Friday, October 31, 2008

点点滴滴 Bits of My Life

The dark gray sky, does it reflect my heart?


A: 错错错,酱做才是对的。

B: 表酱纸啦。相信我啦。看在朋友一场吧。

A: 你讲鸟话。sommok朋友一场。哼哼。每次都是你搞鬼的。不是我要讲你啦,还记得N年前的事情吗?

B: Eh,不过呢,这个鬼东西,呵呵,我才是最棒的

C: 你有听过此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。B可是这一行的鬼才子哦。

A: 随便你们吧。好吧,既然你这个叛徒那么相信他,那就给他这么一次机会吧。到时,可别哭着投诉哦。

以上的对话其实是。。。 呵呵。先吊大家的口味。呵呵。

A: No no no, this is the right way.
B: Don't be like that la. Just believe me bah. We are friends, aren't we?
A: You're talking nonsense. What friends? Ceh, every time you would just be the leg puller. still remember what happened N-years ago?
B: Eh, but as for this thingy, hehe, I am the best.
C: Have you heard of a Chinese proverb saying that someone with talent would definitely shine when it comes to his expert field.
A: Whatevere, you this traitor for believing him so much. Fine, I'll give him this chance. If anything goes wrong, don't complain.

As for the above converstion, well, I'll just leave it for later. Hehe. Evil me.



Back to the topic, it has been ages since the last time I updated my blog. Already... (counting my fingers) almost a week. In this time interval, lots of things happened. Ok, just let me write slowly. ;)









Last Friday, I went to Pusat Kaunseling and Kerjaya (PKK) there for a barbecue session which was organised by the Golden Key. whisper: I'm not a Golden Key member. XD

Of course, I was not there for a free meal, I did help out in the BBQ thingy and get all myself smoked. Haha, I guess this is what happen when you very seldom go for BBQ. Just cut it out.

Some impatient outsiders grumbled: "So, how about the conversation above?"

Haha, ok, actually...

Someone butted in:" Just cut it short, ok?"

Haiz, so impatient. Fine, actually the conversation happened while preparing for the BBG things. Someone wanted to handle the whole BBQ thing, but someone else was not that happy with it, hence, the conversation took place.

Luckily the chicken was quite nice. No wonder he volunteered himself to do it.




Last Saturday, I went to Taman U for shopping, hunting for some books. I spent slightly more than a hundred Ringgit just for the books. Maybe I would give away some of the book as the prizes for my competition.

Oh ya, up to now, only 1 participant had submitted her piece of work. If there are no other contestants, then, she would automatically be the winner. So, please hurry up, everyone.

Details of the contest
my email:


当时的辛弃疾才算是逍遥自在的咯。我呢,哎, 一大堆烦恼、功课、考试。。。。。。数也数不清。

Two days back, I rode my bike around my university. Suddenly I saw Min Chan jogging, so I went up to her to say hi. When I told her that I was on my way to Tasek UTM for fish feeding, she laughed and said that I looked like retired old man enjoying his life, with no worries. Wah, I look into the mirror, eh, do I look that old? Wakaka, maybe.

Actually I do have tonnes of worries, like my study problem, test... uncountable indeed.




After riding for more or less half an hour, finally, I reached my destiny. Once I took down my cap, a cool breeze welcomed me, making my hair a little messy. I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe of the fresh air. Suddenly it seemed that the surroundings had changed. All of the irritating noises have gone into thin air, I could just hear the sound of waves hitting the bank and kiddos' playful sounds. So refreshing.

After coming back to reality, found that it has been ages since the last time I was so relax. Maybe it was all the busy lifestyle's fault. Oh, never mind, just leave all these irritating things behind, let me enjoy every bits of moment now.



Ok, let me take this chance to introduce the beautiful scenery in my university, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).


Oh ya, how about my original panning - fish feeding? Haha. Don't be pushy, let me write about it slowly. I brought some about-to-be-expired bread to Tasek UTM to feed the fish, about 7 or 8 pieces of white bread. I tore them up into small pieces, then threw them into the pond, watching the fish eating them piece by piece. It really was one of the most enjoyable moment. Hehe.




Important Notice:
Lately, I would be very seldom updating my blog as I am facing my final exam, it is a die or swim situation for me.

