Friday, December 20, 2013

Sword Fight with the Baby

Luke gave Rachel a sword and she started to "fight" with him. He now does it everyday and they laugh themselves silly. It is adorable.



No Chocolate!

Kate and I went to Sam's club to get lots more dipping chocolate for treats. We found a few dozen white chocolates and nothing else. We asked an employee and she said they were all out. Found another guy who took the endcap apart with us and we found the last few Ghiradelli chocolates!



Letter to Santa

Kate wrote a letter to santa and he replied!



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Birthday Girl

This little ball of perfection just turned one!  Crazy!!! She is the happiest girl, always smiling. Her sweet face and spunky personality brightens our home. We are all madly in love her her. Happy birthday to our baby girl. We love you more than words can ever describe. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Day at Disney

I took the 3 oldest to Disneyland for the day. We went with some friends and pretty much had the best day ever. I stuffed Jason's shoes with napkins so he could meet the height requirement to ride on soarin over California. He was so excited to finally ride it. I could hardly take my eyes off his sweet mesmerized face the entire ride. I love Disneyland, I love Christmas time, but most of all I love spending time having fun with my kids. It was a perfect day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Temple Light Night

Our ward primary organized an activity at the LA temple. We went in the evening to see the lights and then enjoyed some hot chocolate and cookies. I love the temple. It's so beautiful! I felt so happy to be there with my family and enjoy the peace and love I feel each time we go .



Monday, December 9, 2013

Student of the Month

Luke was chosen by his teacher to be awarded as student of the month. We went to an assembly where he was presented with his award. We are so proud of him. Good job Luke! You are a rock star.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

You Got Mail

Rachel got a birthday card in the mail today. I can't believe she's almost one. I gave her the card and she was so happy!

There was some money in the card so we took her to the store and let her spend her birthday bucks.  She found this toy and wouldn't get off it. She really loves it. 

I'm so sad she's growing up but it's fun to really see her personality blossom. She's very funny and spunky and I'm kind of obsessed with her.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wobbly Walker

Rachel is walking. She's wobbly but she's walking.

Take a Hike

The kids and I went on a hike. It was so fun.  We really enjoyed exploring the great outdoors and feel very blessed to live in such beautiful world.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Feeling Sleepy

Wes fell asleep coloring at the table today. He looks so sweet when he sleeps. He's probably exhausted from the crazy tantrums he throws all night long. He is seriously crazy. Steve and I have tried everything and nothing works with him. We are getting worse sleep with our 2yr old Wes than we did with brand new infants. He's that bad. He comes into our room all night long screaming "look at my face, I'm crying." He refuses to sleep in his bed. He screams so loud. He is incredibly stubborn. He does not give up. Steve and I are so tired. We daydream about someday getting to really sleep again. I'm grateful for moments like this when my little Wes looks like a perfect angel. I soak his sweet sleeping face in and fill up my love tank. Then I brace myself for his crazy storm that is sure to come later tonight.


The Bookshelf

Rachel loves pulling all the books off the bookshelf. It's so fun and she's so good at it!