Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Home

This year December was a crazy month. I got my colonoscopy.  I have to get one every 5 years as a preventative thing since my mom died of colon cancer at such a young age.  It was awful.  I hate them!  But the results were good and I am healthy. Steve is now working and I am still working so between our combined schedules we only have a couple days to actually do stuff. On top of the regular holiday madness we moved the week before Christmas!! Yes we finally moved out of my in-laws and into a house!  They were super nice and very generous to allow us to stay with them and I am so thankful for their kindness. I am also SO thankful to have a little more space. The kids have adjusted nicely and they are loving having their toys and things back.  Wesley is now sleeping through the night in a crib in his own room, it's a very beautiful thing when your baby sleeps at night.  Also Steve and I get to sleep in the same bed again, it's nice. Having our own home to live in is the best early Christmas present I could ask for.  I think us moving out was a nice Christmas present for my in laws too.  I bet they enjoying having a clean, quite and peaceful home again.  Merry Christmas to us all!

Christmas Elfs

I ran downstairs to do something and when I came back upstairs I found Kate Luke and Jason decked out in elf costumes. We used them for a Christmas skit a few years back and they were in a box in the closet. They were delighted with themselves. They looked hilarious and so I demanded that they perform a little impromptu musical. They sang and danced while I laughed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Family Pics

Taking family photos with 4 kids is exhausting. It is impossible to get everyone to sit still and smile nicely at the same time. Some how my sister-in-law miraculously managed to get a few decent pics of us. I am not on top of things so I won't be sending out a christmas card but if I did these would be the pictures on it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Chocolate Wasted

The first Monday after Thanksgiving all the Edington women get together and we have one big massive baking/dipping day.  I will not lie it's totally insane.  Every year at least one good fight erupts between two overly sugared and overworked ladies and this year did not disappoint.  Tension lingers for a short while but there is nothing a chocolate dipped Oreo can't fix. So we eat a few, feel better and move on with life. We made candied nuts, Carmel popcorn, chocolate covered toffee, peanut brittle, chocolate dipped mint Oreos, chocolate dipped Nutter Butters, chocolate dipped pretzels, butterscotch things, rocky road,  and chocolate dipped marshmallows on sticks.  We drizzle them with white chocolate or put holiday sprinkles on them to up the cute factor and homemade vibe.  Then there is a packaging station where individual items are wrapped in holiday packaging.   By the end of the day we divide up all the goods and go home tired and chocolate wasted with a basket full of goodies. When I say basket full I mean like a huge laundry basket full of treats.  Seriously it's ridiculous in a good way. I take home way more than I could have ever made by myself and I get to hang out with all the ladies I love. If you live in Vegas get ready we're coming caroling and we're bringing you treats and  yes we actually sing when you answer your door.  The first year Steve and I were married and he insisted on singing I was shocked and horrified.  I remember singing just the two us and being so embarrassed.  I've adjusted and I'm singing loud and proud these days so be prepared!
Thanks Susan for inventing and hosting baking day! It's fun and crazy and I totally Love it!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Honorary Cub Scout

Steve's Mom is a den leader, so since we have been living here my kids have been introduced to the world of Cub Scouts.  She is super nice and allows them to participate in the pack meetings.  They love it! When Luke finds of it's scouts day he runs upstairs and insists on wearing his "scout jacket" It's actually a GAP jacket but it is gold and blue and similar to their shirts.  He's so funny.  I really love him!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feeling Thankful

Here is our little family minus Jason (he was so tired and zonked a few minutes before eating time). I have to admit that Thanksgiving use to be one of my least favorite holidays but I am proud to admit I have had a change of heart. It is a simple holiday and I love that. The focus is about gathering together as a family and reflecting on how blessed we are. I am a lucky girl and have been seriously blessed. When I sit and really think about my life I feel overwhelemed by the goodness and love that I enjoy on a daily basis. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and are feeling loved and blessed as well.