By the end of next week, after the tests are over, my blog would be as lively as ever.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Comic 漫画

Please click on this picture for a bigger picture.



  1. 把图画上的所有空白对话填上最有创意的对话
  2. 有两个项目,那就是华文组及英文组。
  3. 所有的主意必须是原作。不可以抄他人的作品。若被查处,比赛资格立刻被取消。
  4. 您可以提交最多两个作品,那就是一个英文作品和一个华文作品。
  5. 请不要把您的答案寄来这儿,把答案寄来我的email。
  6. 截止日期是2008年11月14日
  7. 比赛结束后,我会把大家的答案post上来我的部落格。到时,大家就是评审员了。记得哦。以后,我会告诉大家更多评审详情。
  8. 如果必要,我会加更多比赛规矩。



Ok, I have decided to hold a contest for all of ya. This is for the sake of every readers' support for my blog. Hehe.

Contest Details:
  1. Fill in the dialogue boxes with the most creative conversation.
  2. There are 2 categories, English contest and Mandarin contest.
  3. The idea must be ORIGINAL. No copy cat by all means. If found out, you'll be disqualified immediately.
  4. You may submit no more than 2 submissions, that is one submission per category.
  5. Do not post your answer here. Post up your answer to my email.
  6. Due date: 14 November 2008.
  7. When the contest is over, I'll post up all of the contestants' answer up here in my blog. I'll let everyone be the judges. I'll think of the judging rules later.
  8. If needed, I'll add in more rules.
As for the prizes, well, for the moment, I have not thought of yet, but you guys can suggest, but only reasonable ones, please. If possible, I would like to allocate to more than RM30 for each prize. I am no rich guy, OK? But, of course, I'll pay for the pos laju thing. No worries.


I am still having trouble to make the codings,
so, please let me take some time to finish it up. XD

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The last week 最后个星期了

哈哈。很高兴耶。终于到了最后个星期了。哈哈。最后个星期上课了。下个星期就是study week了。再下个星期就是大考了。大家,祝我好运吧。哈哈。




Haha. I am very pleased. Finally, reached the very last week. Haha. The next week would be study week. The following week would be the starting of my final exam. Everyone, wish me all the best. Haha.

Haiz, such a short happiness. Never mind, just let me have an enjoyable week. Wakaka.

Haha, oh ya,a friend of mine invited me to climb some mountain this weekend, without much doubt, I agreed spontaneously. Of course, I would take some beautiful pictures and post them up here for all of ya. So, stay tune next week.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

阅读报告 - The Last Lecture

(on 22nd October 2008 5.25pm)
OK, here's what I have promised. Thanks for the wait.
I have added the English version behind this post.
~Enjoy reading, everyone ;) ~





From left: Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow (the writer)

它是关于兰迪(Randy Pausch),一位年轻的电脑系的博士。当医生告诉他的寿命只剩下半年罢了,故事便从这儿开始蔓延下去。兰迪有两个选择。第一个是呆在家里或医院里,等着时间慢慢渡过,并慢慢享受着最后的人生。但是,兰迪却选择了第二个选择,那就是继续他的教书生涯,并把他的每份精力都投资在教学生涯上。这种这种舍己为人的精神值得大家多多学习。

Dr Randy giving a lecture

  1. The Last Lecture
  2. Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
  3. Adventures...and Lessons Learned
  4. Enabling the Dreams of Others
  5. It's About How to Live Your Life
  6. Final Remarks
Randy Pausch's Family


"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted"

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity"

"When you think you can or can't, you're right"

