We kinda took it easy Thursday morning. We hung around the house and unloaded the ATV's from our adventure the day before. Then we decided to venture out and go shooting. On our way we stopped and took in a view of the Great Salt Lake. We saw a few exciting things along the way. We saw several explosions at the weapons depot. That was kinda interesting.
Then we saw "Mr. Smartypants" stuck in the salt water. We stopped to try to help but Steve didn't have his tow ropes in his truck. He told us he had been there for 4 hours. We drove a little down the road to the place where we were shooting and Lisa said we should go back and take him some water. It was so hot outside. So I was getting out a couple of water bottles and a bunch of snacks to take to him. We had a sharpie to write peoples names on their water bottles and Meagan wrote, "Mr. Smartypants" on the ones we were taking to the stuck guy. We did scratch it out before we gave it to him. Steve saw me gathering all the food and said, "Honey. Help him out but don't go overboard. Your interfering with natural selection."
It didn't take Josh long to take a big chunk out of the milk carton.
Hear no, see no, speak no
Cheese balls anyone?
Rapid Fire
Aubrey with her bow she bought with her Birthday money
The salt flats
I've been promising Ed I would make him guacamole for about 12 years now. I finally made good on my promise. We had chicken quesadillas and homemade guacamole and my mom's homemade salsa for dinner.
Root beer floats
We were watching Brian Regan videos and he talked about ripping the ice cream carton and licking the last bit out. So Zac couldn't resist. See the video below.
EVERYONE played a huge game of Farkle. It is our official family game. No. For real. It is.
Aubrey was not happy with her farkle score. Meagan tried to cheer her up by smearing a frosting covered graham cracker on her face.
Cracking up to Brian Regan. He is our official family comedian. No. For real. He is.
Yes he is that funny. Like I said, see the video below. You're almost there.
(I am a little mad at him for stealing my eye doctor bit though)
It was so late and unfortunately this was the last day of our visit with the Dulaneys. They were going to wake up at 4am and start their drive back to Missouri. All the adults went to bed. I wanted the kids to spend as much time together as they could since they don't get to see each other very often. They got a little crazy. I have no idea what time they actually called it quits and went to bed.
I actually had to say these words, "ZAC! Please stop using your face to play air hockey!"
I went into Addy's room and found her secret treasures she brought back from our shooting adventure. It would appear that she picked up all the pieces of a TV screen someone had shot out and she arranged them so love-a-ly on her shelf.
Zac and Josh went into Emily's room to hide from the girls and try to scare them.
I finally gave up on photographing the children and got in bed. I could still hear the kids when I drifted off. Around 4:45 I crawled out of bed to wish our guests a safe ride home. We are so glad for the time we were able to spend with Ed and Lisa and Josh and Meagan. It was a fun time!