the car up the street from his school.  Then we run our little butts as fast as they can go. 
We usually get there on time, barely. Then we bust out our happy dance because I think it's important to celebrate the small things in life. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jason's Pajama Party

Jason has never had a birthday party, so this was his year for a big party!  He loves donuts so we thought it would be fun to have a pajama-o-rama party.  We invited all his friends over early Saturday morning.  We had cans of apple juice lots of sugary cereal and fruit kabobs.  I covered the tables with paper and crayons and made cute little place mats for them to color while they waited for breakfast.  

I made each child a pillow case with their name on it and got fabric markers for them to decorate their pillow cases.
Then we played the game donut chomp.  If you have never played this game with kids you should. It is hilarious to watch them eat those donuts without hands.

We made cereal necklaces.
We had a pancake relay race.
We played sleep dance.  A altered version of musical chairs.  Dance, dance, dance, and when the music stops find a pillow to sleep on.
We sang happy birthday to Jason and ate more donuts and drank chocolate milk.

It was  crazy but fun. Crazy fun. Just like my Jason.

Bike Obsessed

Wes got a balance bike for Christmas. He loves it! He wants to ride it every day, all day. He is really good on it. Just regular riding has gotten boring, so him and Luke now set up a ramp to do tricks on. He is crazy and I love it"

Friday, January 3, 2014


December is a crazy, fun, busy month.

We decorated our tree.

We had a scripture advent tree.  We really tried to teach the kids the true meaning of Christmas.
We went to Christmas music class all month and then performed at an old folks home.

We unwrapped and read a Christmas book every night.
We went to Disneyland with Grandma and Dom.
We drank a lot of hot chocolate.

We made salt dough Christmas ornaments.  They turned out pretty fabulous!
We shopped.
 We Christmas caroled.

We went to Magic Mountain.
We met Santa.
We looked at beautiful Christmas lights!

We decorated gingerbread houses.
We spent Christmas Eve at my parents. The kids acted out the nativity.
We enjoyed lots of quality family time. We snuggled in our pj's and watched all the Christmas classics.

 We visited our Vegas family and friends!
 On new years eve we celebrated new york style 6-9 at uncle Jim's arcade in our pajamas.
We had a fun month! More importantly we felt the spirit of Christ in our home as we celebrated his birth.  I am so Grateful for his gospel in my life and the love, peace, and hope his teaching offer me.  Merry Christmas everyone.  Wishing you all a new year filled with happiness and love.