  1. 当你要表达一件难听的事情时,尽量少用“不”的字眼或一些较负面的词汇或句子,而是尽量以婉转的方式表达。兰迪给了许多很棒的例子,如"The park is open until 8pm"来代替"The park closes at 8pm"。第一句回比较正面(带给顾客一些希望),而第二个句子则比较负面(让顾客觉得那个公园8点事就会干人走)。
  2. 勇敢地去编制大大的梦想。兰迪给了人类第一次登上月亮的故事。当时的人们,有些认为这是白费金钱的;兰迪却认为这个超越当时想象能力的登月计划可以引导更多更大的未来计划。
  3. 不要唠叨,更加努力就行了。唠叨并不能解决任何问题的,更不是什么上计。所以,与其浪费时间再唠叨上,不如花更多时间再做更好的计划。正所谓“临河而羡鱼,不如回家织网”。
  4. 疗治疾病,不是症状。很多时候,人们只看到问题的表面,并没深入研究治病的根源。所以不能把真正的问题解决好。
  5. 不要太过在意别人在想什么。其实,如果我们把那猜测别人的脑海里在想什么的时间,花在其他的方面上,哪怕只是小事件,我们肯定会更加成功的。
  6. 寻找他人的最好一面。只要我们肯多等待一会儿,我们肯定能够看到别人的最好一面的。兰迪说,当你对一个人生气时,那代表你还没]给于他们足够的时间来表达自我。
  7. 勇于失败。在我们的日常生活中,成功的人很多,但是失败了的人也很多。有些时候,那些曾经经历过失败过的人更加被重视。怎么说呢?让我们看看新开装的公司,他们有些时候在聘请新的高层人员时,很多时候是找来了那些曾经经历过挫折的人,因为这些人知道如何预防未来的挫折。然而,那些一生中只有成功,没有失败过的家伙,很大可能性会面对失败。
  8. 一个差劲的道歉比没道歉更差。不真诚的道歉反而深损别人。真诚的道歉是良药;半真诚的道歉是在伤口上洒盐。何谓真诚的道歉呢?真诚的道歉包含了三个重要的部分,那就是:我错了、对不起我伤害了你及如何能够补偿呢?很多时候,我们忘了最重要的第三环节,忘了问该如何补偿我们的过失。
  9. 说实话。兰迪的三个字:tell the truth(说实话),另外三个字:all the time(时时刻刻)。诚实不但是在道德上绝对是对的,而且很高效率。说谎只能暂时蒙住他人的眼睛,但是日子久了,谎言被拆穿后,他人肯定会牢记祝你当时的谎言,而且会四处散播你的过失。到时,你的日子肯定会很难挨过的。
  10. 永不放弃。失败了一次,不代表永远失败。所谓千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金,只要我们永不言败,肯定有肯定有那道彩虹在等待我们的。



Actually I started to fell in love with this book after reading the post in Ida's blog. So, without much hesitation, I rushed to JUSCO's MPH to buy this motivation book. Haha, much to my surprise, I found it lying on the shelf with ease. Maybe this book sent me some signals to buy it. Maybe it was bored of lying there on the shelf so lonely. Maybe it really wanted to have a good owner like me(what a bullshit). For whatever reasons, I found it without any trouble and bought it back to my hostel.

This book, written by a journalist, Jeffrey Zaslow, on a really aspiring life of a young computer science professor of Carnegie Mellon University in USA. The story begins when Randy was told that he was diagnosed with critical pancreatic cancer and could utmost live a life of 6 months. Randy even counted the tumors in the X-ray photo to confirm this death sentence. Randy was left with 2 choices, the first one would be staying back at home and enjoy his life with his family while he still can. However, Randy chose the second, that is to live his life to the fullest and carry on his teaching life until the very end. His great spirit is something that everyone of us should learn in order to achieve success in our life.

This book contains of 6 major parts:
  1. The Last Lecture
  2. Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
  3. Adventures...and Lessons Learned
  4. Enabling the Dreams of Others
  5. It's About How to Live Your Life
  6. Final Remarks
The earlier parts are mainly about how Randy live his life, including his childhood life, his school life, his love and his family. There are some very interesting and ad powerful wordings like:

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted"

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity"

"When you think you can or can't, you're right"

