Friday, August 19, 2011

Steve RN

Steve graduated today! This year went by really fast. I can't believe he's done with nursing school. He still has to take the NCLEX. The licensing exam to make things official but he's a smarty pants and I know he will pass with no problem. His nursing class had a pinning ceremony today that we went to. Steve didn't really want to go but we went and I'm glad we did. I'm so proud of Steve and wanted to to celebrate his accomplishments with him. It's not his end goal but we are half way there and that's a big deal. During the ceremony a girl from his class was giving a speech and was mentioning strengths that she learned and observed in her fellow classmates. When she mentioned Steve she talked about his strong dedication he has for our family. It almost made me cry. I am so grateful that when he is around others he acts in a manner that makes it very clear family comes first. Thanks for being such a good husband, father, and student. Love you Steve.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wes at 4 Months

A little bit about Wesley at 4 months old.
He is cute!
He is very smiley!
He has the sweetest laugh!
His poops and farts smell horrible!!!
He spits up a lot!
He is happy if you hold him when you put him down he usually cries.
He is very very very very very loved! (A very for each member of the family, we all adore him)

Puppy Love

We are temporarily living with my in-laws. A cute little thing named Fifi is also temporarily living with my in laws. The rest is was love at first sight!

Kate is madly in love with this little dog. She's really good with it too. Seeing the happiness ooze out of her when she plays with Fifi makes me smile.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Our life has been super crazy lately. I sometimes feel like I'm on a roller coaster, luckily I enjoy the thrill of roller coasters. They're fun! You're never quite sure what's going to happen next. They make you laugh and scream. By the time the ride ends you sometimes feel lucky to be alive and slightly nauseous (but the thrill and experience was totally worth it) and when you get off you find the closest bench to sit on and recover until you're ready to do it all over again. Well it feels like we are riding this ride and it got put on repeat mode. Just when I think it's over and we can get off it speeds up and starts all over again. I am so ready to get off and find that bench.

The latest happenings in our ever eventful life include Steve graduating from nursing school. YAY for Steve! I am really proud of him, he is going to be a great nurse. Where he is going to be a nurse is the BIG question. Steve needs to get a job in an ICU as a new grad which is a super difficult thing right now. Our chances of him getting a job here in Vegas look pathetic. So we are making plans to move. We have rented our home to someone I know who is moving here for dental school and was willing to sign a 4 year contract. We have to be out by the 13th. So we are all packed up with nowhere to go. My in-laws are wonderful and have offered to let us crash at their place until we figure things out. Steve has applied to jobs all over the country and hopefully he will get a job offer soon. I have no idea where we'll end up but I do know whatever happens is meant to be. Of course I'm sad about possibly leaving Vegas we have lots of family and good friends here. On the other hand the opportunity to move somewhere and experience new and different things is exciting to me. I love my life and honestly wouldn't swap places with anyone I know. I'm just ready to take a little break from the insanity.