
Friday, April 25, 2008


三张paper过了, 可是陆续而来的还有四张paper...惨咯。。。
今天有两张paper, 有点pack,而且是我比较注重的,都是同一天考,8。30am 和11.30am, 所以一刚考完,感觉就突然轻松很多了。

原本昨晚只打算睡大约一个小时,要半夜爬起床来revise, 怎知一觉醒来, 却是早上六点多了 !! 这次惨了、惨了。。我还 没复习完! TDR 的那科我昨晚简至是还没有动过, Pop&Quanti 也只是带过罢了,也没有真真去背!如果到时候是出Teori或Defination 这类的问题, 那真的是很悲哀。。都是自己爱睡的后果。 我常常都是这样,本来要在已调好的时间内起身, 可是闹钟就是响了就按,按了又响。。还是不甘愿爬起身来 !

所以早上起身了,就快快地把Pop和Quanti翻了两下,把Formula背起来。可是TDR也是照样没有动到,只能靠在study week 所读的印象, 带进考场。。不管啦。。。顺其自然啦。

幸好Pop&Quanti出的问题比想像的容易, 而我早上匆匆忙忙背的Formula 也有帮助。 希望我没有用错Formula 或背错啦, 因为真的是在很混乱和匆忙的时间内背嘀。可是所出的问题越简单,也就容易出差错,因为人往往会用最复杂的方式去解决最简单的问题。。广东话也常常说:“最危险的地方其实就是最安全嘀”。我的cousemate也这样认为,而且还是一题20分,如果真的有少许的差错,那么20分就真的飞走了。至于TDR, 嘻嘻。。因为那个lecturer要的答案往往是出乎意料之外,答案往往是超出书本范围内的,需要很多很多很多的critical thinking 和 updated information. 就算把整份lecture notes 背到滚瓜烂熟,也未必拿到A, 上个sem这科也只有一人拿A罢了。总之, 目前的三张paper还好,至少不会到超不会做的地步。。希望成绩出来时,不会死的很难看。。。

今天在考场内看到Dr. Chan 和 Dr. Sow...很久都没有看到他们了。 Dr. Sow 之前因偏头痛进院了, 希望他一切无恙, 哈哈。。今天的他穿到很smart, 还有穿coat ler... Dr Chan 的头发很长, 很乱一下咯。。。哈哈。。他快要离开UM了,到UK 深造, 马大又少了一位好讲师。。。haiz..
这两科Dr. Shuba都是监考师之一, 考前考后都笑笑关心的问:How How? Still Ok? ...

考完后, 我和candy有去问Dr. Chan 答案。。炸到 !
“ If u have read the updated article that i have send to u, sure u can find the answer from there. If u have write the keyword, even though d explanation is not good, u still can get d full marks coz i just want c d keyword. I want u all always have the updated information. Then u can get d A as what u deserved for..."

还有很多很多...幸亏我没有做那题。。祝你好运。 Contamination ...Sequencing, two ladder., 2 round sequencing..PCR also can...base bias...blah blah blah...

其实今天考试场面有点混乱,因为考试地点换了, 一个是APM,一个是API...,而且这两个地方我也是第一次去,那我是不是要谢天谢地, 因为如果不是考场换了,我也不会想过要去,让我有机会看看那边的环境。 考完8.30am那场,又要直接赶下场,幸好有transport, 要不然如果走路的话,也要走上半小时。 这两个地方简直是一个南一个北, 而且还在上坡上, 如果走路去到那边的话,肯定满头大汗、气喘! 你以为现在是考体能课meh..把考场安排在酱的地方!

去到API, 很想上厕所, 酱大的 地方, 不可能没有厕所 gua...可是厕所到的在那??
毕竟是第一次去那里,那时还下着毛毛雨, 我和Candy俩人走来走去“雨中寻厕”。。恼也很可笑!!
另外, 当进到考场时,我们几个在Aras 2 走了一圈, 走来走去,还是找不到位置, 到底在那里?这才发觉我们进错Aras...真的很blur ! 我们赶尽跑到Aras 1, 走来走去, 还是找不到! 难道又走错?原来我们的位置被安排在最未端,看到有空座位, 就快快坐下来。。。气喘了!

