Wednesday, May 1, 2013

shayne's parents

6/4 - Shayne's parents got here today to see Jaxon and for Shayne's graduation. They have a few day overlap with my parents and then will be here for another 2 weeks.
We tried to get out a bit while Shayne's parents were here, we made it to mini golf, German Village and Columbus Fish Market - so yummy!
 They were here for a few day overlap with Sherri's parent's and then stayed for 2 weeks. I have to admit that although I love all my family, all the company with a new baby was getting quite overwhelming. Mom just left and I was so sad to see her go. I wish so bad that we lived closer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


6/3/2011 - Our sweet friend Ally was nice enough to come and take some pictures of Jaxon, he was pretty good up until the end. I can't believe he was small enough to fit in a baseball glove!
The last thing anyone feels like doing right after having a baby is getting their picture taken, but I took one for the team for Jaxon's sake (for memories)
5/31 - First bath in the sink with Grandma Later.
At first he didn't know what to think but he quickly decided it was better than the old sponge baths he's been having. Probably much warmer! Drying off is never fun, how cruel to get him all warm and then just freezing again!
Happy again with Grandma
A bath and then dinner - definitely content now. I love how he just fell asleep with his little hands up by his face. As you can see clothes still drown him.
I just had to post this too, Jaxon is very alert during his "wakey times" and is so content to just lay around and take it all in, I wonder what color those big eyes will turn out to be?
We thought we would try out the baby bather this time. He seemed to really like it but is so little still so we will stick with the sink for now, it's much more convenient.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

99 bottles of (root) beer on the wall...

Did I drink all of these in a 24 hour period? Yes I did! Will I ever drink rootbeer again? No! Why did I drink these you ask? I have been having a hard time with my milk coming in. I can barely get 2oz when I pump at a time which is pretty pitiful. I have been having to just mix and do 1/2 breastmilk 1/2 formula so Jaxon doesn't lose anymore weight. I figure some breastmilk is better than none though right? I have been working with a lactation specialist because I wanted to try everything possible before giving up on it. She seemed hopeful since I am making some that I could get more to come in. I am on a strict regimen of pumping, feeding and taking these pills that are supposed to help as well. I had a friend that said someone told her if you drink 2L of rootbeer (the natural kind) in 24h period that their is something it that helps bring your milk in. She said she did it and it worked for her so I figured why not. Well let me tell you, it doesn't work. I wasn't the biggest fan of rootbeer to begin with so it was a rough 24h. Good thing my mom was here, she just kept bringing it to me and was very encouraging. It made for a long day and night since half of it was spent in the bathroom peeing :) Oh well I will keep on my regimen and hopefully it will work. I feel so bad because Jaxon latches right on he such a good baby and I just can't give him what he wants poor boy. Jaxon is such a good baby he really never cries.....unless he is hungry. It's really funny because it doesn't really start small and work up - he just starts out with a full on wail until he gets what he wants. He is like clock work too he can be dead asleep but every 3 hours he wants to eat. If I can get to him before he starts it's fine but if not, this is what we get. It's a little cute I must say quite a strong face and cry for such a little man. If he isn't getting enough milk you wouldn't know it, this is him after breastfeeding he looks pretty content. I always have to top him off with formula but this was before so even if he didn't get enough milk he at least was a happy boy - so sweet. It's nice to have Dad to help with the bottles, Belle likes to get in close too but just not too close! 2 weeks old and still so tiny and starting to rock a mullett! Now if only we could get some of that hair to grow up front we would be in business! Just because he is so dang cute, what is cuter than a yawning, stretching baby? Nothing except maybe a cuddle bug, he loves cuddling with daddy! 5/30 - Left Jaxon for the first time tonight to go out with some friends. It was hard to leave even though I know my mom is totally capable of watching him but at the same time it was nice to get out of the house. I think I texted her a dozen times to check on him which was probably annoying, but he just slept the whole time. We kind of have a tradition of doing birthday dinners with this group and there have been quite a few in the past few months so we needed to catch up. This is our last dinner before graduation and everyone leaves, it will be so sad to see them all go. Left to Right: Stephanie Jump, Megan Nydegger, Jami Anderton, Me, Krystal Muir, Rachel Dansie, Shannon Hunter, Lacey Beckstrom Left to Right: Brian Beckstrom, Brett Nydegger, Beau Hunter, Brett Anderton, Dave Jump, Shayne, Brian Dansie and Josh Muir
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Right Before My Eyes

I seriously think that I blinked and a year went by.
We went from this 5lbs 4oz bundle of joy....
To this 24 lb energizer bunny..... And now we are adding this little beauty.... Baby Girl
To say that being a new mom is overwhelming would be the understatement of the year. Maybe not for many of you but for me it was quite the adjustment. I think that maybe a lot of it had to do with the fact that we have been married 8 years and were very used to doing our own thing. I had great intentions in the beginning but I quickly learned there were many other things that were more pressing. This explains why it has been over a year since my last post. With so many things to juggle I just never could sit down to blog without feeling guilty. To all you super moms out there that have it figured out, I say way to go! I hope I can be you someday but I am guessing it won't be all too soon. I keep a hand written journal and notes but I like the way it can be saved on here as well. With quite a few naggings from Shayne and the Grandparents I finally decided I just need to do it or I never will. So here I sit feeling guilty thinking of the million other things I could and probably should be doing. For any of you that still may check this in hopes that I might post - here is your warning. I will be posting hopefully frequently but because this is my record/journal I am going to be doing a lot of back blogging that I missed so sorry it won't be current for awhile.