1. What is your middle name?
I don't have one ... I reckon.
2. How big is your bed?
Big enough for me :P
3.What are you listening to right now?
That should be me - Justin Bieber
4. What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Love letter, HAHAHA!
6. Last person you hugged?
A bear.
7. How is the weather right now?
Fine I guess.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Thur! Emergency call XD
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair style and the way they dress.
10. Favorite type of Food?
Anything spicy? (Depends on my mood though)
11. Do you want children?
I guess -.- Let's hope when I do have children of my own, they don't hate me -.- cause babies HATE me.
12. Hair color?
Dark brown
13. Do you wear contacts?
14. Favorite holiday?
Holiday as in the places I've been to, or holiday, holiday? -.- Hmm, Taiwan I guess ... and if this question is referring to what
holiday, holiday I like (yea, I know right ... confusing) ... that would be CHRISTMAS!!!
15. Favorite Season?
Spring (I used to like winter ... till I got winter depression -.-)
16. Have you ever cried over a love lost?
-.- seriously a very wtf question. Who wouldn't cry?
17. Last Movie you watched?
Transformer 3, and it's frickin' AWESOME!! Can't stop staring at Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
18. What books are you reading?
Not reading any books at the moment.
19. Piercings?
zero, tarak, none -.- I'm afraid of the pain that I'd have to go through to get piercings, so no piercings for me.
20. Favorite Movie?
A Walk to Remember, The Parents Trap, Sex and the City, actually throw me any romantic comedy and it would be my favourite movie, Haha!
21. What were you doing before filling this out?
Staring at Justin Bieber ... Nah, I was listening to his song on YouTube.
22. Favorite animal?
23. Favorite drink?
24. Favorite flower?
Rose & Daisy.
25. Have you ever loved someone?
Duh, of course.
26. Who would you like to see right now?
Hmm ... honestly ... EDWIN!!! We have lots of catching up to do!
27. What color are your bedroom walls?
Boring white.
28. Have you ever fired a gun?
Unfortunately, no.
29. Do you like to travel by plane?
Not really, unless I have someone to talk to -.-
30. Right-handed or Left-handed?
31. If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
32. Are you missing someone?
I miss everyone -.-
33. Do you have a tattoo?
34. Are you hiding something from someone right now?
Frankly, I hide everything from everyone, HAHA! Except maybe one person, and I think you know who you are, LOL.
35. Are you 18?
I'm always 18 :P
36. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
Some random iPhone wallpaper -.-
37. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yes, kinda.
38. Favorite hangout.
Gurney Plaza ... I guess -.-
39. 3 things you can't live without?
Friends, Car and Money
40. Favorite songs?
I could go on and on ... but you guys can find out the answers to this question from a post called "New Playlist" I wrote not long ago.
41. What are you afraid of?
Lotsa stuff actually ... I'm afraid of thunderstorms, snakes, dark, crazy people and g ....host.
42. Are you a giver or a taker?
Giver I guess.
43. What are your nicknames?
Mape (that's what my dad calls me) and pleple
44. What is your dad's middle name?
Don't have one.
45. What do you sleep in?
t-shirt, and shorts.
46. Stuck on a deserted island, and can only bring one thing?
iPhone XD
47. Favorite TV commercial?
Haven't watch tv in a while now.
48. First thing you'll save in a fire?
my purse -.-
49. What is your favorite color?
depends on my mood though ... but I like grey, black, white and orange.
50. What are the things you always bring with you?
my phone.
51. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Piano teacher.
52. What color is your bedsheet?
It's kinda colourful at the moment, Haha!
53. Who do you want to meet?
At the moment, Edwin. If you're talking about celebrity, that'd be ... I can't think of any. =.=
54. What do you think about before you go to bed?
That I can't wait to wake up in the morning cause I hate to go to sleep.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sometimes I wish I could just turn back time. I was pretty much satisfied with everything (Note to self: wait till you go back to your old blog and re-read every single post ... "satisfied" ... yea right .. it's all BULL!!)
Ehhh nyyyy waysss, my life is in a crap load of mess.
Since I can't look back, I can only look forward. I'm looking forward to graduating and getting out of that college ... but that college ... or more specifically, my classmates are part of my comfort zone. Two years in the same class ... seems like a long time, but it really isn't. I didn't even manage to get to know some of them personally. I did try my best to talk to most of them, but I don't really let people into my life that easily.
I guess the thing that I'll miss most is having my two "bodyguard", best buddies, awesome listeners and cheerleaders, by my side when I'm done with my Degree in this college.
Okay, I'm back to continue with this post.
*sigh* The supervisor is PMS-ing today, he doesn't seem to be in a very good mood. He said he was stressed out on a deadline that's due or something. -.-
No idea.
