Wednesday, December 16, 2009

36.5 weeks

The countdown begins! Knowing that in just a few days if I were to go into labor they wouldn't stop me is kinda scary. We aren't ready for this baby girl to join our family in the flesh just yet, but I have been feeling very "nest-y" the past couple of days and so I am kicking myself into high-gear to try and finish cleaning up her room.
I went to the Dr. today and I am at 2cm, 80% effaced, and at a 0 station, so now it's just a waiting game....maybe I'll feel more ready after the baby shower this weekend. (which by the way if you want to come just leave me a comment with your email and I'll send you the info.)
I would post a belly shot for those who don't see me on a regular basis but I don't have any open USB ports right now to plug my camera into, boo. So you'll all just have to wait.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Baby Shower

Some of my wonderful friends are throwing me a baby shower this Saturday (12/19)! It is getting me really excited for this little girl of ours to come. I tried to send out invites to everyone, but if you didn't get yours (maybe it got lost in the mail?) and you want to come leave me your email (the comments are moderated) and I'll send you the information on the where and the when! Hope to see ya all there!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Schnepf Grandkids

This week, my fabulous sister Darby took Jack's 2 year old pictures for me and she also did shots of all of the Schnepf grandkids. She is amazing and cranked out these awesome pictures in just 1.5 hours. This is quite a feat when you have 13 grandkids, with 10 of those being 4 and under!
Thanks Darbs, you ROCK!These are some of my fav's of Jack.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


My mom and I went SEW crazy a few weeks ago and made aprons, aprons and more aprons! There are lots of cute girl ones and "handsome" boy aprons too. We made them for a boutique and still have some left overSo if you want to buy them we are selling them for $25 a piece. They are sized for 2-5 year olds (or older depending on how tall your child is). (Here's Jack modeling one.)
If you want to look at them and see what colors we have left, just let me know!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween is a fun day to have your birthday on!

Wow, Time sure flies! It's hard for me to accept that Jack is two! We had a fun family party on Saturday. Thanks to everyone for coming, eating our food, and showing your love for Jack.
This is the train cake that I made for Jack, he loves trains and kept saying "choo choo" and just wanted to eat the "wheels", which he did eventually.
Happy Birthday Jack, we love you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Almost 2 years old!

Lately we've been having a lot of fun. Jack is now in a big boy bed and with that comes it own set of fun challenges.I wish I had more pictures of the fun positions and locations we find him in, alas this is the only I have. That's okay though, but we've been having lots of fun playing all sorts of games.

We've play "Jack in the Box"
and "Jack in the bucket"
and my least favorite..."Jack in the Flour bucket"
My favorite of all these games however is...interesting places to put silverware. I find it all over the house and I am amazed at all of the different, unique places that Jack finds to put things.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Who is he?

10 points to whoever get's it right.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Still a girl

I had to have another ultrasound today to find some of the stuff that they couldn't see last time (cuz the baby was stubborn and wouldn't move to the right location. So of course I asked the to check and be sure that our baby bundle was still a girl! And she is... I am getting more excited about it all the time. I saw some cute girlie stuff at the store today and thought, oooo, that would be soooo cute! Everything is looking great with the baby, I have gained to much weight in the last month for my own liking but overall for the whole pregnancy I've done okay. (I'm sure it help if I stopped eating cookies though...but they are so yummy! And the perfect snack! YUM! Oh well!)

Happy 9/9/09 everyone!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Peaches and Apples

If you are in the Area....LIGHT is selling Peaches and Apples

32 lb case of Peaches -$30

38 lb box of Gala Apples-$30.

Order by Sept. 4, Delivery on Sept. 11

Contact Parker Schnepf at 480-892-8250

Or send me an email and I can pass the word on for you....

26 on the 29th...

For Erik's 26th Birthday we had a wonderful day together. We pon'd Jack off and had a relaxing day full of things. We saw a movie, went out to lunch, had birthday cake, went to a party, and played some NES. It was fun, relaxing, enjoyable day. Here are some memories/reasons I love Erik.

Wow, don't we look "little"!(June 2005)

Erik is one good looking man.(June 2005)

He makes me laugh.(Feb 2007-Hawaii)

He is a hard worker.(June-July 2006-Mozambique)

He will go and stand where I tell him to, even if it's in the middle of the street.(Feb. 2007)

Yuck! Erik isn't scared to get dirty and then document that dirtiness.
(could be any day)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A day in the life of an almost 2 year old

Jack is a silly little boy.... Two toothbrushes + excited scream = clean teeth?

Dad's old pinewood Derby + cooling rack + imagination = totally awesome and loud truck ramp

Apron + Cookie Dough = Yummy Snack

lot's of cars +silly smile = a good day

double chocolate fudge ice cream + Dad and Aunt Linda = big mess

Empty box + monkey hat = 47 minutes of fun

Tired boy from a full day of fun + no clean pajama shorts = no diaper

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's a.....

So I know that many of you are waiting with baited learn what the gender of our new addition ya go. (just thought this was a fun profile shot)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When a door opens....

....sometime adversity sneaks in the back window.One week ago.... on July 29th....this happened to my car.Still love you Tim, but now I don't have a have a car for the next 2 weeks while my car get's fixed. Bummer! Oh and Erik I love you too, even though (or maybe because) you didn't tell me about this until I got home from Girls Camp (4 days later) so that I would enjoy camp and not worry.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Fat Sisters

My mom and her sisters are hilarious!

