Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who's an Airhead?!

So. Its about time I write again about the many misadventures of Mycah.

One wonderful day Mycah thought to herself "Wow, I am out of windshield wiper fluid, I should get some more."

Now, I have heard of this cool windshield wiper fluid thats an anti-freeze formula that helps keep rain off your windshield and fights off the morning frost. So I go waltzing in to my nearest Auto Zone on a mission to find this magical sounding fluid. I see these nicely stacked pink bottles of "windshield wiper fluid" pick one and go on my way.

I get home, fill up my wiper fluid completely full and skip off into the sunset. Next day, on my way to work there is grungy snow water flying up on my windshield so I go to clean off my windshield with said fluid, and notice its not cleaning ANYTHING, keeps streaking and greasing up my window. Stupidily I try and justify this streaking and think to myself "well...maybe thats just the anti-freezing capabilities hard at work!"

Searching through my purse one day I am going through old reciepts trying to clean out the clutter that is my purse and find the receipt to my windshield wiper fluid.....and stare at for awhile. " cant be. Whatever, I totally bought fluid for my windshield. Hmmm, hey Scott look at this receipt."

"IT IS NOT!!! Stop laughing...NO, oh please dont tell me that's true."

"I thought they were advertising that it was for ANTIFREEZE like no freeze on your windshield, not that it was antifreeze engine coolant! Whatever I dont believe you, I am checking the garbage can right now and proving your wrong!"

*a moment and some dumpster diving later*

"Shut up Scott, just shut up."

So ladies and gents, if you need a real genius to help you with any car repairs. I am here to help.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I so forgot to write about this. So I thought lets write before I forget.

So the other day on my way to work, I walk out to my car to find my dad sitting in his truck. Kinda surprised to see him sitting there I waved to him, and then he rolled down his window.

He glances up at Bretts bedroom window to see if its open then back at me, and whispers "Brett told us he was going to go to court today and tell the judge to put him in jail cause he just can't kick his addiction."

I replied with a unenthuisastic "Yeah, i'll drop dead when that happens."

Surprised by my reaction he rolled up his window and went on his way. I make my merry way to work, then after the usual 10 hrs of work, I come home after work to find *SURPRISE* my brother passed out on one of the love seats upstairs.

Wow, I am SO shocked. I bet you, he told that judge and the judge just didn't listen to him. Dang that pesky judge. We'll get that wascally Bwett one day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am totally going to kill my parents so I can get new ones!

Oh dear,

I still cannot stop laughing about this one. So yesterday I was sitting upstairs at the kitchen counter while Scott was making food. My dad comes wandering up to me and says

"So apparently, Brett has been keeping this a secret for a long time, he told us yesterday that when Lauren was a little girl we got her a bird, and she ended up killing that bird so she could get a new one."

I just sat there....and can I just say I tried my HARDEST! not to laugh my butt off at that statement. So many things went through my head to say like:

"Dad, I have been keeping this a secret for a long time, but did you know your son has been doing drugs for years?!"

"Dad, did you know Brett has been smoking that funny stuff?"

"Do you seriously believe that crap?!"

"Are you and Brett sharing drugs?"

I just ended up saying ...."I, really don't believe that." and after saying that he told me "Now dont tell your sister I said that."

hahah why shouldn't I tell her? Cause I did tell her? and she nearly laughed till she peed her pants?! Classic dad, CLASSIC!!

One day I hope you may grow a spine! :D
Till then Enjoy a picture of something you should have!

P.S. my favorite thing to do these days, is to kill things so I can get new ones. So I am thinking of killing my car. A new Mazda sounds about nice. careful I am thinking I want a new boss too.

Deep Fried Enigma

Its time for an update!

My awesome nephew Kiyan was baptised last Sunday. Of couse, my parents weren't invited as they have shown no interest in wanting to be in their grandsons life.

Now, to set this up. Me and Scott leave in our best dress. And to thwart any sort of drama that may ensue, when asked where we are going, We tell them we are going to a wedding. Then head on our way to the baptism.

After the baptism we had a lovely get together and I found out some WONDERFUL bits of information about my mother:

1st: Apparently when me, my brother, and sister were younger we had a hairstylist we went to regulary. After a period of time my mom was convinced our hairstylist had a voodoo doll of all of us, and had made these dolls using the very hair that she cut off our heads.

2nd: My mom has NEVER pumped her own gas. She calls my father and makes him meet her at the gas station after work or whenever to pump her gas freaking gas.

3rd: She passed out at my sister wedding because she was just SOoO shocked and appauled that my sister invited her grandparents. (horrible evil sister!)

Now its after the baptism and I am home, and my MOM starts asking alot of questions about where the wedding was, who was married, what was the grooms name, and acting like she knew I really wasn't at a wedding. Come to find out, my neice told my brother that she got to see Kiyan on Saturday. My brother being the peace keeper takes this little bit of news and gleefully skips to my parents told them where Mycah was on Saturday! That she really wasn't at a wedding, she was at a get together, that, THEY, werent invited to!