Anyways, I was emo-ing about my lyfe. Yes, MY lyfe.
I'm really not suppose to be here, blogging. I'm suppose to be editing documentations, doing my assignments and build a stupid system.
What I know for sure is that I'll give myself a break next week (for about 3 days, cause it's my birthday!) Surprisingly, I'm not exactly looking forward to my birthday this year. I used to have high hopes and all, but now, I'm just like "Blah, whatever!". Well, the only way you're gonna be disappointed is when you have high hopes, so, hmm, yea, no hopes.
All I want this year is to be out there somewhere when the clock strikes 12am. I don't wanna be at home emo-ing -.-
Ya' know what? Everybody's been saying that I always emo on Facebook ... err, did I? Okay, maybe I did, but I can't help it. Sorry guys, especially Ben, haha! Always emo you XD
If the whole world turn their back on me this Wednesday night, I'm counting on you to accompany me through my birthday eve, haha!
Ehhh nyyyy waysss, my life is in a crap load of mess.
Since I can't look back, I can only look forward. I'm looking forward to graduating and getting out of that college ... but that college ... or more specifically, my classmates are part of my comfort zone. Two years in the same class ... seems like a long time, but it really isn't. I didn't even manage to get to know some of them personally. I did try my best to talk to most of them, but I don't really let people into my life that easily.
I guess the thing that I'll miss most is having my two "bodyguard", best buddies, awesome listeners and cheerleaders, by my side when I'm done with my Degree in this college.
Okay, I'm back to continue with this post.
*sigh* The supervisor is PMS-ing today, he doesn't seem to be in a very good mood. He said he was stressed out on a deadline that's due or something. -.-
No idea.
Anyways, I was emo-ing about my lyfe. Yes, MY lyfe.
I'm really not suppose to be here, blogging. I'm suppose to be editing documentations, doing my assignments and build a stupid system.
What I know for sure is that I'll give myself a break next week (for about 3 days, cause it's my birthday!) Surprisingly, I'm not exactly looking forward to my birthday this year. I used to have high hopes and all, but now, I'm just like "Blah, whatever!". Well, the only way you're gonna be disappointed is when you have high hopes, so, hmm, yea, no hopes.
All I want this year is to be out there somewhere when the clock strikes 12am. I don't wanna be at home emo-ing -.-
Ya' know what? Everybody's been saying that I always emo on Facebook ... err, did I? Okay, maybe I did, but I can't help it. Sorry guys, especially Ben, haha! Always emo you XD
If the whole world turn their back on me this Wednesday night, I'm counting on you to accompany me through my birthday eve, haha!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ya' see, this is what happens when I'm stress. I update my blog A LOT MORE! This is like the third post today. wtf.
Anyways, I'm just here to share a few quotes that I found, and I'll go right back to my project and assignments.
"Nothing in this world is ever right or wrong, it's just a matter of opinions, your right is surely someone else's wrong."
"Don't ever judge anyone. You don't know their story and what's really going on. A smile can hide so much." -LEON
Anyways, I'm just here to share a few quotes that I found, and I'll go right back to my project and assignments.
"Nothing in this world is ever right or wrong, it's just a matter of opinions, your right is surely someone else's wrong."
"Don't ever judge anyone. You don't know their story and what's really going on. A smile can hide so much." -LEON
What are words
My friend asked me to listen to this song "What are Words" by Chris Medina for a while now, and I never came around to actually listen to it cause I was going through break up and stuff, so I don't wanna cry my eyeballs out listening to this song. I'm actually listening to this song while writing this post :'(
So sad.
If you guys are not familiar with his story, click *here*
I hope to find someone like him one day, someone I know I could rely on and be there for me no matter what happens.
Underneath what everyone sees, I'm just a girl. I'm just a normal girl. I always feel like if I put my guard down, I'd get hurt. I do feel tired sometimes.
"What are words
If you really don't mean them, when you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times, then they don't ... "
So sad.
If you guys are not familiar with his story, click *here*
I hope to find someone like him one day, someone I know I could rely on and be there for me no matter what happens.
Underneath what everyone sees, I'm just a girl. I'm just a normal girl. I always feel like if I put my guard down, I'd get hurt. I do feel tired sometimes.
"What are words
If you really don't mean them, when you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times, then they don't ... "
Driving me nuts? (Not exactly)
"Why'd you offer to drive/fetch me? I thought you hate driving?"
Hmm ... let's just say, I'm giving you guys a break from all the driving (driving girlfriend around, driving to work and stuff), although most of you enjoy driving ... I assume, but still, driving is tiring ... at least I felt it is -.-
The only time I enjoy driving would be when I need to clear my mind.