This is for all the cousins who missed it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Darby Elizabeth Photography

In case you haven't heard, my sister Darby is an Amazing photographer! She is super awesome! And now she is teaching classes because she wants to share her talent with others and help those who would like learn more about shooting photos. Below is an excerpt from her blog: (check it out for more info

I'm opening up the following dates in

July 14, 21, 23, 28
5:30-7:30 pm

Cedar City Utah
July 31

South Jordan, Utah
July 31
August 1

Classes will be limited to 3 persons each and are $50 each.

If you are interested you must bring an SLR camera (ie a big camera, Canon Rebel or the equivalent).

I will be teaching how to really use your camera, how to 'get the background blurry', composition and basic posing techniques.

I can be emailed to secure your seat at darby[at]


Also feel free to check out more of my stuff at

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Jack loves toys, especially cars and books. He just can't get enough of them sometimes. Since we are on vacation, things are set up a little different than they normally or in our house. Jack is set up in a port-a-crib in our room and it's been as good as can be expected. Well tonight I put him down and as usual it took him FOREVER to fall asleep. He kept talking to himself and making noise, me I just kept reading my book because, hey, he'll fall asleep eventually and I was really close to finishing my book. So a few minutes ago, Erik sneaks into the room to get ready for bed and he sticks his head out and says "Come here, you gotta see this." So naturally I go and this is what I find. Silly boy, oh how we love you.

Can you guess how many toys he had in there with him?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Glamor Shots

So here is our baby in all it's glory! We went to the Dr. today and got our "Glamor Shots."

Our due date is January 12, 2010!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stone Thrower

Tomorrow is my Sunday to teach the YW. You would think that since it is Father's Day I would be teaching about the priesthood or something...nope...that was a couple of weeks ago. No, my lesson in on Forgiveness. I have been working on this lesson for a while and have been praying....really praying for an opportunity to use this. Of course in my tiny brain I thought that someone would wrong me and I'd take the high road and...well you get the idea.

WRONG! Sometimes I should just eat my words, literally, swallow them whole and then yank my foot out of my mouth.

Asking for forgiveness is hard. Not knowing whether you are forgiven, even harder. But forgiving yourself for hurting someone you care about is the hardest. I know that to be forgiven doesn't come instantly, it takes time for the wronged person to want to forgive, I get that. But how can I forgive myself for my stupidity? For being rude? For hurting them?

Sometimes I wish I could be like Bill and Ted and be able to turn back the clock and do things over again, but I guess we all know that this isn't possible. I suppose that why we have the atonement, so that we can have those mistakes erased and least in God's eyes.

Well this post is turning into a rambling fest so I'll end here. I hope that when I teach this lesson tomorrow I can help them understand the importance of not being a stone thrower. Whether they are throwing stones at someone else or at themselves.P.S. This is my hand out, to be given with Jaw Breakers.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Cat's Out...

...of the bag.

We are getting another one of these in January. We are really excited and can't wait!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So if you feel as I feel that I have been missing in action. You're right! My iMac went Kaput a couple of weeks ago and spent a couple of weeks with the apple people getting all new inerds. I seriously have a completely new computer except for the outside caseing. I got a new internal Hard Drive put in, and new logic board, and new LCD screen, new power source. Pretty much it's awesome except I had to re-install all of my software back on and I lost all my music and a couple of other things. Luckily I keep all of my photos on an external hard drive and I have past years burned onto DVD's.

Then I was gone up to a family reunion where we had a lot of fun with cousins.

Then I was back but still had no computer = no new blog posts.

But I have my computer back and I can't wait to get back to some real work/ real blogging!

P.S. Darby is giving my blog a much needed makeover. So come back and check it out and let mek now what you think.

Monday, May 4, 2009

On July 29th.....

....we will be saying goodbye to Erik's Indian (a.k.a little brother).

We are so excited for Scottie and so proud of him for being worthy of serving a mission. It will be a crazy couple of days for the Guthrie's. Brad is scheduled to leave from his mission in New Zealand on July 28th and so there is a possibility we will be having a crazy-fun party at the airport, welcoming home one missionary while bidding farewell to another! A bitter-sweet moment if ever there was one.
Oh Scottie how you make us laugh.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I found out today that I am very attached to my eyebrows! They are very important and I think I would look silly if I didn't have any. What brought on this sudden awareness? Well the story goes something like this...

I have a new love! Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad. I have chicken in my fridge and lettuce in my garden...combine the two and bam you have a great kinda healthy meal. So for lunch today I decided to make this fantastic meal. Items needed: Chicken (check), Lettuce (check), BBQ grill (check). So I go out back to turn on the grill, I flip the dials, turn the gas thingy, and push the self-light button....nothin'. What! I just did this last night and it worked perfectly. So I bend over to look through the "peep" hole a the front of the grill to see if it is lit or's not so (while still looking) I push the button and WHAMO! A flaming hot fire rushed out of said "peep" hole and...well let;s just say...I still have eyebrows and hair, Whew. My eyelashes are singed, and there orginal shortness is not shortened by half again. My whispie hairs are all singed and for a long while (until I showered) I smelt like bad campfire, I apologize to all who were unfortunate enough to smell me.

I now have a greater appreciation for eyebrows am I glad that I still have them!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Guthrie Gibberish

Here's a quick photo update on the S&E GU3 happenings.

Jack sleeps just like Erik sometimes.Wanna a kiss?We went to the park with Jill and Rachel and fed{read: chased} the ducks/pigeons.Sing...sing along (with the organ). We went to visit Erik at work.He uses silverware and often refused to eat until we give him some.Jack took up butter art! It's the new coloring....yum.
Jack likes to drink half and half out of those little creamer containers.