How did I find out that they knew?! Me and Scott are ever so happily downstairs hiding from the psychos in our room playing Halo Wars when my dad comes bounding down the stairs throws open my door and rudely says "So, you really were NOT at a wedding yesterday were you!?"

"No, I was not!" I tried to say every so friendly.

"You were at Kiyans baptism, huh?!" He said with a rude glare

"Yep, I sure was" *grin*

"How was it?!" He said EVER so snidely

"It was just great" *insert really happy cheesy middle finger grin*

Meanwhile this conversation goes on my cute little Tishy face escapes out the door cause she's trying to see the big mean man I call dad. (she just is too doggy stupid to realize he sucks.) He shut the door, ran after her, grabbed her, came back and threw her back in my room! Then he just ran off like a chicken afterwards. Now excuse me! You can be rude to me but DO NOT! under any circumstance be mean to my dog or I will hurt you.

So with all of that, guess who's fault it is tthat they didnt know about the baptism. MINE! :-D!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Did you pay for that haircut?

This is Tippy, he is my brothers cat that he brought to live with us when he moved in..

Now your probably wondering what is going on in these pictures. Well, his owner decided to give him a haircut!

You think, maybe, he was sober when he did it? Did he honestly at the time of doing this hair cut, think it was AWESOME?
He's ENTIRELY bald on his right side!! How did he do that!?

...I do think the spine cut is pretty cool. I bet he was thinking Aerodynamic when he did his back.

Poor is he going to impress the ladies with that hair do?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Interior Decorative Roadkill

This title is EXACTLY how it sounds.

So, I am traveling home after work on Monday, ever so happy enjoying the sun, and a LARGE Dr. Pepper in my broken A/C of a car! I make it home, and have depleted the Dr. Pepper as soon as I park my car in the driveway. So I do the natural thing and when I get out of the car, I throw my cup away in our huge green garbage can outside...I throw my cup and it landed in a cardboard box strategically placed between the lid and the rim.

I think to myself what is that box? And should my cup be in there? I peek inside to see TWO dead woodpeckers! EWW! I see these woodpeckers and my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder kicks in and I have flasbacks of a dead frozen owl!

Now you may wonder why I would have PTSD of an owl. Once upon a time about 6 months ago I went scavaging for food in the downstairs freezer. I open the door expecting to see some delectible dinner goodies, or popsicles, but I find A DEAD OWL leaning up against the side of some frozen entrees and a bag of meatballs.

I did that thing girls naturally do and screamed, jumped what seemed like 100 feet back, and kept backing up.

Now before I go on, why is it when we see something shocking like that we just keep looking at it and screaming?!

Anyways, Scott ran to save his maiden in distress to find me screaming at said dead owl, wide eyed, and dead in a freezer.

Come to find out, my parents apparently saw this owl on the side of the freeway!! Felt compelled enough to drive back around, stop on the side of the freeway and picked it up. They put this owl in their trunk, in a cardboard box, and it stayed in there during a hot summer day, while they did their errands! They then came home did the logical thing and put it in the freezer!! YAY!

I asked them why they wanted a dead owl in their possession. They told me they wanted to keep its feathers so they could make something out of them and as well as keep his talons.


I have yet to go around the house and see if I could spot where parts of this owl have decided to make a statement. I fear if I find them I may have a flashback and be sent to a mental institute.

But WHEN! and IF! I find them, you will be the first (well I guess second) to know after I am done screaming.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009



No, really really...GUESS WHAT?!

I can tell your looking at this picture trying to guess, AND I WILL TELL YOU. I will tell you while my blood is boiling!

So, if you are wondering, this lovely picture above is a picture of none other than *drum roll* MY BROTHER!

This is a picture of his arrest on 3/16/09. Whats that?! he violated parole and was arrested on the 16th of March? Why yes, yes he was, and guess what? The thing that really makes my blood boil is that it says at the bottom of his booking he was released to my father at the price of 1,000.00 dollars!

So, they spend a bunch of money on my brother that is obviously an outstanding citizen, but when it comes to their daughter that has done no wrong, and asked for some help with her wedding they say what to me?! "Uhm I guess we'll chip in, as long as your wedding is next year."

Chip in?! CHIP IN? That mean your going to pay me like you'd pay a homeless person on the street? Just going to give me whats in your pocket to help with your daughters wedding? Maybe 5 cents, a paperclip, and some lint? Now, If I was Magyver that would be awesome to use for a wedding, I could build a plane with that.

So, with that. Mom....Dad..... I don't need your "chipping in" I will pay for everything MYSELF and YOUR NOT INVITED!!

:P thppp