Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hot Chocolate 15K Countdown

My second official race of 2014 will be the Hot Chocolate 15K in Seattle on March 2nd. (My first run of the year was my Year to Year 5K on Dec. 31st/Jan. 1st)  How can you not want to run a race where there are not only water stops, but a chocolate station as well?  I haven't had any chocolate at all since January 4th.  Since I'm doing well with all of my challenges so far this year, I will partake in a few sweets during and after this event.  I already feel guilty just writing about it.  Who knows what chocolate and sugar will do to my system at this point?

Here's what will be waiting for me afterwards.

Unfortunately, my original running buddy can no longer make it to run this with me.  Very sad.  The only saving grace is that my oldest daughter, Makenna, kept harassing me almost daily to let her register and run this with us.  Somewhere along the way I gave in and registered her.  I forgot all about it until her packet pickup info email showed up a couple days ago along with mine :)  So now I will be running this with my little running buddy in training.

Another thing I'm pretty excited about is the goodie bag for this race.  Check it out.

I'm super excited for this event.  Looking forward to making some memories with my girl.  

Any of you running this?  I'd love to meet up.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Challenge Update

So far I'm doing well with all of my challenges that I've decided to take on this year.  

The Biggest Loser ~ I'm finally starting to lose a little weight.  Thank goodness.  I'm just a day shy of 7 weeks to go.  The weigh out day is April 5th.  I'm really hoping that all my hard work will pay off.

Winter Miles Challenge ~ We are coming to the end of the Winter Miles Challenge that Run With Jess set up.  Only 2 weeks left.  I haven't won any of the weekly prizes yet but just participating and knowing I need to hit my miles each week is very motivating and worth it.  I committed to 30 miles each week and have hit my goal each time. #WinterMiles

WEEK 1 ~ 31.62 Miles
WEEK 2 ~ 31.40 Miles (Hit my goal even while having the flu.)
WEEK 3 ~ 33.75 Miles
WEEK 4 ~ 46.50 Miles
WEEK 5 ~ 31.25 Miles
WEEK 6 ~ 45.25 Miles

5K A Day Challenge ~ Yes, I'm still doing this one.  I committed to this on New Year's Eve and haven't missed a day yet.  Some days are slower than others but I've still hit at least 3.1 miles every day so far this year.

If you don't remember, Jennifer Rumple is who inspired this goal.  She also started a #LoveYOURChallenge  For more info, check out her Facebook page HERE.  Since I am already cross training and doing Focus T-25, I've been able to hit this goal each day as well. #INSPIRE #5KADayChallenge

Focus T-25 ~ I figured since I wasn't trying to do enough already that I would also add something new.  I was able to try Insanity for a couple weeks last year and liked it.  It was a little hard on my knees though.  Since I'm also starting out heavier this time I needed to be even more careful.  I decided to give this a try.  With only a 25 minute workout followed by a 2-3 minute cool down, I figured it would be perfect since I needed to keep running as well.  There is also a girl to follow on the videos doing modified movements in case it is too intense or as in my case, it hurts my knees.  I had to start my workout weeks on a Tuesday, so as of today I am officially 2 weeks in and I'm still alive.  There is a 5 week Alpha Cycle followed by a 5 week Beta cycle.  Taking all of my before pictures was frightening but I'm hoping in 8 weeks when I take the end photos, things will be looking better.  I also want the t-shirt you get for completing the first 10 weeks.  

I'm doing all of these things to keep myself motivated, to be healthy, to set a good example for my girls, and to help with stress.  Running/Exercise truly is the best therapy.  If any of you have questions, please let me know.  I'd love to help someone else get started.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm Back!!!!!

I know, I know, I have said this before.  I have had a crazy and frustrating last year or two.  I was so sure 2013 was going to be my year.  I was wrong.  Now, here I am.  Starting over.  I may have some ground to make up but I am NOT giving up.

Here are some things I have committed to this year to keep me motivated and on track.

1.  BIGGEST LOSER 2014 ~ We have a local Biggest Loser Competition that started on January 5th.  Our weigh out day is April 5th.  Everyone paid $20 to participate.  From the looks of it 1st Place will receive roughly $550.  Very motivating.  Also, when I weighed in I felt like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.  Health issues at the end of the year were not kind to my body.  To keep myself accountable I will share my beginning stats with you.  Embarrassing, but here it goes.

