Monday, August 25

My version of a perfect trip

It was a trip well planned by Seademon. At first, it didn't occur to me as a crazy one because based on his plan, the whole group are supposed to go to Tioman either Wednesday night or Thursday night.

But as for me, I could only leave on Friday night. Left my car at Jazz's, got her brother to send me to the LRT station, took the LRT to Central Market and walked from there to Puduraya. (sounds familiar....) And when I arrived in Mersing at about 5am, then only I realised this was something that I hadn't done before. Travelling to a place which I am not familiar with.

And I was alone. Upon arrival at Mersing, lepak at the coffee shop in town near the roundabout, and settled for their so called famous nasi lemak ayam. Taklah sedap mana pun. At about 6am, I walked to the jetty. It was a different feeling. Others walked in groups, or a minimum of 2 persons, but I was alone. It is definitely true what people always say, the journey that matters most. How you would treasure it. The destination? It is always great ; especially when you know that your friends are there, waiting for us.

I was lucky as the ferry left much earlier than the scheduled 7.30am. I managed to arrive at Salang at about 8ish and joined Seademon for my 1st dive. Alhamdulillah.

And the dives - were awesome. No words could describe it. Totally a different view from Redang. At 26m onwards, the visibility was really good and there are still nice things to look at. The night dive was also great - managed to see a 'sleeping' eel and puffer fish.

What I've learned from this trip:

1. Even if I only have Saturday and Sunday off, I could manage to squeeze in for dives on the weekend. I've done it once, I can do it again.Definitely.

2. Got to learn how to control my breathing as I still have problems going down, at times.

3. Don't get panic. Settle one thing at a time. It was an experience being 'rescued' by a DM ;-)

4. To check my own things, on my own. Not to trust another person as he/she might overlook on it.

5. My close friends are my family. After 20++ years, this is a perfect family trip to an island. With ayah, ibu, adik beradik , what else can I ask for.

This was definitely a trip I've never dreamt of before.

And now, deep inside me, I know I am finally flying without wings. Alhamdulillah....

Sunday, August 17

Macamana nak diet ni?

Went to mom's house this afternoon, and this was what she and my sister's mom in-law made for late lunch for the whole family :

Macamana nak kurus ni?

note: the abc is not part of the menu. had that with another cousin earlier. macamana pun, tak boleh lawan ais kacang Tepian Tebrau.

Saturday, August 16

I fell in love again...

This morning I had another swimming session. I'm impressed with myself now coz I can float! (self motivation konon....) . Tomorrow there's another session. Can't wait for it.

Then I headed to IKANO.
Had brunch in Starbucks. Its been a while since my last visit. One, because I don't have the time anymore, two, because the budget for visiting Starbucks has been chopped of from my monthly expenses. (last time mewah, buat OT giler2).
The service there, it has never failed my expectations. Those guys are always friendly and cool. The food - Triple Decker Sandwich was really great .Love everything there.

After that, I went to IKEA, as planned earlier. From a reliable source, once this SALE ends tomorrow, there will be a price increase of about 30%. Got to get the things for my crib.

Suddenly, I saw him. The prince. The good looking prince.
And I fell in love with him instantly. I offered him to come home with me. He said ok.
And he said, from now onwards, he promise to be with me all the time.

My new prince.
I love you my frog prince!!

Friday, August 15

Was it a sad dream?

Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night, feeling really sad and started crying? Its as if you had a really sad dream that it feels almost real?

I had it last night. I remembered waking up suddenly and cried and cried for a few minutes and fell asleep again.

I can't remember what its all about.

And that scares me.

Monday, August 11

Is it only me?

Image from Postsecret
Actually, starting 3rd August, I was going to try to make that happen. Not feeling so lonely when I'm alone. When I'm out there, partying, eating, laughing with friends, I just forget about everything.
But when I return home, it is totally opposite. 180 degrees turn .
And the more I tried, the worst I felt.
Does everybody feels the same?
Or is it only me?
I thought I could forget Habibi for awhile and enjoy every moments to the fullest.
Unfortunately, I can't.
I failed.
And I'm suffering.
Is long distance relationship good for health?
How long can I stand tough?

Saturday, August 9

From a great birthday bash to an excellent wedding dinner

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Its so weird when you least expected something, it became great.

Anyway, the celebration needs to stop there and life has to go on (with some new resolutions...hehehe..) . From 33 to 34, I've achieved a number of BIG goals and dream. Alhamdulillah. And I plan to achieve more, Insya Allah.

I've been really quiet for the past one week because 1) I was still recovering from flu, fever, cough and athsma. It was very bad. 2) I was a little busy learning new fun things at work and when I reach home, I was really exhausted.

I was invited to attend a wedding dinner last night. 080808. That's the date. A friend of mine whom I got to know when I was in Landmarks got married to a wonderful Holland guy. So last night's reunion, I got to meet Sulip and wifey,Ken and Cynthia, Adam and his sexy wife, Roshini and hubby (after 4 years!!) and another friend which I forgot her name! (sorry)

It started off with dinner; excellent pasta, lamb chops and other stuffs and ended up with the floor turned to a dance floor. It was great meeting my ex-colleagues after a few years. The best part, we only meet during wedding dinners.The last time was Adam's dinner which was written here. And this time its She*au Wei's turn.

Thanks guys for a great night last night. I really, really enjoyed it. (Especially when I was the only Malay there and with tudung lak tu ;-)

Sunday, August 3

Birthday celebration yang terlampau

That was what my friends said to me. Mana taknya, usually when people celebrate their birthdays, they'll get loads of presents. I only got 2 presents, both from my colleagues...

But I had 3 birthday cakes for me!!! Never, ever, ever on any of my birthdays for the past 33 years have I ever had 3 cakes!

This cake was from my niece Dhiya Sarah.

And these 2 cakes were from the gang.

Not only that, this time it was crazy. It was more like a 24hours celebration. Had a steamboat dinner yesterday night at Gohtong Jaya (somewhere near to Genting), and after midnight continued with karaoke and supper session till 5am. Then I had lunch and did some birthday gifts shopping for myself at One U today. Had a small session with my sister's family in the afternoon. Continued with seafood dinner at TTDI in the evening. And the crazy part...was to drive up again to Gohtong Jaya for coffee and dessert.

To Dalie & Renek, Jazz & SD (and Fazira), Normi and cousin, Rina, Komar & partner and not forgetting GemGem and Hana, thank you very much for everything. You guys are great!

It is definitely the craziest birthday ever for me!