I tried to find a picture that would go along with this post, but when I googled Smushed pictures all it gave me were pictures of cats and dogs with smushy faces. Being the animal lover that I am, ummm, those just really held no appeal for me.
So then I thought, smush. Smush...... Then I suddenly broke out into.....Ahhhh, smush it. Da da da da da da da da da da da. Ahhhhh, smush it. (although I think they are supposed to be saying push it, it sounds to me like smush it) Ooooo Baby, baby. Ba ba ba baby. So I thought about embedding the Salt N Pepa video. But I couldn't stand to watch or listen to that video for more than about 30 seconds (it sounds way much better in my head) (too bad ya can't be here. in my head) (it's so totally awesome inside!) Anyway. So.....yeah. No picture. Or video. Just me! Oooo Baby, baby. Try to contain yourself.
OK, on with the post. I'm about to smush a whole bunch of stuff on up in here. All those posts I've been meaning to do for the last...oh....I don't know....five or six months. Sigh. Yep. I'm just gonna knock 'em out. They are weighing heavily on me. They are things I feel like I need to post for posterity's sake.
Remember. We've gone over this before. I just need to get it done and over with so I can go back to happy blogger land with.....♪ ♫AHHHHHH♪ ♫....the weight lifted.
It's gonna be pretty boring for some of you. But my blog's been pretty boring as of late anyway so no big diff, right? Why you would be bored with my dang cute kids, and my dang cute self, and my dang cute honey, I don't know, but some of you are just down right rude that way.
This is my goal. Smush 'em all up and get 'em all done by the end of May. 'Cause once June is here, there ain't no lookin' back. Jack.
Oh, my gosh. Speaking of Jack. Hello! Steve and I just watched the season finale of 24 last night. Like, uhmmm. I have to wait until next season to find out if Jack lives or dies? You have got to be kidding me.
Sorry. I got a little side tracked.
OK. What's today? I don't even know. But I think I only have a week left. Maybe less. Prepare yourself. There's gonna be a lot of smushin' going down around here.