I'd only offer to drive when I'm in the mood or when I see my friend texting non-stop (Yep, Ben, I'm talking bout you) well, at least I enjoy driving his car, can't believe people trust me to drive their car, Hahaha! Which is quite surprising to say the least, cause I'm *sort of* a reckless driver.
I think I'm a typical Malaysian driver that turns into a devil the moment I'm behind wheels. -.- which is sad. I talk to myself, I curse, I scold ... yea, not a pretty sight, but I'm learning to control myself -.- I'm getting better at it ... I think, Haha!
Oh yea, I'm not suppose to be here updating my blog, crap! -.-""
Err ... Well, I've been working on my assignments all afternoon, and I guess I deserve a lil' break?
I'm gonna continue with my assignments and project in a bit.
I'm being a little random here, but I'm thinking of getting a new pair of jeans.
Okay, time to get out of here. Might do some window shopping tomorrow :)
I think I've been ask this question a couple of times, by my friends.
The only time I enjoy driving would be when I need to clear my mind.
I'd only offer to drive when I'm in the mood or when I see my friend texting non-stop (Yep, Ben, I'm talking bout you) well, at least I enjoy driving his car, can't believe people trust me to drive their car, Hahaha! Which is quite surprising to say the least, cause I'm *sort of* a reckless driver.
I think I'm a typical Malaysian driver that turns into a devil the moment I'm behind wheels. -.- which is sad. I talk to myself, I curse, I scold ... yea, not a pretty sight, but I'm learning to control myself -.- I'm getting better at it ... I think, Haha!
Oh yea, I'm not suppose to be here updating my blog, crap! -.-""
Err ... Well, I've been working on my assignments all afternoon, and I guess I deserve a lil' break?
I'm gonna continue with my assignments and project in a bit.
I'm being a little random here, but I'm thinking of getting a new pair of jeans.
Okay, time to get out of here. Might do some window shopping tomorrow :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
*pushing the panic button*
I have to take a break from blogging and "Daily Shots", 4 weeks left for my Final Year Project, and I'm screwed.
Hopefully I won't be sneaking into my blog in the next few weeks to update stuff -.- I'd usually like to post stuff on my blog when I'm stress out.
Please help me pray that I pass. Tell you guys what, if I pass the Final Year Project, I'll treat you guys ... err, Delicious? The Ship? or maybe Overtime? I'll keep my word, don't worry. Please come claim from me :P
Good luck everyone!!
I have to take a break from blogging and "Daily Shots", 4 weeks left for my Final Year Project, and I'm screwed.
Hopefully I won't be sneaking into my blog in the next few weeks to update stuff -.- I'd usually like to post stuff on my blog when I'm stress out.
Please help me pray that I pass. Tell you guys what, if I pass the Final Year Project, I'll treat you guys ... err, Delicious? The Ship? or maybe Overtime? I'll keep my word, don't worry. Please come claim from me :P
Good luck everyone!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
New Playlist :D
I'm so happy that I have a brand new playlist for me to play when I'm driving :D
1. One day you will - Lady Antebellum
2. California King Bed - Rihanna
3. Just a kiss - Lady Antebellum
4. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry
5. Skyscraper - Demi Lovato
6. Best Thing I Never Had - Beyonce'
7. Boomerang - Akon feat. Pitbull & Jermaine Dupri
8. Dirty Dancer - Enrique Iglesias feat. Usher
9. Little Bad Girl - David Guetta feat. Taio Cruz & Ludacris
10. Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
11. Don't Wanna Go Home - Jason Derulo
12. Don't Turn Out The Lights - N.K.O.T.B.S.B
13. The Show - Lenka
14. That Should Be Me - Justin Bieber
15. When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers
16. Terrified - Katharine McPhee
If you guys happen to check out those songs, I don't recommend the ones that I highlight in red colour, as they're more of clubbing hits, and can be quite noisy, which most of you don't like -.-
I can't even pick a favourite song, I love them all!! :D
1. One day you will - Lady Antebellum
2. California King Bed - Rihanna
3. Just a kiss - Lady Antebellum
4. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry
5. Skyscraper - Demi Lovato
6. Best Thing I Never Had - Beyonce'
7. Boomerang - Akon feat. Pitbull & Jermaine Dupri
8. Dirty Dancer - Enrique Iglesias feat. Usher
9. Little Bad Girl - David Guetta feat. Taio Cruz & Ludacris
10. Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
11. Don't Wanna Go Home - Jason Derulo
12. Don't Turn Out The Lights - N.K.O.T.B.S.B
13. The Show - Lenka
14. That Should Be Me - Justin Bieber
15. When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers
16. Terrified - Katharine McPhee
If you guys happen to check out those songs, I don't recommend the ones that I highlight in red colour, as they're more of clubbing hits, and can be quite noisy, which most of you don't like -.-
I can't even pick a favourite song, I love them all!! :D
Btw, fuck you ..|..
