Showing posts with label quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Despite coming from a very enthusiastic quilting family I have rather avoided the whole quilting thing. I had really wanted to be doing something different and my own.

But the quilting bug has finally got me and I have all kinds of plans.

I wanted to start out small. I wanted to make a green quilt for throwing over my shoulders when doing my meditation. It needed to be uber soft and snuggly, with a great drape. I didn't want it too look at all formal - it needed to be a scrap quilt. And very simple.

I used a raft of green fabrics in the stash, including an old favourite sheet.

You may notice it looks rather rough or maybe 'rustic', or possibly even saggy. I went with a different approach than standard wadding and backing. I have a couple of old chenille bedspreads lying about which I haven't used in years. They are so beautiful I can't bear to part with them. I decided to use one to back this little quilt. I held my breath as I cut the chenille - terrified I would regret this waste of a lovely bedspread.

I love the result, even if it is saggy. It feels magnificently cosy.

Though before I embark on a 'real' quilt that would make my mum proud my basting needs to improve an awful lot and I really do need to learn to sew a straight line.