Wow, Kate. You're quite the prolific blogger lately (on the Boys' blog)...none of it terribly interesting or about the bizzillion events you actually need to write about...but anyway...
Hamilton had his first friend birthday party today (an example of what I should be documenting), and it was so much fun, Hamilton took a nap after wards. Because that nap ended at 5:30, Alex and I knew that standard bedtime would not apply. And Beckett has been a night owl lately, even without a late nap. So, what to do? Escape from home and cross things off our "to do" lists! Yea! By the time we left the house though, the mall was closed, so we could only complete one of the three desired errands. However, it also meant that it was early enough to consider dinner out. None of us were really hungry, but being served drinks and not having to do dishes always sound good. We opted for Chili's...a place that we don't love but has no wait, is easy with kids, and not good enough that you wish you could savor your food rather than eating while simultaneously feeding someone else, cleaning up sugar packets, and keeping track of crayons . It ended up being a fun time...
- After we parked the car, Hamilton ran along the sidewalk, pointing out all the "bad race cars." He is really getting to be so much fun...of course, he's always been fun, but we're experiencing less of that "terrible two" business.
- Before we even ordered, all four of us had separate restroom trips. This is way too much info for this extreme bathroom privacy girl, but I thought it was pretty funny, like some contagious source of ordering procrastination.
- I slipped and said "stupid" during our conversation and was promptly put in time-out by Hamilton. He gave me 30 seconds of no talking, but I feared the time would never be up because his mind was elsewhere while counting: "Twelve, thirteen, red, green, ten, eleven, blue..."
- Beckett ate saltine crackers, rice, Alex's French fries (snitched them off his plate), one of my slider buns, and half of one of my sliders. When he saw the hamburger coming towards him (I was mostly doing it as a joke--why not, second kid and all), it was love at first sight. His arms and feet started going nuts, and when he took his first bite, he became a ravenous beast: crazy eyes, foaming mouth, the whole bit. His hamburger love continued even through to jammie time. Every time I said "hamburger," he cracked up. An aside here...Hamilton, of course, started saying it too from the next room, but he pronounces it "hang-ga-ber." I love this's been around for awhile. I heard Alex correcting him, and it made me kind of sad. He's getting too old to sound like a toddler new to words. *Sigh* I guess that's the give and take of them growing older...losing some of their toddler cuteness but gaining a little more maturity.