We decided to pretend it was still summer and get out of the heat one last time by heading up to Nona's cabin for Labor Day.
It was cool and breezy and once again we had a delightful family weekend. Since I was a little too far along in my pregnancy to make any long hikes practical, we headed to Strawberry on Saturday to visit Fossil Springs Creamery...this was pretty much the most exciting part of our trip, so get ready for a lot of pictures of goats:
They make delicious goat cheese and fudge, and for a small fee, you can pet and play with the "baby" goats. Lili and Audrey had had this experience last year with Nona, but it was all new to Kateri and she was absolutely delighted by the whole experience.
They were a little...persistent...in their friendliness.
When we were chatting with the proprietor, he mentioned that they are also for sale... a detail which did not escape the notice of our poor deprived pet-less children.
I never really thought of a goat as an especially cuddly member of the family, but Audrey disagreed. She really wanted to come back at 4pm when she could (for a small fee) actually milk one of the dairy goats.
Luckily we have a new baby on the way, which makes it impossible to even entertain the notion of acquiring a goldfish, let alone a goat.
Do you think these ones have identified with Audrey as the black sheep of the family?
Kateri just kept repeating any time a goat came up to her to be petted: " Look, this one loves me! This one never wants to be away from me!"
One actually did try to escape with us as we were going out through the gate and Kateri was completely convinced it was because it was desperate to come home with her.
Audrey really liked the Nubian breeds' floppy ears.
The dairy goats all had name tags...and my kids were excited to see one named "Nanny." Kateri said, "Oh it has the same name as Nanny because they both have white hair on top of their heads."
Sorry Mom.
There was also a Lily and an Emily, so Kateri was very disappointed that she had no caprine namesake. Poor kid, she's never going to be able to find her name on a personalized mug or key chain either.
We also visited the one room schoolhouse in Strawberry.
The girls writing on their slates.
Lili put her new glasses to good effect pretending to be teacher.
My favorite part of the visit was realizing that these McGuffey readers used here as props are the same exact books our kids' school uses in their current curriculum. Awesome.
Sunday we took some nice walks and relaxed, although we did make time for another group tennis lesson. It was once again such a nice weekend; it's hard to believe that next time we visit we'll be a family of six!