I am late about a week on getting Kayla's 16 month update posted. Things have been busy lately at our house and I have been so exhausted that I have neglected my blog a little. Time doesn't stop and Kayla is now 16 months old.
At 16 months (April 9th) she weighed 19 pounds, 14 oz. She most likely is 20 pounds now. She is wearing 12 month clothing now. Yeah! She is growing, but will be petite.
At 15 months old, she was still getting one bottle a day (before bed), but at 15 1/2 months, I stopped giving it to her and she has done so well. She is growing up so fast! She loves her sippy cup and is doing well with it. She loves her milk! She continues to sleep well at night (12 hours). As for her eating, she is doing good. She usually tries whatever I give her, but she has her favorite foods for sure.
Trying out black and white with this look from Kayla |
Kayla has a lot of personality. She is fun-loving, happy and full of spunk. She is definitely out going and likes to go up to people at church and sit with them.
Kayla continues to work on her talking. She says "dog", "ball", "ma ma", "da da", "bye, bye". I have been teaching her sign language and she recently started signing "more". She sees the therapists teaching sign language to her sisters so she is starting to catch on to it.
Kayla loves her baths, looking at books, going outside, swinging on a swing, playing with her toys and getting into everything. She continues to love playing with her big sisters. She has a blast playing with them. It melts my heart to see them all play together laughing. Love my girls!