Luckily I'm not totally stupid. Someone was crying their eyeballs off like 16 days before "it" (I'm using "it", cause I'm not gonna give out the gender of the person, though "it" sounds wrong in some sentence, but of course EVERYONE knew who that person was, ROFL) flew back to Penang. Telling me how much "it" loves me yada, yada, yada! Thankfully I did not put my guards down.
That person came back, saw me, and are apparently "confused" on whether "it" still love me or not. TOUCHE' (<-- this word here, it's french)
I'm not pissed off on the fact that "it" does not love me or something, it's just that the person was like "I'm going to accompany you everyday when I'm back home, I'm just going to find a couple of friends, and the rest of the time I would be accompanying you" blah blah blah!
Guess what?
First day "it" got home, I think I saw "it" for like 2 hours or so, and then we parted ways. For some reason "it" wouldn't fetch me, and wouldn't let me fetch either (on that day) cause it was deemed inappropriate. Right, like I have the ability to fuckin' rape you by just staring at you.
If you're SOOOO environmental friendly, we should have gone with just one car, cause first off, you're leaving more carbon footprints, second of all, you're wasting petrol, AND thirdly, you're polluting the environment.
And Oh! Apparently that person have the time to go out with "its" other ex, but had no time to accompany me even for a day. That "other ex" is studying in Melbourne, which is where that person is currently residing, but the funniest thing is, they had to meet up in Penang HAHAHHAHAHAHAH! Joke of the century.
Some people just thinks of other people's feelings as jokes. Don't ever promise and say stuff to me randomly, cause I'll remember, E.V.E.R.Y. W.O.R.D. Don't love me, why don't you tell it to my face? It's been 4 months, its not like I'm gonna cry. You can't even break up with me face to face, HAHA!
Oh well, no point being pissed off ... I just need to get it out of my system before I continue with my project.
Friday, July 22, 2011
I'm a liar
It's alright, I'm alright. It's fine, I'm good.
Sounds familiar right?
Nothing was ever alright or fine or good. I'm just saying that so that people wouldn't be worried about me.
But thank you for asking.
I'm tired of crying. So please, if you're just here to hurt me, leave now.
I'm tired of crying. So please, if you're just here to hurt me, leave now.
Erm, before you guys begin to think that I'm showing off. This is my blog -.- and only a handful of people know about this blog. If I wanted to show off, Facebook would be a better option. As always, there's always the "X" on the top right of the browser, or if you're using Mac, on the top left of the browser :D
Delicious, Finally!!
The food is so-so, cause I think I ordered the wrong stuff, but the cupcake is not bad at all. Cien, thanks for accompanying me to Delicious, and for all those expensive presents -___-"" (very sweat) but still thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Gucci purse she got me. Haven't got a chance to take close up picture of the purse yet.
Duck something she ordered -.-
Spicy Crab Linguini -.- felt like I'm eating vegetable.
Red Velvet cupcake!!! Love it!! But the cream cheese frosting is a little bit too much -.-
Failed peace sign.
Tiffany&Co bracelet.
I think she just bought a whole lot of "first" for me. My first branded purse. My first branded bracelet. My first branded handbag (not in pictures). Thank you is all I could say for now. Will definitely get you something back when I start working and are able to afford expensive stuff for you.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Dum Dum
I went out the other day with my two best buddies to go hang out at Gurney Plaza, and since we're there, I went and look for new key chains for my car keys and house keys. In my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted a silver keychain (the ones with number).
The reason being is that, I've always been fascinated with the key chain that a friend of mine have, that is hanged together with his car remote key. But of course I never stared at that thing like I'm some "sohai". The only thing I ever notice about that key chain is the number. Actually, let me re-phrase, the only thing I'm attracted to is the design of the number on that key chain. It is simple, plain and silver? Haha! The number on it looks exactly like the ones you see on "Spiderman 3" movie's poster (okay not exactly, but maybe "sort of").
Come to think of it, whenever I see that key chain, I can't help but wonder, "Why the number "3"? Why not "7" or other numbers?" cause if I'm not mistaken, my friend likes the number "7" (I think -.-).
Guess what I did last night?
I went on eBay, and searched for "Silver Keychain", I was scrolling down, and see all sorts of weird, crazy key chain, and then, I saw something familiar. It is the thing I was searching for!! I click on the link to see a larger picture and to my surprise, there is a logo of a car company on the key chain 
Omg! I'm so freakin' stupid, of course, duh! 