Piano Time

The kids love their Aunt Kelli, she's lots of fun! She teaches piano at a music center and is really talented. When she comes over to the house she gives them fun little mini lessons. They have leared a little but mostly they have fun! The 4 of them sit on the bench together and tap the keys and sing and laugh.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

He's Tough

We went to a community festival and they were doing free airbrush tattoos for kids.  We got in line but it was taking forever so we decided to just bail.  When we starting walking away from the line Luke freaked out. He wanted him a tattoo and he was willing to wait for it.  So we got back in line and waited. When it was almost his turn he started looking at his design options.  I figured he'd pick a Disney character or something kiddish.  He picked out a red tribal design.  We were surprised by his selection but he was passionate about it.  When he sat down in the chair he pointed out his design again to make sure IT was the one the lady was giving him. He got it. He loves it. He looks tough and he feels tough!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm NOT tired

Now that she's 4 Kate no longer thinks she needs naps. Naps are for babies and she is NOT a baby. Insisting she needed a nap lead to daily battles and hostile feelings so I waved the white flag and gave in to her grown up demands. She was probably right abount not needing to nap becasue most days she is up and at em all day with plenty of energy. But sometimes when we are driving around town I'll look back and see this.

When we get to our destination and I wake her up to get her out of the car the first thing she blurts out is, "I'm not tired, I'm not tired." It makes me laugh. Okay Kate whatever you say.

Monday, November 7, 2011

October Goodness

We really enjoyed October. Here are a few things we've been up to. Riding the carousel at the district. It's free and the animal selection is very exciting. The kids Love it and my inner kid loves it too!
Of course we dressed up for Halloween. I was a clown, I'm still not exactly sure what Steve was, Kate was a care bear, Luke was a dragon, Jason was Nemo, and Wes was a baby dragon.
We went to the ward trunk or treat party. The kids got too much candy and then had fun pasing it out.
The kids painted pumpkins and Steve carved one.
We had Hot Cocoa and movie parties.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Looks Can Be Decieving

Doesn't he look sweet? Like really, really, really, super sweet. Well he is if you give him your undivided attention. If you let your thoughts and eyes wander from his sweet little face he will cry! He also at the ripe old age of 6 months still enjoys several middle of the night feedings.You are lucky you are so cute Wes, but being cute only gets you so far in life. My back hurts from carrying you all day and I'm tired of waking up so much in the middle of the night. I keep saying it's time to let you cry but when you cry your sweet little cry with that sweet little face I can't stand it. I have to swoop you up and give you what you want. One of these days I'm going to toughen up and when I do you will have to toughen up too. But for now keep on looking this sweet and you'll probably keep getting what you want.

Happy 3rd birthday to Luke!

Luke turned 3 October 4th. I love him SO much! He is turning into such a fun sweet little guy. He loves being outside, wearing shoes (he even isists on wearing them while he sleeps), soda, tools, being a helper (and he is a really good one), babies, saying prayers, swimming, Toy Story, wearing hats, the color blue, shooting guns and playing soccer. He is small for his age but has a BIG heart and is very determined. He has magical eyes that twinkle when he smiles and they just suck you in and melt you. He gives the best hugs and kisses and he can really snuggle.
Him and his cousin Jalie have the same birthday so we had a joint family party. He got some fun presents, played some fun games, and ran around like a wild man with all his cousins.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cutest Curls Ever

Little baby Wes has the sweetest little curls. I think he looks like a doll. He is SO cute I can barely stand it!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


According to Jason nudity is the new black. Trying to keep him clothed has almost become a full-time job. If I leave him alone for even a short period of time chances are I will find him naked. He has become quite the crazy naked boy on the run these days.

Ready. Set. Swim!

We've been doing a lot of swimming this summer. It's SO hot and the pool is refreshing, fun and free. In steve's words "the pool has made summer not so miserable"

Luke is pretty serious swimmer. Check out his form!

Grandpa & Grandma have a diving board, it's a big hit with the kids.

Look at that face

Monday, September 5, 2011

California Vacation

We went to California for a week to visit my family and also to attend a wedding. Vacationing with 4 munchkins is a lot of work! Wes was sick and had a fever and was grumpy for a solid portion of the trip. I was mostly bummed because it meant a lot of sleepless nights for me but I was also bummed because I feel like people didn't get to see the sweet happy Wesley that I love so much! The week flew by and the rest of us really enjoyed ourselves.
We hit up the beach a couple of times

Grandpa Lauricella arranged for the kids to go on a pony ride. Kate was the only one brave enough to actually go for a ride. Then they got to go play with some chickens which they all loved!

