I offer here a very incomplete pictorial update of our crazy Hamilton...
Alex bought this basketball hoop for Hamilton while we were in Utah...that's how much he missed the little guy :). The morning after Hamilton first got to play with it, his first words were "Basketball! Basketball!" Here he is in the middle of a shirts-skins game. Notice that his form is looking pretty awesome. Here we go Tar Heels?

Hamilton loves horses. He's enjoying a ride on his Aunt Tracey's horse here...we were killing time at 6:30 am while the rest of the house slept on. He has also ridden a real horse (for about 1.4 seconds) and his younger cousin Miles. Oh, and I chose this particular picture to show Hamilton's new "Cheese!" camera smile.

Hamilton's best friends are his dad, his Grandpa Kent, and his Grandpa Phillip (pictured here). I am swiftly abandoned when any of them are around.

Hamilton is crazy about the ocean...even when there are scary, intense waves. A top 10 day of his life was when Uncle Travis dug a hole in the sand to catch the water. Serious temper tantrum when we had to leave.