Randy also shared some of his life principles, such as:
  1. When telling a difficult situation, avoid the usage of 'no' or any negative words. Randy gave a very good example about something a Disney park assistant would say when being ask by customers, "The park is open until 8pm". Notice that this sentence gives the customers hope. If the assistant says, "The park closes at 8pm", it would have some meaning that the park is going to chase all of the customers away by 8pm.
  2. Dare to dream big. Randy gave an example of human first ever landed on the moon. Some of the people of that time thought that this moon exploring project is just a wasteful white elephant project. But, Randy did not see things like that. Instead, he knew that this big project would give boost to the future project later.
  3. Lessen grumble. Grumbling would not help things work. So, instead of wasting time on complaining things, it is more advisable to make full use of this time to plan things out more properly.
  4. Cure the disease, not the symptoms. Most people are blinded by the surface of a problem. They paid too much time and attention towards these minor problems and hence can't treat the real problem.
  5. Do not care so much about what others thinking. As human beings, sometime, we tend to spend too much time on wondering what others are thinking about something. However, if we can make full use of this time on something else, surely, our life would be much more successful.
  6. Look for the best in others. If we wait long enough, surely we would be able to see the best in everyone, regardless of how small it is. Randy mentioned that when we are angry at someone, this means that we have not given enough time for them to express themselves.
  7. Be dare to fail. Lots of people have success in this world, the failed ones are a lot too. Sometime, the failed ones are even more being appreciated. How? Let's take a newly-opened company. Most of the time, the newly operating companies would hire someone who have a background of failed before as they would know what to do to avoid the same failure in the future. Whereas the ones who have yet to experience failure in life, they are the ones who would be most probably to face one in the future.
  8. A halfhearted apology is worse than no apology. A sincere apology is a good medicine, whereas a halfhearted apology is more of like showering injuries with salt. So, what is a good and sincere apology? It consists of 3 main parts: 1. I was wrong 2. Sorry that I hurt you 3. How can I repent my sin? Most people forget the most important part when apologising, that is the third part.
  9. Tell the truth. Three words from Randy: Tell the truth. Another three words: all the time. Being honest is not only morally correct, but it is the most efficient way in every way. Lying might be able to cover up someone's eyes for a short period of time, but once they know the truth, they would gossip about you being a liar. You would earn yourself a notorious title in no time.
  10. Never give up. Failed once does not mean that you always fail. As long as we work hard towards our goals, there would always be a rainbow waiting for us.
Really love this book. The aspiring stories spurred up my fighting spirit easily.
If you are down, I would recommend you to read this book.
If you want to power up your fighting spirit, this would be a great book for you.

*Actually there are more to be written up here, but I'll leave them to you. Exposing more would only be killing your reading interest. Ok, it's time for you to grab this book in bookstore. Come on. Grab it now.

愛だの誕生日 (10月19日)




  1. 她可是一位未来的人类灵魂工程师哦。
  2. 她的性格开朗,恐怕没见过她难过吧。呵呵。
  3. 她是位只要朋友有难,她就会拔刀相助的人。
  4. 跟我一样,都曾当过工艺大学华文班的教员,而且她当了3个学期的教员。她很用心哦,她所教的班,每堂课都是满满的。更厉害的是她还当上了最佳教员耶。太棒了。***鼓掌***
  5. 嗯,她的日文很厉害哦。哈哈,她还经常借我她的日语note。ありがとうございます。去年她报考了JLPT4,而且还得当相当不错的成绩哦。今年底,她将会报考 JLPT3,希望她可以再次得到佳绩。
  6. 她特别欢橙色,还把自己的部落格染成了橙色オレンジだよ。


Saturday, October 18, 2008

日本語の授業 nihongo no jyugyou

konnichiwa, minna-san. ima, nihongo no jyugyou deshou.
Hi, everyone. This is a Japanese lesson.

Today, I am going to share some easy but useful daily Japanese phrases.


This means "be over" or "finish". You can use it when asking if something is over or someone finishes something. Examples:

when your Japanese colleague returns to his/her desk after a meeting,
you can ask him/her:
kaigi wa sumimashitaka?
Is the meeting over?

If the meeting is over, he/she would answer:
ee, sumimashita.
Yup, it's over.

If the meeting is not over yet, the answer would be:
mada desu.
Not over yet.


When you meet a friend of yours, and want to have lunch with him/her,
you can ask:
ohirugohan wa sumimashitaka?

(o)是为了表示尊重ひるごはん (hiru gohan)而加上的
*note: the use of (o) is just to express the respect for the lunch ひるごはん (hiru gohan)

まだです(mada desu),那你就可以邀请他一起吃饭。
If the answer is まだです(mada desu), you can have your lunch with him/her.


shigoto wa sumimashitaka?
Is your work finished?

kono zasshi wa sumimashitaka?
Have you finished reading this magazine?

natsu yasumi wa sumimashitaka?
Is your summer holiday over?

shiken wa sumimashitaka?
Is the examination over?


すんだ (sunda)
Among family members or friends, a more casual expression like すんだ (sunda) can be used instead of みましたか(sumimashitaka)

Mothers usually ask their children,
しゅくだいすんだ(shukudai sunda)
'Did you finish your homework?'

