Yes, I'm back for now ... I said "for now" cause I'm gonna be flying off to Melbourne in about 4 days time, so I might not be able to update as often till the end of the month.
As you guys know, I've been using Twitter, and frankly, I'm not a big fan of this micro-blogging site. I can't express myself in 140 words. I just can't.
Lots of crazy stuff happened over the past couple of months. I haven't even write a proper post on my birthday, gawd -.- Let me just summarise it all (not that I'm any good with summarising stories, I always ended up blabbering away like an old grandma, so be warned) ... Come to think of it, you guys know the story ... I'll just throw in a couple of pictures and call it a day, haha!
WARNING: I've just realised "a couple of pictures" meant like 100 pictures, so there are TONS of pictures below ... take a DEEEEPPPP breath before scrolling down :D
Harvest Inn Cafe :)
The environment's not bad, but it can be a lil too noisy and crowded.
Vic, as usual, inseparable with his iPhone. He was my chauffeur for the day. Took me for birthday lunch, drove me to class and back home. Now that's what I called a royal treatment :P Thank you, I really appreciate it :)
Watermelon and Carrot Juice.
Don't ask me what is it, I don't remember a thing -.- it was too long ago.
On my birthday eve, with my dear Ching.
My awesome special guest!! Mr. Daniel :D
My birthday cake, haha! A tiramisu, which is something that I don't usually like, but people tend to buy that for me -.- nevertheless Hui did a great job cause this Tiramisu cake is delicious :D
Me and Hui, I promise I'm not drunk, Haha!
Group picture!! :DDDDD
Me and William ^^
Me and Chee Wing.
Me and Vic.
Ching and Hui, hijacking my Facebook -.-
Thanks, babe! Love youuuuuuu~~
4th August 2011 @ Little Cottage.
Best part of my birthday is always receiving red packets or ang pao from my ex's mum. (Nearly wrote baby -.- fml) It's not about the money that comes in it, but the message that's written on the red packet. Everytime I receive an ang pao from her mum, there's always a message written on it, which makes it really special, and I kept each and everyone that I got for the past 3 years :)
Miss C.
Err, something something that I ordered. -.- Oh no wait! That's what she ordered, not me -.- wth
Haha! Made her do all the dirty work XD
In return ....
She took me to Penang National Park -___- Okay la, it wasn't that bad, its just that it's kinda hot .. and there's a bunch of monkeys waiting to attack me -.-
Aww~ cupcakes ... Thanks for the cupcakes ... the best part is you got the correct flavour!!!
I don't remember what I wished for though -.-
She's been telling me all day that she's bringing me to "Chai Diam Ma" for dinner, so I was like "Huh?? You sure or not?? You know what Chai Diam Ma meant in Hokkien??" Well I had to ask lah, cause Hokkien is not her first dialect, haha! Turns out, she wasn't kidding -.- The only difference is, the "Chai Diam Ma" she's talking about is not a grocery shop, but a rather cool restaurant.
The cute food and drinks menu.
Lovely interior :)
2011 seemed to be an amazing, and yet a pathetic year for me. I learnt a lot over the past 9 months than I did for the past 9 years. Breaking up with my ex made me realise that I shouldn't rely on someone so much and that I can actually be independent again after all these years. It was a destructive relationship, I'm not saying that my ex is a bad person, she's the friendliest and nicest person when you finally get to know her, maybe we're just not made for each other.
I can truthfully say that I have no regrets, cause I did my best and I gave her my all. 3 years and endless arguments and fights over the same issues. I gave in and changed myself into someone I'm not, all in the name of love. No matter what I did, I'll never be perfect enough for her ... but hey, at least I tried :)
I walked out of that relationship, and met this person, who accompanied me through the worst days of my life. I'm thankful to have that someone being there for me, but at the same time, that person was there for me cause he was asked to approach me by someone else.
Honestly, I totally know what I got myself into. Nevertheless, I still appreciate the fact that the person made me venture outside my comfort zone, became a lil' more sociable, and more open to things that I don't usually do, like drinking or clubbing. In a way, he was sort of like a devil in disguise, haha!
I've met all sorts of guys imaginable, but he's the first one that I can't handle. Probably cause he's on the same level as me. I've finally met my match, not that it's a good news, haha! By any means, take that as a compliment ;)
Friends played a huge role in my life this year. I've come to realise that all of them do care for me though some of them don't talk to me much. I don't know what I'll do without them. I'm glad that Chern and Chee Keng got back together and I'm really happy that Hui found his other half. I became quick friends with his girlfriend :) She's such an adorable girl and although I've only seen her like 3 times ... she cares for me like an old friend. I'm really happy for Hui ^^
Just last night, I went to Overtime for a drinking session with all my high school friends and had a really awesome time. I know Overtime is not a place you'd expect to be sitting down and talking to your friends cause it can be crazy noisy in there, but I did just that. I had a one-on-one talking session with almost all of them. Some of them told me bout their problems, some gave me advise, some are just being caring, like my god bro :) He was always the one saying stuff like "You're so pretty" and giving me a wink right after saying that, but somehow when he said it to me last night, I could feel that he is sincere. He was like "Maple, you've become more and more beautiful, and you need to believe that you can find someone that loves you the way you deserves to be love". I felt happy not because he said that I'm beautiful, but the fact that he said those words out of concern for me. You don't read my blog, but thank you for being an amazing brother.
Okay, I guess that's all from me :) It's been a long looooooooong post, and it's already 1.29am. I gotta get some rest. I'm gonna watch "Friends with Benefits" before dozing off :P