Now I know why the number "3" ... f ... m .. l .
Maple, now I know how dum dum you are -.-
The reason being is that, I've always been fascinated with the key chain that a friend of mine have, that is hanged together with his car remote key. But of course I never stared at that thing like I'm some "sohai". The only thing I ever notice about that key chain is the number. Actually, let me re-phrase, the only thing I'm attracted to is the design of the number on that key chain. It is simple, plain and silver? Haha! The number on it looks exactly like the ones you see on "Spiderman 3" movie's poster (okay not exactly, but maybe "sort of").
Come to think of it, whenever I see that key chain, I can't help but wonder, "Why the number "3"? Why not "7" or other numbers?" cause if I'm not mistaken, my friend likes the number "7" (I think -.-).
Guess what I did last night?


Now I know why the number "3" ... f ... m .. l .
Maple, now I know how dum dum you are -.-
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I got myself a simple and plain key chain for my car keys. It's really time to stop bringing those unnecessary keys with me, haha! So from now on, it's only the remote and the key.
I'm so tired.
I apologise there's no "Daily shots" for today :( maybe tomorrow. Emotionally drained.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Fcuking annoying.
I am super pissed off. EVERY freakin day, WITHOUT fail, "the cow brand" guy would message me. wtf. I don't know if he notice, but he is fcukin annoying. Some mornings he would literally wake me up with messages through Whatsapp. I would ignore, and then in the afternoon, there'll be another message asking me if I'm doing assignment, or what am I doing.
He does that EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! Get a life, bro! Stop disturbing me. I know you're nice and all, but that is fcukin irritating and you went overboard. I came home from going out with him just now and he messaged me on Whatsapp "You don't need to pretend that you wanted to go home early to do assignment, stop playing with Facebook" (Obviously that wasn't his actual sentence, but it was the same meaning). Seriously? Who are you? My mum? My grandma?
I don't know why he doesn't get it when I don't reply him. He always proceeds to continue typing his godamn messages. You freakin paid someone to do your FYP, I didn't and I don't have the time to entertain you, so just back off and walk away before you need to RUN AWAY.
Yep, and I conveniently proceed to block him again on Whatsapp. For the 98374564875658436758th times.
Yep, and I conveniently proceed to block him again on Whatsapp. For the 98374564875658436758th times.
Peace out!
Daily shots #6
Yep, Lighthouse Coffee again. Didn't take much picture this time cause I'm uninspired and sleepy. I didn't manage to sleep well last night cause I was worried about my final year project :(
On a totally unrelated topic, I'm SO in love the La Senza undies that I think I need to go buy another 5 pairs. Girls, it's sale season, please go and attack that shop nao!!! I've turn into a shopping monster, shit! This is what happens when stress gets to me. :(
P/S: Asher, you don't need to attack La Senza, go attack the shop beside it. I know you like the undies from that shop XD
Errr, welcome?
No idea what it is.
My Hazelnut Chocolate :)
Spaghetti. I still prefer the ones my dad cooks.
A bunch of free goodies that my friend gave me -.- from luggage tag, hand strap (sounds so ... err nevermind), leather camera strap to magazines ... damn speechless -___-""" I didn't ask for any of it but ... err ... thanks?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Daily shots #5
I didn't manage to stay at home as planned -.- I went out with my mum to do a little shopping. Since my mum wanted to go to La Senza to get bras, I tagged along :D I wanted to get a push up bra, so I went in a tried a few, and I was like wtf forget about it. I'm pretty hopeless in the "chest" department that no "push up" bra can help. Everybody knows I'm flat anyways (yep, keep laughing -.-) So it doesn't matter. Oh, I finally found the perfect heels :D No picture of it cause I don't want anyone to see it till the day I'm wearing it ... the only thing I'm going to say is, I'll be about 4 inches taller on the day I'm wearing it ... I might kill myself wearing it, but I don't care XD Anyways, as promised, here's today's "Daily Shot #5" post. :)
My living room couch. It's the only thing in my living room that I like -.- seriously. My dad don't really give a crap when it comes to interior design of our house, as long as it's livable and comfortable -.-
Don't laugh, but this is my new bed sheet XD Lotsa smiley faces. I'm still a kid at heart :P
I finally got myself a La Senza card :D Thanks to my mum, cause the thing she purchased, cost about 300 bucks -.- So yea, she got her bra, I got my undies. 5 undies for 89MYR. Not bad at all. Plus it's really time to get rid of the "auntie" undies I bought in bulk from TARGET -___-"" I was going to post the pictures of the undies I bought, but this picture is all you guys are going to get, cause I don't think it's appropriate to post pictures of my undies on the internet XD and yes, I'm a boring person, I only buy grey, dark blue and black -.- well at least they are lace-y, which is something I don't usually buy, so you gotta give me credit for that. Thank God they're comfortable, not to mention good looking XD
My dad just came back from a business trip to Japan, and he got me a cardigan from UNIQLO!! I can't believe my dad knows how to get me a cardigan, in the colour that I don't have (which is black) and the size that fits me perfectly!! Double OMG! Right after my dad came home with a black cardigan for me, I realised that I don't have a black cardigan -.-"" wtf I have cardigans in all shades of grey. Medium grey, light grey, dark grey ... errr grey? WTF damn funny.
