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Showing posts with label Zentangle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zentangle. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mix Media Art Journal Page: Zentangle with Stencils

Hello My Dear Stamper and Crafty Friends:

I  started making my Mix Media Art Journal...
and I shared with you a few days ago the cover  (with Video) that I made for it using metal foil and stencils ...

Well, today I would like to share with you one of the first projects that I made for my Mix Media Art Journal...
I used some stencils and decided to "embellished" them using the  "Zentangle" technique as well...and this is what I came up...

I am very excited as I embark in a new adventure: the one of making a Mix Media Art Journal!
and I do not know where this will take me in my creative journey , but I am sure I will discover new things and ways to work and get inspired and create ...and for sure  I will be sharing with you  bits and pieces of this road that I decided to explore...

Here are the supplies that I used...
The Mix media book (before being decorated) ...
lots of stencils, some pens (and inks- not shown)...

Before I start I want to show you what I used for My Zentangle designs:
These are 9 starting references for your Zentangle designs...
The doodles that I choose are very simple made out of : dots, circles, ovals, X, lines etc...and in a repetitive way each one of them filled each part of the designs on the stencils...

Step by Step:
- Choose the stencils that you want to play with...
- Trace the motifs with a "Copic" liner  

1- Trace a motif (one leaf from the "Frond" stencil from "Memory Box") from your stencil with a "copic" liner in Black
2- Trace another motif (second leaf) on another place of your page
3-Fill the page by tracing more designs until you feel satisfied (I used different leaves, chevron lines, Moroccan tiles designs from different stencils)
4- Start Doodleling (choose one leaf at a time and one Zentangle design and start filling each space) no reason, or order, just chose what you like.
For my stem I chose to do tiny dots, for the right side of one leaf I decided on curvy vertical lines and some part of the leaf all cover in black...and continue this way

1- TIP (photos above): place under your hand a paper towel while doodleling, to prevent smears
2- I filled the "moroccan" tiles with lines in diagonal and pointy little triangles
3- other leaves I filled them with crosses, diagonal lines or curvy ones and semi circles...
4- for the "chevron" stencil I filled each section with circles, wavy lines, rectangles etc...

1-when finished doodleling, now shade with a pencil some areas
2-I added some color with inks and on the left side of my journal I wrote in pencil a citation
3- For my citation "Do what you love,  Love what you do!" I added a double line on some of the letters
4-I inked some areas with inks and 2 stencils; the "honeycomb" one and the "mesh" one
and color in black the letters, added some "washi" tape

Here it is the finished page on the left...

Here it is the Finished page on the right

Ok My dear friends, 
thank you for the company and 
for taking interest in what I do!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chalkboard/Zentangle Style Card

Hello Dear Stamper Friends:
Today I would like to share with you this "Chalkboard/Zentangle" style card that I made using the wonderful "Loast Coast Designs" stamps as part of my contributions as a design team member (DTM).

This set of stamps come as a sheet of red rubber stamps with all these "doodle" words to be used separate or together...I love how the words are "Zentangle" style too!
see my Pinterest board in "Zentangle"

I decided to use the entire sheet and do not cut the words and use the sheet as a background!
I stamped a second time the words in white paper and only use the word "create" and place it on top of the background. 
The feather was stamped in acetate paper, with white "Stazon" Ink and as for the crown I added glossy accents to make it shine!

Ok my friends I hope you can check out LCD website, there are very new stamps added to the website!!!
and Great news for us Californians, LCD is coming to town, they will be here on May 2nd at the
"The Original Rubber Stamp Festival", Sacramento, California, so mark your calendars and stop by the booth to say Hi!

SUPPLIES: doodle wordsfeather; set of crowns;