咖啡的效力真的很强 (也要depend on 什么brand 嘀...) ,
现在感觉很飘。。。飘、飘、飘 。。。

Friday, April 11, 2008

" Sharing" day

Time really fly so fast...School days end and study week starts...can consider partly of the holidays..but it only last for 1 week, just one week only, and after that continue with the killing exam...haiz...

Since the study week is short and lack of sufficient time for preparing for our 7 paper loads of exam...feel heavy...then the study discussion should be started 2day...But

Yes, 2day suppose is start of study group..at first, we really quite concentrate on discussion...After "concentrate" for around 2 hours, we only manage to do 2/3 of the first question...haha...who the fault? hehe...some1 stomach is calling...so, go having lunch...where...Eco or Sc or just somewhere? On the half way to Eco, then turn back to Sc..wow...

What...by having lunch...sharing start...hehe...u all ar...so kind lor...really "sharing" a lot lor...what "analysis" lar.."observation" lar..'interpretation" lar..."evaluation" lar...bla bla bla...haha...all coming out...somemore "utilize" the rain, for continues our "discussion" topic lor...actually we are out of mood already de...hehe...so, what study discussion day become a sharing day....haha...

"haha...AM or FM? which channel are u turn to...turn turn turn, can't receive any signal de? out of channel la...laugh..."

"Aiyo..dun always feed monkey lar...feed me better...hehe...U see, u see...the bird there so special yo..speciation occuring"

"What eligible lar...what pervert lar...what gullible lar...what culprit lar..." New term for me..Nah...the culprit need to belanja later...KNOW !

Haha...for around 6 hours just sharing there...the true color comes out...hahaha...and we have shift for 3 table...from there to here and from here to there...aiyoyo...can't tahan with the smelling smoke lar....stuffy...

Haha...come out again with the curry and mihun food....and the Type 4 DTH reaction..haha...not being type I, II, III but IV...can prove it later...hehe...got "China food" somemore, looked "nice" and "taste". Type 4 reaction immediately change back to Type I..walao...hor...

X X X X X --------- X X X X X --------- X X X X X --------

And the dinner time come...at William mamak stall...the food there is nice but served in big size and special way...dun believe ? then u go there and try and then u will know la...this is my second time go there...and i ordered the tomyam mihun...wow...nice...

" Try guessing how much of the special "chicken chop" RM 20 ? RM 25...Nah...wanna declare bankrupt de..(plus the previous "seafood" porridge..aiyo)...the hotdog is kenyal somemore....then contribute to the Ronnie lar or Marley lar..Yum yum..

" Belum bagi balik empat ringgit..ada satu ringgit tak? " U see...Type 4 DTH reaction finally proved to occur" ...What happing? Still bluring ?

" aiyo...upgrade your RAM lar...not functioning well...How many RAM u use wor..I only use 512 only...but mine is 1 GB wor...really ar? why still so slow? "

"Continue discussion lar" U mean the what four what toilet ar? haha...i know that is what u mean lar..dun deny .... hehe

Haha...i just realize i'm locally and internationally allocated...What Selangor lar...Penang lar...Johor lar...Perak lar...where else ar? and China lar..UK lar..and even Africa some more...got Australia ar? Come come come...will serve u all well de...free of accommodation, free of transportation, free of guiding...what else is free ar? Aiyoyo....simply say only nia...

Curry say FM, Mihun say Am and what should Mee say ? I'm not yet sensitized lar.... PM can ar?

Everyone is wearing different mask in everytime, everywhere. "The closer we are, the thinner mask that we wear" Totally agree...
Today really is an enjoyable and shining day...
Studying day but end up with sharing and crapping day...However must study hard for the coming days...