Your Japanese friends might ask you:
夕飯すんだ (yuuhan sunda)
Did you finish your dinner?

as for answering in more casual way:
まだよ(mada yo)
Not yet.

もうすんだよ(mou sunda)
Already finished.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

现在的学生。。。 Students nowadays...








Earlier, I had my dinner with a friend of mine at a cafe in my university. I was enjoying my dinner while watching TV3's 8pm news. The headline was about a disciplinary problem in a middle school somewhere in Perlis. The case was like this:

There was a teacher who could not accept the fact that her students failed to finish up their homework. Hence, she called them forward and demanded answers.
Maybe the students were being too reckless.
When their teacher pointed her finger at student A, student A immediately pushed her teacher's hand down.
This annoyed the teacher. She immediately demanded for reasons for doing this.
Surprisingly, student B kicked her teacher.
Wah, that was pretty daring of her. Even dare to do this at school. I wonder if she had really thought wisely at that split moment.
The case was not closed yet.
After school, student A and student B found lots of friends from other schools to have their revenge on their teacher.
The fear stricken teacher immediately rushed to the office in light speed and reported to the police.

After seeing this news, my heart sank. I simply couldn't accept this reality yet. Is it true that secondary schools in Malaysia consist of students as rude as this?

Or should we say that the students of our time were a lot better than students nowadays?

Where is the root of this problem? The students themselves? The teachers? Parents?

Who should be the one responsible for this problem?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nurfa Farmstay Trip

This Yesterday (13/10/2008) afternoon, I skipped went out early from my Advance Control class. Hehe. Guess what, I went to Nurfa Farmstay, located at Pekan Nenas. I hopped onto my friend, Yusof Ahmad’s motor and went there with all my currents clothings and my bag on my back. Haha.

After a dreadful nice 40 minutes riding, we reached our destiny, Nurfa Farmstay. Actually, all along this trip, we saw lots of durian trees. Yeah, actually we were hoping to lay our hands on this delicacy, but we could not see any durians on the trees, what a disappointment.

We were welcomed warmly by the owner himself, Hj. Abd Aziz. Our eyes sept through the whole scene quickly as we landed our feet on the land. What a nice place, I thought. We had our interview session with the owner first before we had our chance to visit this place. Oh ya, I haven't told you guys about our main objective for coming here. Hehe. It was for one of our course subject, Entrepreneurship project.

We had learnt lots of things from this great businessman. Yeah, I did not want to put in so much things regarding this interview. I want to focussed more on the goats. Well, to tell you the truth, this is actually my very first time to see goats and sheeps right in front of my eyes. Here there are:

Well, before I went to Pekan Nenas, well, I had always thought of having lots of pineapples (nanas in Malay) here, but it was much to a smack in my face, there are almost no pineapples here. Haha. So foolish of me thinking that all places were named after things.

Regarding this place, it is unbelievably clean and hygiene. Almost no smell at all. The owner is very keen on keeping this place clean and hygiene. This is a very good example for all of us.

One thing I found from this trip is that goats are actually very friendly, and what's more, they love taking pictures! When I hold up my camera, they quickly dashed forward me and hence, lots of pictures were taken in bad position (they were too close to the lense).

Before we end our trip, the owner generously gave each of us a bottle of 250ml goat milk. The goat milk is almost tasteless, but it is so yummy. Hehe. The owner said that each bottle of milk costs RM4.00, and the daily production is around 80 bottles. So, it is quite a business. Well, as for the goats, well, he sells the 8 months old goat around the price of RM550 each. He imported goats from Australia, costing around RM3000 each. So, in short, anyone who wants to start this business, needs lots of budget.

We ended our trip around 7.30pm and had our Maghrib prayer at a mosque nearby. Then we grabbed some food on our way back to UTM.

Hopefully you guys love the pictures. Until then, see ya!