WEIGH IN ~ 1/5/14

Weight ~ 215.8
Body Fat ~ 429
Water ~ 41.6
BMI ~ 29.3

Thankfully, I'm tall and no one ever guesses how much I weigh.  This number kills me.  I've been very unhappy and depressed with myself.  I can happily say these numbers are lower today.  I'm not telling you though yet :)

2.  WINTER MILES CHALLENGE ~ Run With Jess was awesome enough to create this challenge.  You can check out the Facebook page HERE or her blog HERE.  You can still join in on the action.  All the information and newsletter can be found there.  As part of the challenge you commit to running/walking, etc. so many miles a week.  I wanted to push myself so I chose the 30 Miles/Trainer Level.  So far I have hit my goal and a little extra each week.  I'm super excited and happy about that.  Once you sign up and report your  weekly mileage each week you are entered into a drawing for a prize.  It's a win, win.  

3.  SNOWBALL SHUFFLE 8K VIRTUAL RACE ~ As part of the Winter Miles Challenge there was an added option of participating in an 8K virtual race.  You can still enter and find all the info HERE.  Just run the distance and report back your finishing time to be entered into a drawing for a heart rate monitor watch.  You just have to complete your race by this Sunday, February 2nd and report your info by Tuesday, February 4th, at 12 NOON, CST.  Pretty cool.  I ran mine last night.  Report coming soon.

4.  5K A DAY CHALLENGE ~  Last, but definitely not least is the 5K A Day Challenge.  You might have heard of a little show called, The Biggest Loser.  This past Fall I was lucky enough to not only run the Biggest Loser 1/2 Marathon up in Seattle with my friend, Amy, but to also gain a new and amazing friend.  Her name is Jennifer Rumple who was The Biggest Loser Season 12 at home winner.

My girls fell in love with her.  Makenna also ran the 1/2 with her friend & her Mom while my husband, Jason, ran the 5K with my youngest, Makinley.  They both got to hang out with her at the Expo and Makinley spent some time with her after the 5K.  It was a great event and fun weekend.  You can find Jennifer's Facebook Page HERE.

Jennifer started a #5KADayChallenge.  It's never too late to start and participate.  It was my first super motivating decision to kick off this year right.  So far I am doing awesome and haven't missed a day yet, even with my whole family having the flu a couple weeks ago.  Those few days were slow and painful but I didn't give up.  My first goal is to make it to my birthday, 6/15, which will officially get me halfway through the year.  My ultimate is to make it the entire year.  So far, so good.

I have missed you all.  Thanks for sticking with me.  I will need all the motivation & support I can get.  Along the way I hope to do the same for others.  We can do this!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Foot Doctor Results ~ With A Twist

I originally went to my Foot & Ankle Specialist doctor on 11/2.  He took X-rays and didn't find anything crazy except for some mild swelling and irritation above my toes.  Went home with some orthotics and scheduled a re-check for 2 weeks.  After taking a couple test runs and extra rest days, my right foot began to feel better.  I still had a few sharp pains, but they were getting less intense.  I began to feel really good and a lot stronger.

Flash forward to the Thursday before my re-check.  I ran 3.5 miles on my treadmill.  Hopped off and did some weights, lunges, jumping jacks, and stretches.  Made a quick pit stop.  I was feeling great so I decided to hop back on for a few more miles.  I ended up with a 7.5+ mile run.  I was really starting to pick up my pace and feel good.  After my run I showered and went into town to run some errands.  I was dropping something off for a friend at her house.  I left it inside her screen door, turned to go up the concrete steps, and BAM!!! I was flung to the left and on the ground.  It happened so quick that I was up immediately and in my car in seconds.  I was hoping no one in the neighborhood witnessed my graceful trip to the ground.  I still have no clue how I could have twisted my ankle where I did.  I had to have stepped in the only place possible.  I doubt I could even reenact the event.  As my left ankle twisted all the way to the side it made a terrible sound.  I have twisted my ankle far worse in the past so I wasn't really too worried.  I figured I would just rest it until the Half in Seattle that is coming up this Sunday, 11/25.  I went to the grocery store and when I got out of the car it was extremely sore...not good.  I used the cart to finish the trip, picked up my girls from school, and then quickly got home so I could get it up and start icing it.