On to another random topic, just now, while walking around Queensbay Mall, there's this uncle that was walking towards me and my mum's direction, and he was staring at my mum, for a freakin long time. Even when he walked past us, he is still staring at my mum. I was so freakin pissed off that I stared back at that uncle until he looked away. wtf. Uncle these days wtf.
Sometimes ...
... when I look at my friend's photo album on Facebook, I'd be like "I wish I'm that beautiful/pretty/skinny".
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Show off!
Finally, I have the time to clean my make-up brushes. I was going to do a post of "Daily Shots #5", but I don't have enough "presentable" pictures to upload :( I'll probably do "Daily Shots #5" tomorrow :D Hopefully tomorrow will be an interesting day ... at home that is -.-
Can't wait for Monday, cause I kinda hate weekends. Everywhere you go during weekends, is crowded. Anyways, might go bra shopping on Monday, after showing a friend (more like acquaintance) how to go to Lighthouse Coffee ... and maybe scan through Forever21, haha! Oh wait, there might be meetings on Monday -.- wtf.
Honestly, that friend could have just use the darn GPS on his smartphone. That's what you paid for, right? So freakin use it lah -.- damn.
That friend will be picking me up from my place, but I don't know why EVERY SINGLE TIME he talks about fetching me, he would go like "Don't forget I'll be fetching you with VIOS. Oh, I'm just saying that cause I'm scared you might be searching for a Wira".
Me: "Oh, VIOS right? Don't need to show off. I have one too, and I can drive it anytime :D".
Showing off is my forte. So don't challenge me on that XD And definitely don't dare me on something, cause I might do it, just to win, Haha!
Okay, now I know why people say I'm cocky ... but you see, the egoistic side of me shows, whenever I'm pissed off (a more subtle word would be "agitated", wtf, since when I go for subtle words, anyways ...) or when I can't stand someone, Haha!
Okay, yep, that's my rant of the day, gotta go ... Love you guys ^^
When all else fails ...
... go online "window shopping" :D
I've been procrastinating a lot lately. I have 2 assignments waiting to be completed and a Final Year Project that I need to do. 5 more weeks to go. F.M.L!!!
I've done everything since I woke up this morning, but doing my assignment -___- I went blog surfing, and EVERY beauty & fashion blog I go to, there'll be Balenciaga here, Balenciaga there =.= double fml.
If I'm as rich as maybe the Royal Family, I'd probably caved in and buy 10 different colours of Balenciaga bags -.- like, seriously.
Anyways, I went searching for a Balenciaga bag online, just to satisfy my cravings for them, Haha! This is the kind of bag/purse I would buy with my first paycheck. Now I'm sure that LV bags (LV's are overated anyways :P) wouldn't be the first on my list, cause everyone has them, and every brands are "inspired" by their designs.
I don't think Balenciaga are particularly popular in Malaysia, cause I've never really heard anybody mention about this brand before though, but it's a good thing, cause I don't like to own stuff that 1,000,000 other people owns. LV, Gucci, Chanel ... move aside XD (Damn, I said that I like could afford them, but truthfully, I can't :P)
Enough of day dreaming, it's back to reality for me. Gotta go do something about my assignments and FYP. 5 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!
Good luck everyone!!
I've been procrastinating a lot lately. I have 2 assignments waiting to be completed and a Final Year Project that I need to do. 5 more weeks to go. F.M.L!!!
I've done everything since I woke up this morning, but doing my assignment -___- I went blog surfing, and EVERY beauty & fashion blog I go to, there'll be Balenciaga here, Balenciaga there =.= double fml.
If I'm as rich as maybe the Royal Family, I'd probably caved in and buy 10 different colours of Balenciaga bags -.- like, seriously.
Anyways, I went searching for a Balenciaga bag online, just to satisfy my cravings for them, Haha! This is the kind of bag/purse I would buy with my first paycheck. Now I'm sure that LV bags (LV's are overated anyways :P) wouldn't be the first on my list, cause everyone has them, and every brands are "inspired" by their designs.