Saturday, October 11, 2008












Tuesday, October 7, 2008


  1. 她很文静,心肠很好,很乐于助人。
  2. 她可是一位超喜欢户外活动的哦。
  3. 她愿意委屈自己,当仪工,当教员,只是为了把华语发扬光大。
  4. 她很照顾周围的朋友及家庭成员,尤其是自己的妹妹。
  5. 只要有什么不对,哪怕什么辛苦,她都会为正义打抱不平。
  6. 她会日语哦。
  7. 她常常借我抄Note。谢谢你。;)
  8. 她很幽默,这点可从她的部落格见证。





Monday, October 6, 2008







  1. 他很man。
  2. 他是位有难同当的知心好友。
  3. 他从来不喜欢客套话。
  4. 他的行动大声过他的声音。
  5. 他的部落格充满了许许多多很感性的话。
  6. 他很照顾junior,当然也很照顾其他人。
  7. 他很有责任感。当别人已经放弃时,他依然一个人挑起重任,永不言弃。
  8. 当别人心情地落时,他成了别人的诉说对象。
  9. 当别人有难时,他也毫不吝啬的伸出双手帮助他人。
  10. 他的性格温和,又很热心。
不说谢字,这份朋友之情便蕴含了一份浓浓的亲情;不说谢字, 这份朋友之情显得更为朴实自然。当我们丢掉许多不必要的客套后, 呈现在彼此面前的是自然而真纯的友情,没有伪装,没有虚假,有的只是心灵的贴近与沟通。”




ps: 洁媛说别忘了蜡笔小新及蒲公英的约定

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Secret Recipe

Secret Recipe 店

突然心血来潮,想去尝一尝美里新开的 “Secret Recipe”。所以,昨天傍晚时约了Ah Chong 去那儿尝一尝食物。呵呵。

Suddenly there was an urge to try out the newly open "Secret Recipe" in my hometown, Miri. So, I invited Ah Chong to try it out yesterday afternoon. Haha.

当我从招待人员手上接过菜单时,我深了呼吸,然后才慢慢地翻开菜单。我的双眼飞快地扫描了菜单里的食物及价钱(价钱是个很重要的环节哦)。但是,摆在我眼前的价钱竟然都是太贵了耶 T_T 我的心脏仿佛停止跳动了。哇唠耶,真得很贵耶。哈哈,突然很像大生笑一下。难道我来这里的决定是错误的吗?我爪了爪那不痒的头皮。然后偷偷瞄了Ah Chong,哈,他好像没想我那么吓到。

When I received the menu from the waitress, I took in a deep breathe, only then I flipped open the menu booklet. My eyes quickly skimmed through the foods and their prices (Price is definitely a very important segment). But, all the prices that were displayed in front of me are far too expensive. T_T My heart stopped beating. I scratched my not-so-itchy head. Then, I took a quick look at Ah Chong, haha, he was not as surprised as I am.

哎,算了吧,饭都已经煮成粥了,就顺其自然吧,硬着头皮点了个最便宜的水,呵呵,那就是绿茶。价钱呢,哈哈,是6块6毛。吃方面呢,我点了 Ah Chong 介绍的日式蕎麦(Soba)。这个蕎麦比较贵咯,是14块半。如果你问我为何那么舍得下手,哈哈,其实我想这应该是我的最后一次来光顾这儿吧,呵呵,所以才舍得狠心下手。那就吃个痛快吧。

Haiz, never mind, the rice has been cooked into porridge (a Chinese proverb), just let it be, I chose the cheapest drink in the whole menu, hoho, that's Green Tea. As for the price, hehe, it was RM6.60. As for food, well, I chose the one recommended by Ah Chong, that was Japanese Soba. This Soba was much more expensive, that is RM14.50. If you wonder why I dare to choose such a killer-price food, haha, I guess this would be my very last time sitting down here to eat, hehe, so I dare to challenge the price. Just eat la.


The service here is super fast. Right after ordering food, not even 5 minutes past, the waitress served the food professionally. Good.



This cup of green tea tasted really nice. Light aroma, blended with some bitterness. But the price is simply... Hehe.




This Japanese Soba is really delicious. More than one third is meat, almost a quarter is vegetables, and the rest is noodles. What's more, this bowl of Japanese Soba would ensure that your stomach is full after you finish it up. Moreover, this Soba was well-cooked. Haha. So, really recommend you guys to give it a try.

