Thursday, February 28, 2013


It's no secret that I wanted to have my kids close together. This is why....

Sure they fight sometimes, but most of the time they are best friends. We all do everything together and we have a lot of fun. Living the dream and loving it!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hospital Bound

At the hospital again, with Luke. Jason pushed him off the tramp and he hit his head pretty hard. He started acting weird. He got really sleepy and then threw up. Not good signs. Mark & Jenny came over to watch the kids and Luke, Rachel and I headed to the ER. He's getting used to going to the hospital and was very brave. He got a CT scan of his head. No bleed or fracture just a concussion.

Crazy Wes

Wesley is crazy. No really he is seriously crazy. He is so stubborn and is throwing fits about almost everything these days. He can throw a pretty fierce tantrum. I bought new sippee cups for the kids because the ones we had were old and leaky. Wesley disapproved of the new cups and cried and screamed for about 2 hours because of them. He kept throwing the cup at me and stomping his angry little foot to make sure I knew exactly how he felt. I held my ground and I am pleased to report him and the new cups are now friends.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Poor little Rachel gots her shots today.
Before shot pics

After shot pics

She's pretty tough and barely cried.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jason & Rachel

Jason loves Rachel a lot. He is so proud to be her big brother. He can't resist her even when she's sleeping he still tries to sneak up to her and rubs her head a few times or pats her tummy.

When she cries he always quickly comes to her side and offers her a finger to suck on. I know it's gross but it's also incredibly sweet. Little Rachel is lucky to have such a loving big brother!


Sisters and Smiles

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Ukulele

Every day Wes begs/cries to play Steve's ukulele. Today he got a little surprise in the mail. His very own ukulele. He loves it!