Good Morning! I've had a lot of emails asking how I color with pastels so I thought I would try to show you a step by step.
First I must tell you I only like Naturals White Card Stock by SU! for coloring with pastels.
Second I use the cheapest q-tips I can find I show them in the picture above. If you use real q-tips they have to much cotton and will loosen and become a cottonball soon as you start blending. You want to find ones that are wrapped really tight. I bought these at the dollar store.
Now that you have your correct supplies let's get started, I'm using Stampin' Pastels, Naturals White CS, and Jet Black Stazon.
Stamp your leaf in black, using a circular motion add pastels to the leaf as follows
Step 1. I used Mellow Moss
Step 2. I added Glorious Green sorta heavy down the center and on all the heavier inner lines.
Step 3. I added Old Olive to the open areas in a circular motion, leaving small areas without color
Step 4. I added Only Orange not to much and blended, I went back over the center line with Glorious Green, blend some more.
Step 5. I used Bravo on the left side of the leaf and alittle on the upper right, blend, blend, blend. I used the eraser that comes with your pastels to lighten color where I saw fit!
As you play with the pastels you'll see the colors really blend well together and by using different colors like orange really pops your leaf.
I do the same process when coloring my butterflies. I hope this was helpful. I would love to see what you make, send me a link to your card so I can take a peek:)
Thanks for stopping by
Enjoy your day!