Balenciaga Giant City Tote in Black. [Source]
Balenciaga Giant City Tote in Dark Blue. [Source]
I don't think Balenciaga are particularly popular in Malaysia, cause I've never really heard anybody mention about this brand before though, but it's a good thing, cause I don't like to own stuff that 1,000,000 other people owns. LV, Gucci, Chanel ... move aside XD (Damn, I said that I like could afford them, but truthfully, I can't :P)
Enough of day dreaming, it's back to reality for me. Gotta go do something about my assignments and FYP. 5 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!
Good luck everyone!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Daily shots #4
Had an awesome morning cause I finally had breakfast at McD :D
Don't be fooled. That cup is actually filled with tea rather than "Premium Roast Coffee".
My absolute favourite, Sausage McMuffin without eggs :D
Thur having his lunch :D
Thur texting ... yea I know, lame caption, but I don't care, HAHAHA!
This picture is taken by Thur, so credits to him XD Pardon my bad skin condition, I couldn't be bothered to slap on foundation today to cover it up, haha!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!
Second post for today, just cause I feel like it, haha!
I went out with a friend today and he said "Let's go to Secret Recipe" ... and asked me "What kind of cake do you like?" cause according to him, some guy managed to "gam dong" (in cantonese) me with a Black Forest Cake, years ago. I was like "Huh? Where'd you get that information?".
To cut the story short, the guy that told my friend that story, cannot be trusted, he craps a lot (that story obviously wasn't true), but somehow he manage to guess correctly one of the cakes that I like, but I don't feel like having Black Forest Cake this year. ME WANT CUPCAKES!!!!! Like red velvet or maybe chocolate ones XD Okay, or maybe fruit cake? Cause I wanna be a kid again XD
Oh well, my friend might get me a Black Forest Cake for my birthday after all, seeing how clueless he is Haha!
I went out with a friend today and he said "Let's go to Secret Recipe" ... and asked me "What kind of cake do you like?" cause according to him, some guy managed to "gam dong" (in cantonese) me with a Black Forest Cake, years ago. I was like "Huh? Where'd you get that information?".
To cut the story short, the guy that told my friend that story, cannot be trusted, he craps a lot (that story obviously wasn't true), but somehow he manage to guess correctly one of the cakes that I like, but I don't feel like having Black Forest Cake this year. ME WANT CUPCAKES!!!!! Like red velvet or maybe chocolate ones XD Okay, or maybe fruit cake? Cause I wanna be a kid again XD
Oh well, my friend might get me a Black Forest Cake for my birthday after all, seeing how clueless he is Haha!
Like A Boy
My mind wanders whenever I'm driving ... and that's when I get inspiration to blog :P
I was thinking, It'd be awesome if I am a guy and I'd be a flirtatious one at that ;P I think it's easier for a guy to hook up with a girl, than for a girl to hook up with or find a decent guy.
It'd be way better being a guy, than a girl. At least that's what I feel. Don't need to PMS every month. Don't need to experience menstrual cramp. Don't need to starve yourself to fit into a size 2 dress. Shirt, T-shirt, trousers, and short pants would be everything you need in your wardrobe.
Luckily I wasn't born a guy, cause many girls would be heartbroken, considering the fact that I'd be ladies man :P (I don't know where that confidence comes from, but I wish I'm this confident being a girl, haha!)
Honestly I felt more comfortable in a shirt and jeans, than I am in a dress. Regardless of that, I do *sort of* love being a girl. I love having long hair, I love dressing up (I'd usually spend like 30 minutes to an hour choosing the right outfit XD), I love make up (playing with them, not wearing them), I love shopping, I love being taken care of.
So yea ... end of my crazy thoughts.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
In your face! XD
Haven't camwhore using my baby iPhone in the longest time. So yea ... tonight I'm in the mood wtf. I played around with make-up stuff which explains the messy floor, and I even curled my hair using hair straightener (though you can't really see anything from the picture ... phail -.-)
Honestly I felt uglier in make-up than I was without it (maybe I'm just not good at it -.-), but before I took all these pictures, I've already removed all the make-up. Enjoy puking after looking at my pictures XD
On the subject of pictures, I really wanna punch a friend of mine in the face ... like literally. He's my best friend and all, but seriously, I don't wanna give him face d. His Facebook profile is ALWAYS him and his girlfriend's picture. I mean I don't mind you putting you and your gf's picture, but PLEASE LAH, don't put pictures of you kissing your girlfriend as a profile picture lah!!! Get a room!! wtf.