I got up Friday morning and it was sore but way better.  I really didn't think much of it.  I just figured they could take a quick look at it when I went in to re-check my other foot.  I got to my appt, told the assistant what happened, and they immediately wanted to do x-rays.  I seriously thought it was a waste of time.  It was feeling better.  After the x-rays I went back to the exam room to wait for the doctor.  While I was waiting they had one view of my x-rays up.  I didn't see anything to be concerned about so I just sat back and waited.  My doctor came in pretty quick and got the story, as I start rambling on about how excited I was that my right foot is better and about running the half in Seattle, he starts looking at all 3 views of my foot.   INSERT OMINOUS MUSIC HERE........

I saw his face change and his next words were, I've got some bad news.  My heart instantly froze.  Then I began to panic inside though my doctor and his assistant didn't have a clue.  He told me that not only did I have a fracture, I had two fractures along with a tendon being torn away from the fibula.  What???  How was this happening?  Before I could blink, they had me in an aircast boot.  Next came the dreaded words, rest, elevate, and ice.  Also as little walking as possible and definitely NO RUNNING.  I have a 3 week re-check appt on December 7th.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news at that one.  Is it too early to make a Christmas Wish?  All I want for Christmas is to be able to run again on strong, healthy feet.

Friday was a blur.  I look and feel awful trying to move around in my boot.  Saturday was a true pity party.  I probably broke down and cried every hour or so.  So many emotions but mostly fear.  I'm so scared that this won't heal and I'll have to have surgery.  Since being called obese back on October 2nd, I have successfully worked off 18 pounds by just focusing on eating healthy, smaller portions, and slowly increasing my mileage.  Now that is gone.  I don't want to gain any of it back.  I'm frustrated that I will have to start over.  I don't want any of my bad habits to return.  Running is as beneficial to my mental health as it is my physical.  I have not been without it since I started my journey in 2006.

I'm beyond sad to know that I will not be running the Seattle Half this weekend.  I was so pumped to tackle the course and the weather.  I was feeling so good about it.  I'm also very sad about being out a medal that I know I would have earned.  I love my race bling.  This will be my first ever DNS and I hope it is my last.

My blog and all the amazing friends I have met from it are going to be what gets me through.  We have had crazy weather here and several power outages which has made updating all of you hard.  I also have to sit at my desk which makes my foot hurt.  I finally got an opportunity to catch up today and took it.  You will probably be hearing a lot from me since I already have cabin fever.

I'm asking for any and all advice I can get.  I want to stay as active as possible without hurting my foot/ankle.  Any thoughts???  Anyone else have this kind of injury???

Thanks again for all of your support.

Good luck to everyone running their turkey trots, running Seattle, and all the other races that are happening over this Thanksgiving Break!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

I know the month of November is about being thankful.  In my life I have been reminded that every day is something you should be thankful for.  I am glad for this time of year though for more people to realize and share what they are thankful for.

Many people just focus on the negatives but everything usually happens for a reason.  That's what you usually hear.  In my life I have tried really hard to focus on the positives.  Here are some examples.

1.  I lost my Mom 8 years ago.  It's something I still deal with on a daily basis.  Some days are better than others.  Some things that I'm thankful for from this is to appreciate the fact that I'm lucky enough to be a Mother.  From losing Mom, I made the decision to get healthy not only for myself, but for my family as well.  I never want my girls to go through what I did.  It was a kick start to an 80+ pound weight loss and discovering my love for running.

2.  My recent foot and knee injuries.  Despite the frustration and pain I have worked really hard to try and overcome these issues.  It's an ongoing problem.  Just when my knees start to feel better, my foot is causing stress.  That being said,  I did run last week and I have continued with my cross training.  I am very thankful for every run and every mile that I complete.  There are those that have never ran at all.

3.  My health and family.  This goes along with #1.  I can't even grasp how many amazing friends and family members I have lost in the past few years.  My Dad & Little M have also given me scares but are healthy now.  Many of my friends have and currently are dealing with loss & health issues.  I can't say it enough that we all need to love and appreciate our family and friends.  Never pass up an opportunity to touch someone's life in a positive way, give someone a hug, a smile, and always tell them how much you love them.

This doesn't even begin to cover what I'm thankful for.  I want to say how thankful I am for my husband, my children, and my family.  They truly are the center of everything.  I'm incredibly thankful for my blog.  Through it I have made and met so many amazing and inspiring people.  I'm now lucky enough to call many of them friends.

