Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Nutcracker Ballet

Steve got Kate and I tickets to go see the Nutcracker Ballet.  We have been looking forward to going all month.  Yesterday was the big day.  We got dressed up.  We swung by 7 eleven and stocked up my purse with candy.  Then we had the best time, just Kate and I.  We went to the performance put on by Nevada School of dance.  It was so good.  The dancers ages ranged from 5 to adult. The little dancers were really cute and Kate loved watching them. It was the perfect ballet for us. We had a magical time together.

Did I mention we had front row seats because we did! It was awesome.


Enjoying some much needed Mommy daughter time!


Kate is the best big sister. She loves little Rachel. She holds her and soothes her. She is so gentle and loving. She is very motherly. She protects her and cuddles her. Seeing them together might just be the cutest sweetest thing I've ever seen. I'm so glad they have each other.

They both fell asleep snuggling each other

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear Rachel

My sweet little baby Rachel.  I went to the hospital on your due date 12/12//12 to be induced.  It was a long labor, 14 1/2 hours.  I like to think it took so long because you had so many goodbyes to say on the other side.  I know you were up in heaven with people who love you dearly and I imagine they just needed a few more minutes with you. It was painful, epidural worked on & off.  It was stressfull, almost ended up with a c-section but  at 6:23 PM you arrived!  I finally got to see your perfect beautiful face and most importantly I got feel your warm sweet little spirit.  I am so in love with you.  I feel so blessed to be your Mom.  Welcome to our family we are a loud and crazy bunch and we are so glad you joined us.  We all love you so much!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

They're Sick

Well we got puke going on over here. Lots of puke and some diarrhea too. It's super fun. I've done like a dozen loads of laundry today. I kind of feel sick too. Not sure if I really am or if it's my hyper sensitive pregnancy senses not agreeing with the unfortunate aromas my kids have been producing all day. On the bright side they got sick 3 days before Baby Rachel's due date. Happy to be getting it over with now before I bring an infant home. I feel bad for my little sickies. They look so sad and weak laying around with their barf bowls by their sides.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sleeping Jason

I love checking on Jason at night. I never know how I'm going to find him. I wonder what he dreams about.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Loose Tooth

Kate had a loose tooth.  She has been wiggling it and whining about it for about a week now.  Sunday she was ready to be rid of it and asked me to gently pull it.  I explained if I was going to pull it I would have to do it fast and hard and it would hurt for a minute but it would be out.  She agreed.  I pulled it out and she didn't even cry.  In fact she giggled and was so thrilled to have lost a tooth.  She is super excited about it and proudly shows off the new little empty spot in  her mouth to everyone and anyone. 

She put her tooth in an envelope addressed to the tooth fairy put it under her pillow and went to bed.
She came in our room at 3:00 AM to show us this magical envelope that was waiting for for under her pillow. She could not believe she didn't even wake up and declared "the tooth fairy is so sneaky"
Here she is with her great big brand new smile and her sparkly dollar bill.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We took the kids to Disneyland. As expected we had a magical time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Heroes in a Halfshell

Luke got some birthday money and we finally went to Target to spend it. He picked out a Ninja Turtle mask and weapon set. Then he begged me to buy Jason a set so they could play together. I agreed and these two boys have been non-stop ninja turtling it these days.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Feeling Like Fall

Last night we had soup for dinner. Today we had hot chocolate and toast for breakfast. We snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. We are wearing pants and long sleeves. We have runny noses. We made pine cone turkeys for Thanksgiving decorations. We listened to Christmas music on pandora. It's finally starting to feel like fall and I'm loving it!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween from
                                                          Little Ninja
                                  Nemo or as Wesley says it "momo"
                                           & Pinkalicious.

We went to our ward trunk or treat and we all had a good time! Donuts, hot chocolate and candy!  Jason was above and beyond ecstatic.  Every time someone put a candy in his bucket he would pull it out with the biggest smile on his face and show me.  He was so animated and excited about everything.  It was hilarious. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Perfectly Imperfect.

We went to Town Square the other day. I like going places with the kids. They have fun and get tired and my house doesn't get destroyed in the process.  The kids are so cute and funny and bright.  I know I will desperately miss these times when the kids are older and things aren't so simple any more. When we have to make much bigger and more complicated decisions than what park we want to go to.  I'm always trying to capture the perfect picture as a perfect reminder of these cherished days we spend playing our hearts out.  So here is my best attempt.  Not a single shot is even close to being perfect but they perfectly capture the essence of our life.   My kids are having too much fun to stop and sit still long enough for me to take the perfect picture and you know what, I'm glad about that.