March 21 is his birthday.
March, who was named after his birthday month;
March, who was born in a stable because they didn't have cars back then;
March, who became a jockey and rode with Shoemaker.
In the early morning of my son's baptism, when the clock struck 12, I found myself at Ralphs fetching ingredients for an additional entre I decided to add for the luncheon the following day. Shopping at Ralph's at midnight is peaceful. There you are, all alone, just you, the click of your heels on the cement tile floor, the supermarket music,the checker standing sleepy eyed behind his register. Of course although I went for just two items and decided against a cart, I noticed the sale items and so my arms were heavily loaded as I approached the check stand, and this was the first time I noticed him,

March, a little elf of a man in a blue hooded sweatshirt standing around 4 foot tall. His hood covered his head to protect it from the scattering rain that had been evident through out the night. He was standing at the foot of the check stand chattering happily with the checker. I unloaded groceries from my arms and asked the checker where I could find Pepperoncinis. Both Checker and hooded box boy, turned to face me with smiles on their faces as the checker motioned with his finger and told me to head to aisle 14. As I left I thought first about this older gentleman working such late hours and pondered how tough things are for people who never seem to be able to retire anymore. Although he was old and working, I was impressed with his attitude. He seemed to be happy, and why wouldn't he I guess, he had a job and they are getting harder to find, I should know.
I returned wit

h the peppers in hand to more chattering and smiles from the supermarket duo, I surveyed the groceries and realized I had forgotten the napkins, "Where can I find napkins?" again the checker turns to me smiling to instructs me to head down aisle 6. "Thanks." I say, As I turn to find the napkins I hear a voice say, "You don't look a day older than when I first met you!" I could tell it came from the hooded man with the hump. I found that statement interesting since this is the first time that I had ever met either of them.
Upon returning to the stand the checker motions to the little hooded man hunched over and says" He says that he helped you out about 6 months ago. He has met you before." I looked over and March was smiling at me. "Really?" I replied, I don't remember him helping me before."
"Yes, I helped you with your groceries, and you don't look a day older..." Oh stop with that one liner I thought. Sheesh! They both continued to chatter as I surveyed my groceries passing over the scanner and thinking of the things I still needed to get to done. As I was about to pay, March asks "May I help you out?"
"That's okay. I have it." I never accept help from the box boys and I wasn't going to make this old gentleman go out either.
"No," he replied, "I will help you out." He seemed harmless, although a bit confused. I looked over to the checker who said, "He likes to help all the customers out." I was able to discern that March did not actually work there, but hung out there to chat with the employees and help the customers.
"Alright," I state, "thank you very much." Hunched over, he began pushing my cart of which he was barely able to see above the handle bars. A little uncomfortable, I began to make conversation, "Wow you are up late tonight."
"Oh I never sleep," March says with enthusiasm.

"You don't?" I ask surprised
"Nope" March replied definitively. How can he function on no sleep? At this time I am thinking that March needs to earn some extra money and so decide that I will tip him for his effort. On the way to the car March begins talking about the rain. "I love the rain. It blesses this world, this amazing world and blankets it in green. It is beautiful. I love to be out in the rain." I nod in agreement.
"This is my van," I say smiling, "let me unlock it and then I can load."
"No let me get those for you," March says with a sincere desire to help out.
"Thank you," I s

ay feeling a little awkward, and then March begins to express his love for Spring.
"I love Spring. I was born in the Spring, on the first day of Spring, March 21" and this is when he introduces his name to me, "March, my name is March. I was born in a horse stable because we did not have cars then, only horses, on March 21st I was named March for that reason." I nod my head interested. "I love Spring. It is a beautiful time of the year. It is full of beauty and color, and new growth. It is a time when the earth is reborn when new babies are born, it is God's greatest season, a celebration of all his creations." I am smiling as I listen to this little man bear testimony of the earth and Gods hand in creating it. He looks up at me with his dark eyes that twinkle with the little smile wrinkles. He waves his crooked hands into the air as he joyfully describes how spring is a season of love, how the birds are mating, all the animals are mating, all the bees are pollinating to make new, to regenerate, to bring to pass new life again. He states that he is Navajo, and that his people have reverence for the earth and all that it offers. As I listen to March. I feel an immense appreciation for him and the love that seems to exude from him as he shares his feelings with me while we stand out in a misty February night.
It is at this time that a car pulls up and unrolls the window. tilting my head to look in I notice that it is an older couple that was also roaming the aisles in Ralphs. The woman, who was driving, leans over and says, "Is everything okay?" She is looking at me. I understand that she is concerned for my safety and I shake my head yes, March leans toward the couple smiling and says, "Yes, Yes, things are well, we are well, and bless you that you are well,

healthy and happy on this beautiful night. Drive home safely and God Bless You." The couple look to me again, they are smiling now , we then exchange waves of good bye and they leave.
March continued to share a bit of his life with me. How he was a jockey and rode with the likes of Shoemaker and how they looked exactly alike and they often confused the sports writers. He shared his love of riding and his passion for horses. Everything he shared was done with an expression of love and gratitude.
Because it was late, because I had to get home and still start this second entre and it was past twelve-thirty, because I really shouldn't be out at that late hour, I had to cut our conversation short. I felt badly because I could tell that March enjoyed the company and I enjoyed his stories. The groceries were in the trunk and I grabbed my wallet to give March a tip. March smiled and waved his crooked

hand and said, "No, no, no. I did it because I wanted to help. Here, this is all I need," and he held out his hand to shake mine.
I reached out and shook his hand and said, "Thank you." reverently smiling.
"Your welcome, and God bless you." and with that he took the handle of my cart and began pushing it back to Ralphs. I slowly backed out and began heading home feeling joyful at the opportunity to meet March and to hear his testimony, his love for his Father in Heaven and his beautiful creations. I felt lifted by all the love he expressed. I will never forget him, that little elf of a man, hunched over in a hooded sweatshirt, who looked up at me with bushy eyebrows, dark eyes and smile wrinkles.