Life can be crazy and stressful.  Try to take the time and appreciate all the amazing blessings that you do have.  There truly is always something to be thankful for.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pain In The Foot

It feels like I'm always trying to catch back up.  To make a very long story short, I've been at the hospital a lot since last week.  My Mom passed away 8 years ago.  Since then I have continued to check up on and visit her boyfriend that was living with her at the time she passed.  His health has always concerned me.  Even though we weren't "real" family I knew it was something my Mom would want me to do.  I got the call last Thursday that he was in the ICU with a huge list of problems.  I'm thankful that his family called me.  I'm emotionally wrung out knowing this is one of my last connections to my Mom.  It's been hard on my girls, too.  Luckily, he seems to be improving the last few days.

In the beginning of October I began my renewed fight to lose weight and improve my running.  A few weeks in I began to notice a pain on the top of my right foot.  It was totally random.  I ran the Snohomish Half with Makenna and didn't have a single issue.  I did lots of cross training and then that following Wednesday, jumped on the treadmill.  I felt great, even fast (for me.)  I was pumped.  My 4-5 mile run turned into an 8+ mile run.  I was super excited until I began my cool down.  There it was.  The dreaded pain.  As I ran errands in town on Thursday it began to cause me to limp.  I made an appointment for the next day at our foot and ankle specialist.  Everyone I spoke to thought it was a stress fracture.  I have great pain tolerance and with the way it felt I was worried about it.  After X-rays of both feet, a stress fracture was ruled out.  I had some swelling above my 2nd & 3rd toes and it just ached.  They will recheck me after 2 weeks and see what I should do from there.  I was given insoles, told to rest a few days, ice, massage, and ibuprofen.  Running is my huge stress relief and my main mode of ridding myself of these extra layers.  I've been freaking out.  Even though my foot was still off yesterday, I took it on a test run.  Depending on how I land my foot, I can still feel it.  I just tried to be careful.  No new pain but there is obviously still an issue.  My plan is to proceed with caution.  I AM NOT GIVING UP.

Running Outfit Suggestions???
I basically only have 2 weeks until Seattle.  I know it is a tough course and I really want to do well.  The thought of having to walk it and be out in our super fun November weather doesn't sound like fun. Another thing I need to work on is finding the best running outfit option for this race.  I usually get warm pretty fast when I run.  My current jacket just holds the heat and moisture in.  I've been debating either a new jacket and/or long sleeve top layer.  Any good suggestions???  I also usually wear skirts since I love wearing my compression socks.  Any ideas for my bottom layer???  Finding the right combo will be tough.  I want to try and figure something out soon so I can take it on a test run.  Any help would be great.

New Music Friday

I've heard many of the songs off of Green Days new album, Uno.  Here are the links to it and also one of the singles.  

Weight Update
Since being called obese on October 2nd, I have lost 13 pounds.  Increased exercise, smaller portions, healthier foods, and lots of water!!!  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick Or Treat

Happy Halloween!!!  Any fun plans?  When my girls get home from school we will be headed out to score some candy.  Makenna is planning on being Katniss from The Hunger Games & Makinley is going to be Hermione from Harry Potter.  We have found a few hot spots that actually give out full size candy bars...awesome!!!  I have not had one single piece of chocolate/candy in my mouth this whole month and I plan to keep it that way.  After starting out the month at a Dr's appt where the nurse started out with the normal height/weight measurements, I was then scolded for being obese.  Yikes! Since that appt. I have kicked it into high gear.  I'm back to healthy eating and smaller portions.  I've been building up my mileage again as well.  I've been trying to be careful about it though since I really don't want to have any more knee issues.  I know taking off the extra weight will help.  I can always keep my fingers crossed it will make me faster...right?  I have to go back for a follow-up appt. the week after Thanksgiving.  There's some motivation.  I plan to show that nurse I mean business.

Instead of eating extra calories today, I plan on burning them.  I see a treadmill in my future.  I dare all of you to keep your hands out of the candy bowls today.  If I can do it, you can too.  Let's face it, it takes forever to burn off all those extra calories on a treadmill.  We are heading into all the yummy holiday seasons.  It's going to be hard but I'm not giving up.  When I originally lost all of my weight I started my journey in December.  I figured if I could make it through that month, then I could do anything.  Here I go again.

As part of my ab/stretching/weight workout I've decided to also add planking.  It seems to be going around.  I decided I would see how long I could do it last night.  Here you go.
Not sure if those are good results or not.  At least it's something to build on.

Another thing I'm not giving up on until the end, getting into the Top 25.  Only 2 days left to vote.  I'd love to get as many votes as I can before this is over.  Once again, thank you to all who have been voting for me and dealing with me harassing you about it :)

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!!