I found out today that I am very attached to my eyebrows! They are very important and I think I would look silly if I didn't have any. What brought on this sudden awareness? Well the story goes something like this...
I have a new love! Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad. I have chicken in my fridge and lettuce in my garden...combine the two and bam you have a great kinda healthy meal. So for lunch today I decided to make this fantastic meal. Items needed: Chicken (check), Lettuce (check), BBQ grill (check). So I go out back to turn on the grill, I flip the dials, turn the gas thingy, and push the self-light button....nothin'. What! I just did this last night and it worked perfectly. So I bend over to look through the "peep" hole a the front of the grill to see if it is lit or not....it's not so (while still looking) I push the button and WHAMO! A flaming hot fire rushed out of said "peep" hole and...well let;s just say...I still have eyebrows and hair, Whew. My eyelashes are singed, and there orginal shortness is not shortened by half again. My whispie hairs are all singed and for a long while (until I showered) I smelt like bad campfire, I apologize to all who were unfortunate enough to smell me.
I now have a greater appreciation for eyebrows though....man am I glad that I still have them!