Sunday, May 25, 2008


Drew kept asking me the whole trip when we were going to see where Mickey Mouse lived; good thing we saved it for last. I was really skeptical about going to Disneyland since our kids are still so little and it isn't the cheapest place in the world. Plus Andrew is scared of just about every Disney full length feature film with anything close to a villain. He is getting better but he still prefers Chariots of Fire to Aladdin (He gets all whining and says, "I don't like this show" least we know he can be sensitive.) However, I failed to remember just how magical Disneyland can be. Andrew was so excited when we told him we were going and when we arrive he asked if this was were the show was. He kept thinking we were going to Disney on Ice (since that is the only other times he has seen Mickey Mouse). Drew really liked the Jungle Safari ride and told us he didn't like the guide shooting his gun because he scared away the hippos. He also kept waving at the Elephants. He did NOT like Pirates so we stuck to kiddie rides after that. He really liked the Tiki Room (which I had never been in before) and liked driving the cars for a little while but after a bit of a rough corner he decided he wasn't a very good driver. Meeting Mickey was a highlight but the parade was the real winner for Drew. We had a great spot thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, so there were plenty of high-fives and waves from the characters and even a hug from Goofy. Andrew was SO excited! I loved seeing him so happy; I think that is what the magic is all about!

Misc Pics

What's a trip to CA without a couple stops at In and Out? Fortunately we were just in time for the St. George opening Drew showing off his new look....

Such a kissy baby, and happy even though she spent a lot of time in the stroller

Drew LOVES merry-go-rounds...especially ones with cool animals like crocodiles and panthers.

Finally out of her stroller for a little chat with her buddy

Monday, May 05, 2008

Sea World

I'm finally getting around to posting some more pictures from our trip. I loved visiting Sea World and seeing the shows; the animals are so amazing. Drew also had a great time even though he wasn't feeling too well. He keeps talking about Shamu and whales. Jeff must be a fishy person because a dolphin swam right up to him in the petting pool and tried to bite his finger. It then made the little noise dolphins make at him...pretty cool that he got to pet it.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

In some ways I think the beach is even more magical than Disneyland, plus less expensive and a little more relaxing. I loved watching the kids busy building sand castles and chasing the waves. The nice thing about the Pacific Ocean is it is cold enough I don't have to worry too much about Drew running out too far. Although, I didn't have to worry too much about that anyway. He seemed content to play in the sand. Ella was pretty good about getting her feet wet but I didn't want her to get too messy so I didn't let her really play in the sand...maybe next time ;)

We couldn't have picked a better day to go to the beach. The weather was great and there was hardly anyone else around; could have been due to the recent shark attack....thankfully the only sharks we saw were at Sea World.

I just love visiting the ocean, like I said there is something magical about it. It seems to ignite the inner child in me and possibilities seem as endless as the ocean!

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We Made It...Just in time to see Coronado at Sunset....BEAUTIFUL!