8 Weeks
12 Weeks
12 Weeks
16 Weeks
Here are a few pictures of my growing baby belly! And a little bit about my pregnancy so far! Starting off the pregnancy for about the first week I was always hungry and I wanted salads! That didn't last long the next week I started to have to force my self to eat anything, nothing sounded good and everything made me nauseous, as for the salads I still can't eat anything with lettuce! So up until 8 weeks I didn't feel good but I wasn't throwing up, at 8 weeks that started, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been, usually it was like 2-3 times a week but some time 2-3 times a day and it hit me in the evening which is good because I could still make it threw a day at work, I have only been thrown up at work 3 times so I think that it pretty good! 14 weeks was the worst I was so sick that weekend (Easter weekend) but since then have improved so much I now feel pretty much normal and can eat most food again! I hope it lasts! I lost 10 pounds the first few months but now am slowly gaining it back but I'm still not up to my pre-pregnancy weight. I think that I can feel the baby move but still am unsure, I can't wait until I can know for sure and feel it more often! We will have an ultrasound on May 15th and will find out if we are having a boy or a girl that is if the baby lets us! I can't wait!
We bought our first purchase for the baby last night, which was a crib, Aaron was worried I would make him set it up when we got home and didn't want to because it was pretty late, I told him not to worry we won't set it up for a few months once we start getting the nursery set up, later after we brought it home he informed me that he wants to set it up as soon as possible, I was like what you were just complaining about setting it up, but he said that he wants to make sure all the parts are there and that nothing is damaged in case we need to take it back or something, which makes since, so we will be doing that this weekend! Any way that is my pregnancy so far!
Wow I just noticed while posting the pictures how much I have grown, I knew I was starting to get a belly but didn't realize just how much I grew especially from 12 to 16 weeks!