Looking at the thumbnails of the profile picture manage to make me wanna tear my hair off. It's like rubbing it in your face. I know you're happy, you're in love, I'm happy for you, but the profile picture? -.- Damn speechless. I've already hide him off my news feed coz I can't stand him keep "I love you" here and there. Yea man, I love you too! I'd LOVE YOU to please put something decent as your profile picture.
Peace out!
Daily shots #3
Been rushing assignment for the past couple of days and barely getting any sleep. Finally, for the first time in many MANY weeks, I slept at 11.30pm last night, and then I woke up around 9am (mind you, I was suppose to wake up at 8am to continue with the assignment -.-)
I think I need to sleep early tonight as well, cause when I woke up this morning, my body is still super tired, and pimples' been popping up all over my face, YIKES! No amount of foundation could ever cover that up -.-
I was rushing to class today, cause I only manage to finish up my assignment at around 2pm (AND class starts at 2pm XD). For the first time ever (I think) I was late to class for about 30 to 40 minutes. While I was rushing to college, there were a bunch of morons obstructing MY ROAD. Okay lah technically it wasn't my road, but I was driving fast and I was furious (Geddit? Fast and Furious? HAHAHAHA! lame joke, I know) at those people taking their own sweet time driving at 50kmph on the RIGHT LANE.
I wasn't furious though, just that I was rushing and accelerating like mad. I felt kinda bad for my dad coz he's the one that's paying for my petrol, and the way I was driving my car today, I think I wasted quite a lot of petrol. Really need to slow down to a turtle speed for the rest of the month or my dad is gonna complain that my car used up lots of petrol, approximately 18 cents per kilometer (yep he does keep track -.-).
Anyways, enough of senseless ramblings. I'll leave you guys with "Daily shots #3" (^^,)
Maybe it's time for me to make tiny changes on my blog.
Random picture I took at my home's balcony.
Neatly fold laundry.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
*New* Speedy bag ... right =.=
Shit you Louis Vuitton, why the heck do you have to send me a newsletter letting me know about your NEW speedy bag? (I thought I checked the DO-NOT-send-me-anything box in the form) -.- The only new thing about this speedy bag is the shoulder strap, but damn ... it does look more appealing with a shoulder strap. If my memory serves me correctly, the *old* speedy bag does not come with a shoulder strap.
Oh well, it's nice to look at but ... Louis, I'll catch up with you when I strike lottery aight! XD Well maybe I won't ... Balenciaga is still on top of my list, I think? -.- Ya' just have to come up with something "new" to mess with my brain and money. Thanks man, appreciate it!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Daily shots #2
If you're here to read about what I'm thinking/feeling ... well, not this post. I'm just tired. I'll get back on my feet when I had enough rest. Here are the pictures I took today. I'm suppose to be doing my assignments, but ... oh well ... 2000 words. I can do it!!
My toe was bleeding this morning. I think there's bit and pieces of glasses on the floor at the dining area, and I accidentally stepped on it. No one came to my rescue, Haha! Oh well, no big deal. Somehow manage to take a picture of the "bloody toe", but I think I shouldn't post it up XD So this is what you get. An artsy photo of my injured toe.
Clothes, clothes and MORE clothes.
Books that I've read. (most of them anyways :P)
Favourite-est magazine in the whole wide world. Girlfriend. Too bad it's expensive here and I'm not 15 anymore, I don't see the need to buy such expensive magazine that I'd only read once or twice and then leave it there to collect dust. I do buy them ... sometimes ... especially when I'm PMS-ing or moody XD
Before I bid goodbye and continue with my assignment, I have something to share with you guys. A link, to be exact. I stumble across this photographer's blog while I was blog surfing this morning. AND this particular pictures/photos that she took really made me go "awww~~" *click* The way she captured those special moments, awwwww~~
Okay, then, gotta get back to my assignments ^^
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Daily shots #1
Honestly I hate that the window of my room is yellow in colour. wtf. It makes anything and everything looks yellow.
My favourite watch ^^
Make-up remover wipes that I stole from my little sister XD
My bitchy baby iPhone 3GS that refuses to co-operate with me. wtf. Nevertheless, I still love it. Currently it has a picture of Cheryl Cole as its lock screen wallpaper :D
New heels :D Hopefully it's comfortable, considering that it's from Clarks.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Not so artsy pictures
Random pictures taken with my new camera :D First four pictures are resized and edited ... the last one on the bottom is not photoshopped, just resized.
I've been shopping at TOPSHOP quite a bit recently.
Make-up brushes that I need to clean ... soon.
Tons of make-up products that I don't use much, other than the foundation of course. If you see me with flawless skin, most probably I'm using foundation XD
My favourite hobby. Wasting my time watching YouTube video's instead of doing my assignments and Final Year Project :D
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