Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feeling Thankful

Here is our little family minus Jason (he was so tired and zonked a few minutes before eating time). I have to admit that Thanksgiving use to be one of my least favorite holidays but I am proud to admit I have had a change of heart. It is a simple holiday and I love that. The focus is about gathering together as a family and reflecting on how blessed we are. I am a lucky girl and have been seriously blessed. When I sit and really think about my life I feel overwhelemed by the goodness and love that I enjoy on a daily basis. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and are feeling loved and blessed as well.

Piano Time

The kids love their Aunt Kelli, she's lots of fun! She teaches piano at a music center and is really talented. When she comes over to the house she gives them fun little mini lessons. They have leared a little but mostly they have fun! The 4 of them sit on the bench together and tap the keys and sing and laugh.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

He's Tough

We went to a community festival and they were doing free airbrush tattoos for kids.  We got in line but it was taking forever so we decided to just bail.  When we starting walking away from the line Luke freaked out. He wanted him a tattoo and he was willing to wait for it.  So we got back in line and waited. When it was almost his turn he started looking at his design options.  I figured he'd pick a Disney character or something kiddish.  He picked out a red tribal design.  We were surprised by his selection but he was passionate about it.  When he sat down in the chair he pointed out his design again to make sure IT was the one the lady was giving him. He got it. He loves it. He looks tough and he feels tough!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm NOT tired

Now that she's 4 Kate no longer thinks she needs naps. Naps are for babies and she is NOT a baby. Insisting she needed a nap lead to daily battles and hostile feelings so I waved the white flag and gave in to her grown up demands. She was probably right abount not needing to nap becasue most days she is up and at em all day with plenty of energy. But sometimes when we are driving around town I'll look back and see this.

When we get to our destination and I wake her up to get her out of the car the first thing she blurts out is, "I'm not tired, I'm not tired." It makes me laugh. Okay Kate whatever you say.

Monday, November 7, 2011

October Goodness

We really enjoyed October. Here are a few things we've been up to. Riding the carousel at the district. It's free and the animal selection is very exciting. The kids Love it and my inner kid loves it too!
Of course we dressed up for Halloween. I was a clown, I'm still not exactly sure what Steve was, Kate was a care bear, Luke was a dragon, Jason was Nemo, and Wes was a baby dragon.
We went to the ward trunk or treat party. The kids got too much candy and then had fun pasing it out.
The kids painted pumpkins and Steve carved one.
We had Hot Cocoa and movie parties.