Friday, November 6, 2015

Pine - O - Lanterns

This year instead of carving pumpkins, we carved pineapples. It turns out they're really easy to carve! Here are the results:


This Halloween Jesse was a Ninja/Roman Soldier, Hannah was a "Cute Witch", Georgie was a Mermaid, and Olivia was Merida off of the movie "Brave." 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


This soccer season Jesse decided he wanted to play soccer. It ended yesterday, and Jesse wants to do it again. At first he was very shy, but then he started to kick the ball, and slowly he began to get really good at soccer. His age soccer teams are always funny to watch :) (Jesse is number 3 on the yellow/green team)

Jesse Address

This week I was helping Jesse write a letter to one of his cousins. When we had finished with the letter I told him we needed to put the address on the envelope. Immediately Jesse says "No! Pants! Barret doesn't wear a dress!" I burst out laughing, but Jesse doesn't see anything funny about it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More fun with Caroline after baby Georgie came

Sunset From Puako

Caroline and the girls

Mike and the kiddos

Kahaluu Beach Park--We usually Just call this the Snorkel Beach, Because it has the best Snorkeling!