Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet Cassidy

Here are some pictures of Cassidy that Katie took when we had all the grand kids together for pictures. Don't I have the cutest little girl! I sure love her!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reading on the Potty

Cassidy likes to sit on the potty and read books, it's great because then she is relaxed and will sit there for a while which has helped her go potty before. She was loving it the other day and read almost every single book she owns, although she didn't go potty it was still some good time to get used to the potty.

Happy Birthday Alan

Later that night we had a birthday party for Alan, Cassidy sure enjoyed the ice cream treats!

Friday, August 26, 2011


While we were at grandma and grandpa's Cassidy decided to try out the tramploine, she loved it! It was fun to see her bouncing around.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Picking Tomato's

We were at Grandma and Grandpa Delahunty's the other day and went out to pick some tomato's for a salad. Cassidy loved picking them, she thought it was so fun! It was really cute!


Me and Cassidy were sharing some nectarines the other day and I gave her a little bowl with a few in it and gave myself the big one. Cassidy took her little bowl and pushed it in front of me and said "Mama" then took the big bowl and said "Cass" which is what she called herself. It was pretty funny, then she decided to take a few bites of everyone and give me the left overs, lucky me!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Tube

Cassidy has now learned to use you tube on my phone. Which was great it kept her entertained and happy, that is until kid unfriendly stuff started popping up and Cassidy started throwing terrible tantrums when she couldn't have my phone. I'm now really careful to watch what she is watching and get it back to the kid stuff if it starts to stray and I'm limiting her time on it and even hiding my phone at times to keep her under control with it. She doing much better now and knows she can only have it if she is a good girl and if she cries about it then she can't have it all day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kaleb at Girls Camp

Kaleb made a bet with Brittney at camp that if she broke up with her boy friend he would let them paint his finger and toe nails and he would have to wear it for a few days. Little did he know that Brittney's boyfriend had broken up with her earlier that day. Kyle told all the girls that if he did this that none of them could have boyfriends or date until they were 16. Way to take one for the team Kaleb!

Girls Camp

Last week we had girls camp. It was so good to get to know the girls better and spend more time with them. We have amazing girls and I love them so much! I am so grateful to be working with the young women.Aubrey made me and Chalyn some ankletsOne of our crafts, we also made headbands and tied fabric on flip flops to make them look cuteThe skitsPracticing the song that went along with our theme "We Believe" it was a beautiful song and they did great singing it in sacrament when we got back.Love serving with these ladies!Bean bag tossCompass activityWater balloon volleyballBubble gum blowing contestIt was so much fun to be up there with some of my good friends Stephanie and Chalyn who were the camp directors. They did a great job planning camp, everything turned out great!

I Love sitting around the camp fire, it was great when we all sang songs, we had a lot of fun. This was the night the bishopric came up, we had some crazy story telling this night.