The kids also loved playing with their uncles Dino & Dom. Steve and I went on a date which was delightful. We went swimming one night with my brother Matt and his family also delightful. We played tennis, ate lots of good food and relaxed. Good times!d

Friday, August 19, 2011

Steve RN

Steve graduated today! This year went by really fast. I can't believe he's done with nursing school. He still has to take the NCLEX. The licensing exam to make things official but he's a smarty pants and I know he will pass with no problem. His nursing class had a pinning ceremony today that we went to. Steve didn't really want to go but we went and I'm glad we did. I'm so proud of Steve and wanted to to celebrate his accomplishments with him. It's not his end goal but we are half way there and that's a big deal. During the ceremony a girl from his class was giving a speech and was mentioning strengths that she learned and observed in her fellow classmates. When she mentioned Steve she talked about his strong dedication he has for our family. It almost made me cry. I am so grateful that when he is around others he acts in a manner that makes it very clear family comes first. Thanks for being such a good husband, father, and student. Love you Steve.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wes at 4 Months

A little bit about Wesley at 4 months old.
He is cute!
He is very smiley!
He has the sweetest laugh!
His poops and farts smell horrible!!!
He spits up a lot!
He is happy if you hold him when you put him down he usually cries.
He is very very very very very loved! (A very for each member of the family, we all adore him)

Puppy Love

We are temporarily living with my in-laws. A cute little thing named Fifi is also temporarily living with my in laws. The rest is was love at first sight!

Kate is madly in love with this little dog. She's really good with it too. Seeing the happiness ooze out of her when she plays with Fifi makes me smile.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Our life has been super crazy lately. I sometimes feel like I'm on a roller coaster, luckily I enjoy the thrill of roller coasters. They're fun! You're never quite sure what's going to happen next. They make you laugh and scream. By the time the ride ends you sometimes feel lucky to be alive and slightly nauseous (but the thrill and experience was totally worth it) and when you get off you find the closest bench to sit on and recover until you're ready to do it all over again. Well it feels like we are riding this ride and it got put on repeat mode. Just when I think it's over and we can get off it speeds up and starts all over again. I am so ready to get off and find that bench.

The latest happenings in our ever eventful life include Steve graduating from nursing school. YAY for Steve! I am really proud of him, he is going to be a great nurse. Where he is going to be a nurse is the BIG question. Steve needs to get a job in an ICU as a new grad which is a super difficult thing right now. Our chances of him getting a job here in Vegas look pathetic. So we are making plans to move. We have rented our home to someone I know who is moving here for dental school and was willing to sign a 4 year contract. We have to be out by the 13th. So we are all packed up with nowhere to go. My in-laws are wonderful and have offered to let us crash at their place until we figure things out. Steve has applied to jobs all over the country and hopefully he will get a job offer soon. I have no idea where we'll end up but I do know whatever happens is meant to be. Of course I'm sad about possibly leaving Vegas we have lots of family and good friends here. On the other hand the opportunity to move somewhere and experience new and different things is exciting to me. I love my life and honestly wouldn't swap places with anyone I know. I'm just ready to take a little break from the insanity.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's been a poopy day

I love being a mom but there are are some downsides to motherhood. I'm talking about poop and we got a lot of it going on around here.

Anyone want a bouncer? It's in "like new" condition!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mani's & Pedi's

My very fun and very generous father-in-law planned a very exciting Saturday morning for all the ladies in the family. He took us all out on Saturday morning to the nail saloon to get manicures and pedicures. There were 10 of us total. It was so much fun! I got gel nails on my hands and I am pretty much in LOVE. It looks natural and feels natural but the nail polish doesn't chip off. It was so nice to hang out with the girls (and Wayne) and to get a little pampered. Thanks so much Wayne I thoroughly enjoyed myself!