Saturday, September 29, 2007

The True Coaching Stipend

When is getting paid $1500 for a 6-7 day a week committment over five months, loss of Saturday sleep-in's, and being faced with the fear of having only port-a-potties available worth it? When the coach watches her team dominate at an invitational like today:

Freshman Boys: 5th place (our top 2 boys in top 15--the rest of the field starting to step it up)
Freshman Girls: 3rd place
Sophomore Girls: 3rd place
Sophomore Boys: 1st place (top 3 in top 6)
Junior Girls: 1st place
Junior Boys 1st place (including 1st and 2nd individual places)
Senior Girls: not enough to score a team, but our first girl got 3rd!
Senior Boys: not enough to score a team but all finished top 1/3.
Top 5 Boys Combined Times...RUHS gets FIRST!!

Sometimes I lose perspective in our ridiculous Bay League, which is like 2nd in the state. It has felt like Bob and I weren't changing the program as dramatically as we thought/would like. It didn't feel like that today!

Next week: Clovis Invitational...anticipating our seeing that same course for state...YEA!!

Non-coaching highlight: When one of my runners got me into the bathroom ahead of a long line :)

The blog you all avoided reading because of my happy morning: "Thunder Thighs"

Now get running all you who have no giant uterus pounding on your bladder! Jack, that means you!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Babies R Us?

Welcome to the first official post actually written by Alex and Kate. Warning: As with (I'm sure) many of our upcoming blogs, babies figure prominently....

Alex and I set off Saturday afternoon to register at Babies R Us...less because we want people to buy stuff for us and more because we're beginning to think we should become more educated about exactly what it is babies need. For example, did you know there's a difference between a crib mattress pad and crib mattress cover? And that those are in addition to a vinyl mattress cover and a sheet saver? And that we need 2-4 of each of those mattress accessories? Frankly, it's not so much all the purchasing we have to do that freaks me's what exactly an eight pound baby is doing in the crib that requires such multiple layers of protection and 12 extra sheet sets.

During our little trip around the store with the scanner, we also experienced our first pangs of parental guilt. Like, doesn't our baby deserve a $500 pillow-top memory foam mattress? And what does it say about us if we get standard baby monitors rather than the ones with a video camera? Should we satisfied with the "Snugli" my friend bought us...or go for the Baby Bjorn---does the $40 price difference speak to their relative safety?

I guess we have three more months to sort this business out....but we did manage to walk out with some essentials: a wallpaper border and a fetal heart monitor/microphone/specially selected cd of Mozart.

Well, Alex is busy reading his Men's Health as I sit on our own memory foam mattress, so I guess this blog is by ME not'll have to stay tuned for his entry into the blogging world. Sidenote: how can I link to Dad's blog?
Announcing the case of the spjutes!