For Lack of a Better Name
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
It has been a long time since I wrote on here. Partly because of being busy with school and work, partly from laziness, and partly because... well the email address I used for this expired (I got it when I thought I was going to go to the U then changed my mind) and I don't have the "admin" status with my other email address. I have been blogging for my mom's blog for her sewing business Enchanted Kingdom Creations and I always think of things that I want to blog about that just wont work on that one and I never put on this one because I feel like I can't do much on this blog since I don't have the "Admin" features anymore. Like I want a new name for the blog, a different background, I might fiddle with the way it is set up... who knows. Anyway, so the big news is *drum roll* I am going to start a new blog! Right now it is just another blogger one. But I have been talking to Trevor and we might get our own URL and I might use that for my blog! I know that's huge right? So, for those of you who are followers or whatever, my new blog, right now, is Life as a Kunz so go follow that one...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Worst news EVER.
Dont worry, we didn't call off the wedding or anything!
I will tell you the story: Featured above is the beautiful ring that
Trevor gave to me. This weekend I was looking at it, and I noticed something
funny about the two suspended diamonds. One looked like it was slanted away
from me and the other looked like it was slanted toward me. Of course I got a
little scared, but then I reassured myself that I have only had the ring for a
week, the diamonds could not have come loose already. Perhaps they were
accidently put into the setting crooked. On farther inspection yesterday,
however; I touched one of them and it moved.
By then I happened to be at work--I am fortunate enough to work in the same building as the jewelry store in which I bought my ring, so during my break I took it in to Fred Meyer Jewelers. They confirmed my fears. My diamond is loose, and if I continue to wear my ring I may possibly lose one of the precious stones.
They are really good to work with though. When Trevor and I got the ring we got the lifetime insurance on it, so they are sending it to a goldsmith who should be able to fix the problem. Which will take a whole week, but at least they are getting something done. They also told me that if the stones come loose again that they will order me in a new ring, in my size, (we think that having the ring resized might have disturbed the way the stones are being suspended) that way there won’t be any tampering with it.
I have also decided that I might have to stop wearing my ring to work, at least on days when I am at a regular check stand, because, me being a checker, I have a lot of opportunity to hit my ring, causing the stones to come loose. I'm not too sure about this at the moment. I have only had my ring for a week and I am feeling naked because I don’t have it on right now. I doubt that I would enjoy having to take it off every time I go to work so I would like to at least have a band to wear while I am working - Maybe this is a sign that I should get a new job!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wow. It has been a while.
I was doing so good then all the sudden I just stopped posting. It is kind of funny looking back at some of the stuff I wrote about though. Like the last post I talk about guys I like... BLAH! In retrospect, I didn't really like any of them. Then again, I am probably only saying that because I found the love of my life! That's right folks! I'm engaged! Well, it's old news by now, it happened this last Saturday (Jan. 21).
Okay, who wants the story? Well Trevor and I were going to go snowboarding up to the Beav, (Which is why I look terrible in this picture) but when we get to the turn off he decided that it is too snowy to make it up to the resort. We just kept driving, but thinking back it was probably worse on the highway that it was on that little road up to Beaver, but we went anyway. We pulled off at the overlook that is right before you get out of Logan Canyon, and decided to go look at the view, even though it was snowing and we couldn't see much. It was still pretty. Well we went over to the area where they have the big signs that have the history of Bear Lake and geology of the area, which was kinda cool. I was reading about the first settlers in the area when Trevor says, "Hey Leisha" I turn around and he was down on one knee and well, he asked me to marry him!
I am so excited! I have known him for such a long time, and to tell the truth--before he got back from his mission I only thought of him as a friend. Well, once he got back we hung out a few times, and I felt like something was there. It was at this time that I started listening to the Sick Puppies again. In fact I put in their CD for the first time in months while Trevor and I were waiting for Harry Potter 7 Part 2 to start, and "White Balloons" is one of the songs on the album. It was while I was making the drive back to Logan that I really listened to the song, and I was actually thinking about Trevor. Listening to this song I thought that maybe there could be something between him and me and that I may as well see where it went.