"Impossible is possible, possible is impossible"

Monday, April 7, 2008


Well, the obstacle in front i can't...it exist anytime, anywhere, no time limited, no distance boundary. And...U can't see , U can't tough but u can feel it...stuffy...How come? y? Life is always unexpected, what should i being have and where should i being to ? Sometimes, even myself also confusing...i'm blurring...i'm lost of direction !!
Even sometimes, the well-organized planning also will chang without acknowledgement... Uncertainty is always there, can't predict and expect...Crappy !!

Decision-making really need a lot of determination...especially it costs sum of money...Just because of the recent some consecutive annoyance, then only i realize how hesitancy i was..some of the time, i being suffered from insomnia. haiz...

- regarding the 2008 CC Prom Night:
Once the time when you all ask me to join, frankly speaking, before that i really never think to go. I don't have the motivation to go, for unknown reason...But still will depend the majority of the people who willing to go...Here, my hesitates comes...i never confirm clearly and stand in my strong point to say ' I don't go‘ because of... or "I go..." However, finally i also didn't go together with them.

- Here come to next is Redang-Perhentian-Lang tengah- 3 in 1 island trip. This is trip organized by by my Honeydew family. At first, this trip is going for 4 days 3 night which start from 8/5-11/5. For this period of time, i really can't not...because my LI star from 12/5, i don't have the enough time to rush...so, settle...i no need to think more. However, the trip have been changed for 3 days only, that is until 10/5...here i'm ' fluctuating'...plus it only RM 305, for me it is cheaper for going these three islands,but more importantly is that, i can go together 4 trip again with Honeydew. It really bring a lot fun, enjoyment and sweet memories when being together with them. And i really want appreciate the time being together with them as somebody will leave soon...T.T
I hope to go but i hesitate..just mainly because of my LI...is that it provide enough time for me to go penang the next day? i"ll be rushing at that time and i can't settle my transport problem how to go penang. If i don't go, may be i still can follow my friend's car...What is my decision? i go ask some opinions. My family members persuade me to go...My housemate ask me just go, my friend just say u go la,the transportation can settle later de..some say don't go la, next time sure got time go again de...bla bla bla..My family daughter is so good and she offer to accompany me to go penang if i go there alone...but i no need she do it just because of my own troublesome. Since the confirmation need to make within limited time, i'm headache for it. So, i decide to have a nap first.
Unexpected...after i woke up, all thing seems to be clear..Perhaps my mind is really tired, mixed up and can't think further before that. Perhaps SLEEPING is really a good cure for me........my mind is relaxing...Chinese got one good phase "既来之,则安之” that mean: "Nothing need to worry very much, when the time is right, automatically it has its own settlement" (haha...am I translate correctly) .. YES, it will be have settlement after that..so, i decide n confirm to go...

- Another one things is about our genetic department reunion dinner. It is an annually dinner of my course but it not compulsory to attend.For unknown or known reason also, no matter what reason is...i and my friends not such motivated want to join that dinner...maybe because we want save that RM60 , then use it for our big big Mcdonld dinner lo...Candy hor....hehe ...i just simply say only de lar...but some just keep on asking us to go...but we didn't give exact confirmation, just say we'll go de, don't worry (actually we not hope to go) or whatever some lousy excuses...sorry for those who we 'promise' earlier want go 2gether....but we'll go at the 3rd year.

- And, recently is the LI placement. At first, I decided to go iPPT instead of FRIM. Then, is no problem there. However, forgot which day already, i receive an email stated that i was accepted by HKL. At that time, i really hope to go HKL just because of more convenience. I no need to worry about lot of things-transport, accommodation, stuff transfer bla bla bla....Then where should i go? iPPT or HKL? i really blur..no idea...However, after being "analysis" by some of my kinda "kind" friends hor....and perhaps a sleeping also...Finally, i know where should i go...
YES..i want do some RESEARCH !!

Haiz...being crapping so much here de...enough lor...

Perhaps sometimes i can find some of the reasonable excuse to convince myself about the decision that i have made ... Perhaps i can do it ...