Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dreaming of warmer weather!!

Love these faces!  We can't wait for warm weather to return!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh Wow!

So... What does your family do when it's Sunday afternoon and all electronics are banned.  This is what the Macfarlane family does.

We try on Halloween costumes that are WAAAAY too small, run around the house in our underwear and giggle really hard!
What?  That's what your family does too?  Oh good.  I thought we were the only ones ;)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We will never forget!

This song is written by my brother in laws band - Highbench.  They are from NY and were down in the city on 9/11.  The words are so touching. 

Rest in peace Bingo

We had a sad, sad weekend..  After 7 great years with our sweet, obedient, ball loving Bingo... we had to make the tough decision to put our 14 yr old, sick dog to rest.  We felt like we did all we could to make him comfortable in his last days, but after his check up with the vet, we know what we had to do.   
We had a wonderful candle light service for him last night in the backyard.  We all said a few words and tossed his favorite balls in with him.  Sleep well, my good dog.  He will be missed by many.

Eli had an especially hard time.  He sat at the table with tear stained cheeks drawing picture after picture of memories he had with Bingo.  He had a great way of dealing with the whole thing.  I was comforted by his great pictures and Megs hugs telling me Bingo was with Jesus so I needed to stop crying ;) 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Meggers!!

We were so happy to welcome our little sweet Meg into our family 3 years ago today!  Her long, thick black hair and kissable red lips melted my heart!!  She was so beautiful!

WE love you Meggers and your little spunky, silly, sweet, feisty personality!  You complete our family!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer time fun update

Summer is in full swing at our house, and we are loving it!  
 We started the summer off with our 6th annual last day of school party.  It's so fun to see how the neighborhood has changed and how BIG these kids are getting.
 The 4th of July, with Spencer's pancake stack breakfast.  It was a glorious day.  Breakfast, parade, picnics and fire works. 

 My little baby is growing up... waaaayy too fast!  She makes me so happy.
 bike rides with the neighbors entertains these kids for hours!

 Grandpa got some additions to his farm, we can't get enough of these little kitties.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Little sister

This little girl makes me happy :)  such a little mother.