Thursday, July 14, 2011

We have been playing hard! I can't believe the summer is half over already. Hopefully the rest will be a little more relaxing. In June we had 3 family reunions, 2 week long camps, 1 day camp and the summer school. For the Reece reunion we had a park day, the guys went golfing, the girls went to Mimi's Cafe with the cousins for dessert, and went to Lowes Extreme Sports (a lot of fun). We had the Sweeney reunion and sadly/happily Scott got to spend the day with us. Sad for him because he got out of the horseshoe tournament the first round, happy for us cause then we got to see him and play with him! I went to Girls Camp and Lyssa went to 5th grade camp at Big Springs the same week. We both had a great time. Christian had science day camp the next week. Lyssa has been in the summer ballroom program. And at the end of June we had the Thompson reunion where we hiked the Y, went ice blocking, This is the Place park, extended family BBQ, fireworks at Fox field and the 4th of July parade. Scott and I were able to run the Freedom Run together this year. I beat my time last year by 1 minute but more importantly I beat Scott by a minute, too. It was a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again. Amber has started an art class and loves it. I took the Activity Day girls to day camp this week. It was nice to spend some time with Lyssa. And Soran and Livi have been growing so much I think sometimes I can actually see it. Good times!
How close can you get?
Skit night
Chelsea and I rocking our hike again.
Fear Factor game--pass the orange
The Manti pageant
Scott in front of the Manti temple
Scott and Lyssa egg toss partners at the Sweeney (she doesn't like to be his partner because somehow the egg always winds up on her)
Thompson cousins conquer the Y
Me and Soran iceblocking
Soran, Livi, and Kayla in the wagon
Soran all dressed up
Christian the cowboy
Christian really wants a pet. He talked the kids into helping with a yard sale to raise money for it. They screamed at every car that went past. Too cute.
Lyssa and Alexis racing boats
Lyssa was a pretty good archer. She says she wants to save for a bow and arrow now.
Lyssa the rockclimber

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Livi's turns 4!

4-year-old birthday cake
Pin the kiss on the frog game
Telling princess stories
Princess Livi--I couldn't get her to stop squinting
Freeze dance game
Livi had her first real birthday party this year. She of course wanted a pink princess party, just like all my other girls at this age. The day was supposed to be rainy and cold but after much prayer and fasting it turned out beautiful (thank goodness, I did not want to try to squeeze 10 little kids in my house for party games). We decorated in pink and purple and painted fingernails while everyone was showing up. We played pin-the-kiss-on-the-frog, throw the golden ball into the wishing well, freeze dance and duck duck goose. I think between cousins, friends and siblings we had about 20 kids there. It was pretty crazy, but fun. Happy birthday, my little princess!
Livi at age 4: She is a sweetheart, she never hurts anyone. Ever. Even if they are mean to her she will never fight back. She cannot stand being wet. If I touch her with wet hands she has to change her clothes. She loves puzzles. And she's very good at them. She loves dresses and dancing. Love you, Livi!

Livi's preschool graduation

The cute little graduate
Graduating Class of 2011--Livi, Jonas, William, Daphne, Mikey, Joseph
Livi and I had a fun year doing preschool. There were a lot more boys in her class than I've ever had but it went well. The day of the party was rainy, just like every day this spring has been. But we had it anyway. Good job, Livi!


Someone said she looks like a jack-o-lantern. I think that's about right.
Flowers from daddy for her dance recital. She did awesome! Look at those eyelashes!
Dance recital 2011--Magic in Me.
She did a great job and it was a lot of fun to watch. She told me after the rehearsal she loved dancing in front of all those people. I was like, "really?!?" But it makes me happy she's getting so much confidence.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lyssa's 11!

It's hard to come to terms with the fact that I have a daughter that's almost as tall as me, wears shoes a little smaller and is becoming a beautiful young woman. But I love it, too!
She is at a very sweet stage, and whether it's an age thing or a phase or whatever I enjoy it. Everyone keeps warning me she's going to turn into a hormonal monster soon. She notices other people's needs, she is a peacemaker (most of the time), and she is obedient, which is really good for the other kids to see. She still loves reading, ballroom, football, swimming and steak.
For her birthday this year we decided to do a "pedicure/spa day." The invitations were in the shape of flipflops but we kept it small because it was going to be time consuming (thank you Grandma and Xela for helping!). They had pizza and then we did a game where they put makeup on each other blindfolded. That was fun for everyone, watching and playing. Then we did mud masks, pedicures and fingernail painting. After which they took their cute toes and jumped outside in the dirt. I think they had a fun time. Happy birthday, my big girl!
That same night was the father and sons campout, but Scott didn't get any pictures. He was a little preoccupied trying to keep his thumb attached. He took Christian fishing and they were having a good time until he tried to open up a package with a new knife. Anyway, long story short he should have had stitches but used a LOT of superglue instead.
May was a pretty crazy month with birthday parties, Scott and I both spoke in church on separate days (I did on Mother's Day--I know, crazy, right?), we finished off a busy soccer season with a party at the park, and Scott and I celebrated our anniversary by getting rid of the kids and going to the Armstrong Mansion for the weekend. It was so nice! We did a lot of laying around and relaxing. Oh, and we went to La Caille for hors d'ouvres and dessert. It's nice to know we still love each other, sometimes it's hard to tell when life is hectic and we can't get two sentences together without interruption. But he's still my soulmate!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Preschool Easter egg hunt at the church

My handsome boys

Easter 2011

We had a nice Easter this year. We had an FHE lesson about the last week of Christ's life on Monday. Livi had her preschool Easter egg hunt at the church because the weather wasn't cooperating. Friday night was the Battle of the Bulge with Scott representing the stake and Ben in the bishopric battling in basketball. It was a lot of fun to watch even though I was sick. The kids actually sat through most of it. The bishopric won, but not from lack of effort on Scott's part. He's going to lose a toenail and had blisters on his feet. Saturday I had been planning on running the 5k for months but was still sick so didn't. But the kids got to hunt for eggs and we had a couple soccer games. That night we had a family dinner with the Reeces and an Easter egg hunt and then the girls went to see Jane Eyre. I had high expectations, but it was good. The next day the kids got cotton candy, chocolate bunnies and water toys in their baskets. I had been asked to direct the stake children's choir for a performance that night (only because they didn't see me during the Primary program) so we had a practice and then a performance. It went very well. Then to the Thompsons for dinner and another hunt.

I am so grateful for our Savior and His sacrifice for us. I am grateful for the knowledge that we will be resurrected and able to live with our families again. I love that Easter comes at this time of year when things are (slowly) coming back to life. Such a great reminder of the new life we get through Christ. Happy Easter!

Soran's 2!

I can't believe my baby is 2. She doesn't fit perfectly in my arms anymore. Her legs are too long and her body too big. She doesn't walk or crawl anymore, she runs. She goes into nursery happily by herself. She can get dressed and feed herself. It's bittersweet.

Scott videod all her birthday so we didn't get any pics except one of her cake. I love you, Soran! You are the happiest little girl. Daddy used to say you had happiness busting out of your face and it's still true. You are always happy and excited. You love your brother and sisters and watch all they do with awe, and they spoil you in return. You love to jump and are the best 2-year-old jumper I've ever seen. I have never had a baby as into things as you are. You love to figure it out by yourself. I wish I could keep you small, but it's so fun to watch you grow. Happy birthday!