8 令吉的 Chicken Cornish

第一次看到这个Chicken Cornish时,马来人的 Curry Puff 立刻出现在我的脑海里。这个八令吉的Chicken Cornish 简直就是巨型的Curry Puff,除了体积,别的没什么两样。看图里的叉及刀,然后把它们的尺寸跟这个Chicken Cornish的尺寸对比一下。呵呵。

The first time I saw this Chicken Cornish, the Malay tradition curry puff came straight to my mind. This RM8 Chicken Cornish was, indeed, a large-scaled curry puff, aside from the size, there was no difference at all. Try to see the knife and fork in this photo and compare their size with this Chicken Cornish. Hehe.

Ah Chong

根据Ah Chong,Lasagne 还蛮好吃的。但是那个Ice Long Black根本就是冰的黑咖啡,而且特别苦。

According to Ah Chong, Lasagne was quite good. But the Ice Long Black was just simply a iced black coffee, and it was especially bitter. Yuck.



During the payment, I received the receipt with my shaky hands. I gulped, then I reached for my wallet. I felt like crying. RM66.70. Haha, never thought that the money I just gotten from atm machine would finish within seconds.


After some chatting, we parted.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hari Raya Aidilfitri

哈哈,其实,我来不及写好那天与涌辉及洁媛在P19那儿吃“早”餐。所以,现在补写。 >.<

Haha, actually, I was not fast enough to write the event on the early sahur I had with Jie Yuan and Yeong Huey at P19. So, I compensated it back.


"Do you want to go have a drink?"
"Fine, where ah?"
"You decide lo"
"You lah"
"Don't want lah, you decide lah"
"You lah"


Suddenly, want to meet up with Jie Yuan and Yeong Huey and have a drink right before going back to my hometown. Jie Yuan agreed promptly. However, the problem came when choosing places to, haiz, can't decide in a go. At last, we decided to meet up at 4am and have a drink, while I had my early sahur.


Jie Yuan drove to my hostel and picked me up. Actually, we were still undecided to choose which place to have our early breakfast. Haiz, such a headache. Jie Yuan was a bit annoyed and threatened us that if we failed to make any prompt decision, then, she would just drop us back to our hostel and forget about having early breakfast. Haha. But later, she still drove us up to P19 there.


P19 was not as crowded as we had anticipated earlier, maybe it was because most students were already back to their hometown. We chose the seat at an end of a corner there. Yeong Huey said that the table was more romantic because have candle in bowl. Haha, maybe lo, I thought.

the candle in bowl


After finished eating, we had a great time chatting. As the other customers left one by one, we were even more excited, kept on chatting regardless of whatever others might think of us. Haha, maybe it was because we have not been having a good chat for so long.


Before leaving, we took a few photos.

不同的 pose


When Jie Yuan drove me back to my hostel, I found that she had a very cute stuffed animal in her car, it was a pink monkey. Its tail was really curvy. Hence, I took down its picture. Oh ya, it was called " Hei Yuan Quan" meaning "black-eyed".



2008年10月1日 (星期三)


Today is the first day for Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Early in the morning, I had myself ready for this big day. I met Eva at MSN yesterday, and found out that she was going back to Miri as well, so, I invited her to my house. She agreed. So, I draw a map for her via Photoshop.



This day, lots of relatives from my mum's side came to visit.






In the evening, my whole family went on to visit my relatives on my father's side.

2008年10月2日 (星期四)

This morning, Chin Liong, Suk Sia and Kah Yong went to my house. Hehe. It has been ages since the last time we saw each other. The following was part of our conversation:

“也许,我们下次应该在 Starbucks 那儿买咖啡上去找他”
“呵呵,咖啡含有 cocaine,喝多了血压会加快”

"Ghin Woo is still in Parkson there with his archery business?"
"Yup, he seems to be working 365 days a year, no rest at all"
"What a busy person"
"Maybe next time, we should buy some coffee from Starbucks there and go up to meet him"
"Yalor, drinking coffee while he is doing his archery thing, is such a good time to enjoy"
"But I can't drink coffee, because if I drink it, I would be fainted. My heart can't stand it"
"Hehe. Coffee contains of cocaine, if drink too much, the blood pressure increases"
"Eh, cocaine? Isn't that a kind of drug?"
"Ah, yalor. Should be caffeine. Haha"


Haha, mistaken caffeine to be cocaine. It was really such a great mess. Actually, there were tons of jokes, but, well, I was a bit lazy, so, hehe, I won't add them in my blog. ;)



OK, let's meet up next time. See ya.

Updated! OK, my dearest readers, thanks for the patient.
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