Friday, April 18, 2008

Reading Time!

Well these past two weeks have kind of been a blur. It seems I have been reading non stop and can't get enough of it. I started with reading the Twilight series for the second time, and I thought hmm I will just casually read through them and enjoy them again. The first time I read them I read really fast, so I thought the second time I wouldn't get so involved. Well I was stupid, because it was just as bad, I couldn't put them down. I love those books. I used to be an Edward fan, but I am kind of leaning towards Jacob after this second go around (for those of you who know what I am talking about). I finish all three of them in 8 days, and then I started reading Wuthering Heights, finished that one in 3 days, and then I started "These is my words" and finished that one in 3 days. So in about 14 days I read 1,600 pages. That is a lot of reading; I feel like such a nerd! It reminds me of the good old AR days in high school. But it also reminds me of Trace Porter making fun of Nicole Barnett for reading all the time. Haha. Love you Nicole! I don't know why I always think of that when reading, but I do.

So after reading all those books, I feel like a bad mom and wife. I think I have neglected my family! and my eyes are a little tired haha. I am taking a little break, but I forgot how fun it is to just sit and get absorbed in a book. So I have done a little repenting and started doing my chores again and making dinner for my family.

But for those of you who haven't read "These is my Words" by Nancy Turner, it is such a very good book. I highly recommend it. Its about this woman who settles near Tuscon in 1890, and she talks about getting married and having a family, and all the trials that she went through. It's a real tear jerker though. I have a list of books that I am going to read, but I want to know about some other good books that people have read. So if you have a good one, let me know! :)