Needless to say, I'm glad I did. Haha, I don't think I have even told Trevor that story! Anyway, since I am back to putting off my homework, maybe I will be blogging more. I guess only time will tell.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You know how everything seems to happen at once? Finals are coming up, my work decided to start scheduling me 5 days a week, I have found a guy that I am absolutely twitter patted over, and the other guy I like a lot is coming back into town this week. I am trying to find time to study, work, hang out with the guys I like and on top of everything I got halfway done with a huge homework assignment that is due tomorrow and forgot to save it. Then to make everything worse, I just have no motivation to actually study effectively. Instead, I have been watching Bones on Netflix and only reading out of my history book between episodes while the next one is loading.
Stress is something that I really need to work on. I get worked up over silly little things that shouldn't matter. So in this time of stress I am going to try to do something different. I am going to take one thing at a time and just go with the flow of things.
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris
Stress is something that I really need to work on. I get worked up over silly little things that shouldn't matter. So in this time of stress I am going to try to do something different. I am going to take one thing at a time and just go with the flow of things.
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris
Friday, April 22, 2011
What I am Looking For...
There is nothing more humbling than being told that you are an immature brat. I just wanted to clear up some confusion. Since I broke up with my last boyfriend, I have been going on dates with multiple guys. There is a method to my madness. I want to meet as many guys as I can, so I will know when I find Mr Right. I have been told that making a list of the qualities you want in your husband also helps, so that what I am going to do today.
1. Preferably taller than me, but that doesn't matter much
2. Has a testimony in the church. (can take me through the temple)
3. Loves the outdoors as much as I do
4. He needs to be okay with living in a small town
5. Gets along with my brothers
6. Can keep up with my brothers
7. Is mature, but can still go out and have fun doing silly things
8. Needs to be able to take me on adventures
9. Puts effort into the relationship without strain (I have a problem with guys trying to force the relationship farther than I am ready for)
10. Fun and easy to be around.
So there you have it--ten things that I want in a guy...
1. Preferably taller than me, but that doesn't matter much
2. Has a testimony in the church. (can take me through the temple)
3. Loves the outdoors as much as I do
4. He needs to be okay with living in a small town
5. Gets along with my brothers
6. Can keep up with my brothers
7. Is mature, but can still go out and have fun doing silly things
8. Needs to be able to take me on adventures
9. Puts effort into the relationship without strain (I have a problem with guys trying to force the relationship farther than I am ready for)
10. Fun and easy to be around.
So there you have it--ten things that I want in a guy...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Two Faced
There are a lot of two faced people out there. I have run into quite a few in my short life time. Your best friend to your face, then once you turn around they are talking crap on you. I just dont understand the logic of it. After a while everyone realizes what is going on, and that two faced person isn't taken seriously by anyone. This is all just high school drama. Once we are out high school shouldn't we be mature enough to stop this back biting? Try this--go out and treat people who aren't around, the same way you would treat them to their faces. If you do this you will be respected and treated well by everyone. Just sayin'. I will now step off my soap box. Thank you.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Bucket List--More or Less
"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." --Jim Rohn
I definitely want an exrodrinary life. Here is a very short list of some things I want to do at some point in my life.
Climb Devils Tower
Visit as many national parks as I can
White water rafting
Trip across Europe
Bungee Jumping
Ride across the country on a motorcycle
Get married in the temple
Have a family
Write a book. (it probably will never be published, but it would be cool to say I did it)
Graduate college
SCUBA diving
Walk on el camino del ray
I definitely want an exrodrinary life. Here is a very short list of some things I want to do at some point in my life.
Climb Devils Tower
Visit as many national parks as I can
White water rafting
Trip across Europe
Bungee Jumping
Ride across the country on a motorcycle
Get married in the temple
Have a family
Write a book. (it probably will never be published, but it would be cool to say I did it)
Graduate college
SCUBA diving
Walk on el camino del ray
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