October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

In the spirit of Halloween, here are a couple of our favorite videos...

And...my coworkers are better than yours.

October 28, 2012

Autumn and Girl Time

It's fall and it's been a wonderful one so far! I have been loving the weather, the leaves, and even a little bit of football.

I went to the pumpkin walk with my family and it was adorable, as always.

Stephen has been in China for the past couple weeks for school and I have missed him a lot (and I'm SO excited he is coming home today!) but I decided to make the most of my time without him and have some really fun girl time.

Last weekend I went to Witchapalooza at Gardner Village with my wonderful teaching friends and had a shopping day with my mom and sisters.

This weekend I got to go to Time out for Women with my friend Robyn. I have never been to anything like that before and it was wonderful! There are some really talented and inspirational people out there and I got to spend the weekend listening to many of them.

My favorite presenter at the conference was Jenny Oaks Baker, the daughter of Elder Oaks. She is an incredibly talented violinist and was breathtaking to listen to live. Here are a couple of videos I found of her that I liked:

October 16, 2012

Champlin Family Pictures

We had some family pictures taken at the end of August with my family in Logan and they are finally back to us! I love the way they turned out, here are some of my favorites.

October 11, 2012

My Kind of Election Coverage

This video is from the last presidential election and I could not think it is any funnier now, with them bombardment of the current election, than I do.

(sorry if you're offended by the swear in the title or the content, but I have to hear things that offend me every time I turn on the news)